Femmetje 'Phebe' Jans Sayles - A couple of issues

Started by Keri Denise Jackson, ♊ Twin "A" on Thursday, December 24, 2020
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Femmetje 'Phebe' Jans Sayles has children with different last names.
Tip: Go to the following profiles to verify and update the last name.
Cornelius Teunisse Seiljmans, Denyse Theuniszen

Too young parent (1)
Femmetje 'Phebe' Jans Sayles had 1 child between the ages of 0 and 15 years old.
Tip: Correct the birth date of Femmetje 'Phebe' Jans Sayles (born circa May 01, 1626) or the following child:
Gerretje Dirckse Denyce

You should resolve “different last names” of children - Dutch women in New Amsterdam retained their birth surnames.

You also need to research the birth date for Geertje Dirckse and add the citation to profile about.

I’ve copied over the Gedcom notes to an attached text document.

Birth date & location wrong for Geertje Dirckse and probably her parents also.

Need to research on husband side.


Geertje Dirckse was the wife of Albert Albertse Terheunen, the immigrant lintwever (ribbon weaver) and patriarch of Terhunes in America.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Contrary to countless family trees, Geertje, wife of Albert Albertse Terheunen, was emphatically NOT the daughter of Teunis DeNyce and Femmetje Seles.

How do we KNOW that???
ANSWER: Because Teunis DeNyce and his wife were having children in the 1650s...the same decade that Geertje and Albert Terhunen were having children!!!!


disconnected from parents and locked relationships.

Annetje Albertse van Tassel Could not have been the child of Albert Albertse Terhune & Geertje Dirckse

Born before her parents married.

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