Adriaentje Gabrielsz Helm Boshouer - Alternative Data After Merges

Started by Sharon Doubell on Thursday, November 12, 2020
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Forename Adriaentje Gabrielsz Arriantje

Birth Surname Helm Claassen
Birth Date 13 November 1667 before 1662

Forename Adriantje Adriaentje

Birth Surname Gabrielsz Helm
Birth Date before 1662 13 November 1667

Birth surname ? Neither Helm nor Claasen
If hers was Gabrielsz then her husband's surname was not Boshouwer but ?
Appears the baptism was 13 November 1677 so birth most likely on that day or more likely before 13 November 1667

Where exactly did Gabrielsz name come from ?
Baptism ?

Een slaevinne kint van E.H. Comman. qaudbergin ?

So should be Comman most likely or Qaudbergin the,E H stands for ?

See her full brother 's surname is Voormeester.
Then that should her birth surname as well.

Both husbands Boshouwer and Speldenberg my ancestors .

Brother's birth surnane Gabrielsz Voormeester so that should be her birth surname then as well and Gabriel 2nd name of her father if Gabrielsz used by his children.

Problem !
Father of her brother Gabriel Pieter Gabrielsz is s Gabriel van Sambuawa not Andries Voorneester according to baptism records. No mention of Andries Voormeester as his father.

That would leave surname Gabrielsz but no mention of him on her baptism

See and

She's a witness at at least two baptisms with the name Adriaantje Gabrielsz

I've removed all husbands' surnames.

Seems that you're correct here: Andries Voormeester not her father

Fixed the birth date. Thanks for noticing, Early added profiles on the SA tree often were given baptismal dates as birth dates - and we didn't have the 'before' option then

Delia Roberston at the suggests a Father-Candidate as Corporael Gabriel Joosten b. c 1640; this candidate relationship is offered based on fact that a witness at the baptism of Adriaantje's brother, Louwijs, in 1663 was Gabriel Joosten and that this child came to be known as Adriaantje Gabrielsz - suggesting her father was named Gabriel.4

But, I agree with you - This
Gabriël Pieter,
vader (zogezegde) Gabriel van Sambauwa
moeder Catharina van de Caab
getuige Pieter van Palicatta

suggests that Gabriel van Sambauwa is a good candidate.

cf Gabriel Pieter

But... hang on. moeder Catharina van de Caab suggests a woman born in the Cape, not Catharina (Catrijn) van Malabar, SM/PROG?

Removed Gabriel Pieter as the brother of Adriaantje Gabrielsz

This could mean her father was also Gabriel or where did surname Gabrielsz oriiginate from ?
Mother Caterina or Cathrijn van de Caab then ?

We know her mother is Catharine van Malabar because

Baptism 13 Nov 1667, Cape Town -

Catharine van Malabar -a slave belonging to Cornelis van Qualbergen - baptises Adriaantje (13 November 1667) een slaevinne kint van den E.H.Comman: Quaelbergen, wiert genaemt Adriaentje de moeder Catharyn tot getuyge stont in persoon van de Juffr Quaelbergen haer slaevinne

Delia Roberston at the suggests a Father-Candidate as Corporael Gabriel Joosten b. c 1640; this candidate relationship is offered based on fact that a witness at the baptism of Adriaantje's brother, Louwijs, in 1663 was Gabriel Joosten and that this child came to be known as Adriaantje Gabrielsz - suggesting her father was named Gabriel.4

Louis / loiuwijs just above her on baptism docunent ?

Mother just Cathrijn for both on baptism
We assume it is Catherine van Malabar

On mtDNA discussion here for Catharina Judi gives the different names used for her.
However I believe not necessarily all the same Cathrijn or Catharina.

Look again; actual baptism does not say Catherina van Malabar baptises a child ,that is not correct.
Just the mother Cathrijn no Nascar, Malabar,Coromabdel ,van de Caab
Should correct it.

No name for mother of Louwijs van de Caep . Just slavin
and also no father mentioned just the witnesses.
Baptised 1663 but witness to baptism 1677 ?
So an adult when baptised no 14 year old allowed to be a witness only adults ; if it is indeed the same person .

RE: Mother just Cathrijn for both on baptism
We assume it is Catherine van Malabar

I assume because we know her name as the slave of Cornelis van Qualbergen

I have yet to find any of this on the doc - you need to first point out for me where it is on the doc (You obviously read handwriting better than me :-))

Dutch , German ,Latin ,French ,Afrikaans and English at school does help.
In First Fifty years nice transcriptions
Look at duscussion re her parents on her profile where Judi mentions all the names of Cathrijn

Point me to an area on the doc, please. That will help me.

let me find it !

let me find it !

