Thomas Bruce, 1st Baron Clackmannan - Issue's

Started by Private User on Sunday, December 27, 2020
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Showing 151-159 of 159 posts

DF96 and DF98 are brother snp's down stream of Z381 the Royal snp.

As long as he gives his primary sources, he's good. His father tended to fabricate bits :-)

Thanks for the pointer that snips are used to trace location; = the Yngling stuff is very interesting.

I'm definitely not getting on board with grandiose claims of 'the greatest bloodline that ever lived' though. No objective scientest worth their salt would say something so scientifically unprovable. For what definition of 'great' - old? I know one of my gr grannies carries the oldest mtDNA known to humankind, and MtDNa is far older that Y DNA - so her descent line could definitely be described as a greater blooodline if age is the measure.

That's called vanity genealogy, and it's the bane of a collective tree because people who believe it tend to come to the tree with preconceived ideas of what they need to do with it to suit themselves, historical falsifiiability be damned.

For more Geni expert assessment of the Ynglings see

Hi Sharon the Book of Bruce says it!

Not a good advertisement for it, then.

No, you are right Sharon and I get where you are coming from.
It does highlight however that DF27 can not be the Bruce's snp, thats all I was getting at.

Hi Sharon, Bruce's are tall hey?

Lady Janet Bruce, Baroness of O'Lack is your 14th cousin 9 times removed.
Sir David Bruce, 6th Baron of Clackmannan & Rate is your 14th cousin 9 times removed.
David II, king of Scots is your 9th cousin 14 times removed.
Robert II, King of Scots is your 9th cousin 14 times removed.
Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots is your 10th cousin 13 times removed.
Lady Mariot "Marion" Herries is your 14th cousin 9 times removed.
Robert Bruce, 3rd Baron of Clackmannan is your 16th cousin 12 times removed.
John Bruce, Baron of Clackmannan is your 13th cousin 10 times removed.
James I, King of Scots is your 15th cousin 8 times removed.
Robert Bruce, of Rait is your 13th cousin 10 times removed.
David Bruce of Rait is your 14th cousin 9 times removed.
Janet Stirling is your 12th cousin 11 times removed
Robert III, King of Scots is your 14th cousin 9 times removed.
Sir David Bruce, 7th Baron Of Clackmannan is your 15th cousin 8 times removed.
Elizabeth Stewart of Rossyth is your 13th cousin 10 times removed.
Isobell Stewart is your 15th cousin 13 times removed.
Thomas Bruce, of Wester Kennet is your 17th cousin 11 times removed.
David Bruce, Baron of Clackmannan is your 17th cousin 11 times removed.
Peter Bruce, of Wester Kennet is your 18th cousin 10 times removed.
David Bruce, of Wester Kennet is your 20th cousin 8 times removed.
David Bruce is your 21st cousin 7 times removed
James Bruce, Chancellor of the Kingdom is your 16th cousin 12 times removed.

Showing 151-159 of 159 posts

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