Guillem II, comte de Pallars Sobirà - info-about locked

Started by Livio Scremin on Thursday, November 12, 2020
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11/12/2020 at 9:14 AM


GUILLERMO [II] de Pallars, son of SUNYER [I] Conde de Pailhars & his first wife Ermengarde [de Rouergue] (-before 30 Dec 1035). The end 13th century “Crònica d´Alaó Renovada” names “Raymundum Sumarii et Guillelmum Sumarii” as the sons of “Sumarius”[135]. Conde de Pallars-Subirà. A charter of Santa Maria de Gerri dated Apr 22 [1013] names "Guilelmus comes et uxor mea Stephania comitissa"[136]. “Guillermus...comis et Stephania comitissa” donated “villa...Arravonse” to San Pedro, Santa Cruz and San Lorenzo by charter dated 23 Jul 1015[137].

m ESTEFANÍA, daughter of --- (-after 19 Dec 1037). A charter of Santa Maria de Gerri dated Apr 22 [1013] names "Guilelmus comes et uxor mea Stephania comitissa"[138]. The parentage of Estefanía is not known, but it has been suggested that she was Estefania de Urgel, daughter of Armengol [I] Conde de Urgel & his wife Tetberga ---. The basis for this speculation is not known. “Guillermus...comis et Stephania comitissa” donated “villa...Arravonse” to San Pedro, Santa Cruz and San Lorenzo by charter dated 23 Jul 1015[139]. "Stephania…cometissa et filio suo Bernardo chomite" donated property to Santa Maria de Gerri, for the souls of "suscensoribus nostrorum vel Ramundo comite filio Goldergoto et Suniario filio Goldergoto, Wilelmo comite filio Ermetruit", by charter dated 30 Dec 1035[140]. "Domnus Bernardus Guilelmi…comes vel marchio et Stefania mater sua" sold "Bardina de…villa…Burgi" to "Miro" by charter dated 19 Dec 1037[141]. “Bernardus...comes et Stephania comitissam...matrem eius” donated “alode Vivo Lavata” to Lavaix, for the soul of “Guillermum comite”, by undated charter[142].

Guillermo [II] & his wife had four children:

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