The following baptism given as evidence on First Fifty page:
dito (13 November) een slaevinne kint van den E.H.Comman: Quaelbergen, wiert genaemt Adriaentje de moeder Catharyn tot getuyge stont in persoon van de Juffr Quaelbergen haer slaevinne, 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch.

I suggest you 1st take paper and draw-----
Catharina vs Catharina and Ariantje etc. Yester day I have spent most of the day reading about thise peple. In Familie 47(3) 2010 there is an excellent article written by Charlei Els concerning Anna Maria Pieter - SM of the Els family.
It is in Afriakaans but I will try my best.
Anna maria Pieterse carries the family name of her stepfather, JOhannes (Jantjie) Pietersen(Pieterse) with whom her mothere married in 1752 and where she stayed since the age of 5.
The "herkoms" of ELSIE GERRITS are unknown. In the HERKOMS VAN DIE AFRIKANER, 1971 it is said she comes from 'n family of colour.
According to this Anna MAria's maternal line was a Netherlands father and 'n "non white" (sic) mother. Just as her daughter Anna Maria, known as ANNA MARIA PIETERSE FROM CABO DE COEDE HOOP wgen she married the Prog Johannes Els.
In the publication " GROEP SONDER GRENSE, 1984 of Prof HF Heese and an article in the "Vaderland" of 23/10/1985 ELs are being called as one of the SA surnames with a Non-European "verbintenis"
The father of ANNA MARIA PIETERSE was WILLEM HENDRIKE, whose original "afkoms" is unknown as well. Again inthe "HERKOMS VAN DIE AFRIKANER, 1971 the consumption is made that he was a Netherland descent.
ELSJE GERRITS could have been a daughter of Hermanus Gerrits and Anna Maria Brist. His parents were GERRIT VAN OLDENBURG and SUSNNA van BAMBASAR, the free slave of ANTHONY form ANGOLA.
Such a definate relation could not have been sources yet.
ELsje is as they said NOT 'n daughter of Hermanus Gerrits and Anna maria Brits, according to an article by the well known researccher and writer, Margaret Cairns. In an article "Gerrit Gerrits of OLDENBURG and SUSANNA of BAMBASAR are called an EARLY 18th Centrury Couple.
If you look from Elsje Gerrits to another Gerrits, namely CASPAR GERRITS from Nijmegen, Netherland her ancestry can be laid out as follows.
CATHARINA van MALABAR - can be from Malabar, the South WEST Coast of India, due to the fact that they were usually called from the place they came from.
In most cases she is also referred to as "FROM BENGALE" - now Bangladesh, NEast of India. as well as "van COROMANDEL' the South Eastern coast of India.
At the baptism of her 7 children she is called.
1. Cathryn van Bengale
2. Catharina van Malabar
3. Cornelia van Malabar baptized slave.
4.Again Catharina van Malabar
5. Catharina van Malabaar
6. Catrina van die Kust Cormandel
7. Catharina

In a book concerning the CLASSEN family there are two footnotes she is referred to as Coromandel and from Bangale, a good exemple of the interchangeability of provenances ascribed to slave. and "she is not to be confused with Catrijn from COROMANDEL Coast sold on 9/4/1669 by Jacob Bonghorst Whom J Coon paid for on behalf of Rijkloff Coens Jnr."
She must aslso not be confused with the Catharina ban BENGAAL by whom the SNIJMAN Prog Hans Christoffel had his son Christoffel Snyman the "voorvader" of the Snyman in SA. The last named Cathairna was also known as Catharina v PALICATTA.
This one from PALICATTA was born in India in 1637 and arrived by ship from Malabar though Batacia where seh became the private slave of MARIA VERBURGH Born Maria de BUCQUOIJ. the d.o. Maria Aux BREBIS(AUXBRENIS) (ca 1600-1666). Maria Aux B's 2nd marriage was
to ZACHARIAS WAGENAAR, and that made him the stepfather of Maria Verburgh. He was the 2nd commandeur of the Cape.
Cornelis van Qualburg/de Bucquoij folllowed Wageanar as kommandeur and buys Cathairnaon 30/9/1666. His wife ws JUDIH van den BOOGAERDE. While they stayed in the Cape Maria had a child called Ariaanje Gabriels that was baptsed on 13.11.1667 en the entry read 1667:;Dito (13November) een salvinne kinddt van den EH Command: Quaebergen, wierdt genaamd Adrianetjie de moeder CAtharijn tot getuygen stont in persoon van de juff Quallbergen haar slaevinnen.
Very confusing but for sure different Maria, Catrina, Ariaanjie van Malabar, Caap, Coromandel.
See why I said keep paper ready.


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