I'm an EM2 haplogroup of Somerled is my 18th great grand dad.

Started by Dr. Wilton McDonald II - Attorney & Barrister on Thursday, November 5, 2020
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(And different types of melanocortin receptors induce risk of UV exposure
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29898205/ )

Saga nice to meet you and happy to connect. Would love to see more Macdonalds opening up their DNA profiles. Would make my work easier but meeting great cousins along the way like yourself makes the journey a treat. Take care and talk soon. I'm building my main tree on My Heritage. Will try and work out the glitches on GENI later tonight

Great Saga- let me know your email so i can send you a link to the site

Dr Will;

I just checked and there are now 2,225 men with public YDNA results available on the Clan Donald USA project page. Please be more careful.

In 2004, it was announced that Somerled was Norse (vs. Celtic). After years of further and careful study, the conclusion is that Somerled specifically was certainly positive for R-FGC11896. This is based on a preponderance of results from men with the best paper trails.


I see this here.

Isles of the Hebrides DNA Project - Y-DNA Classic Chart
Some MacDonald here too.

I wrote to one of my cousins and he also said that the Y-DNA of Clan Mac Donald is R1 and that there are many that has taken the test, they just do not use My Heritage or Geni. So maybe the problem here is now in Geni and specially at in My Heritage where are more errors, (MH is really full of errors sadly - because people add easily their "match" without checking the church records.)

I have taken down My Heritage trees because there has been so many matches made (not by me) that the trees are not in any way accurate. Geni is much more trustworthy and there has been huge work done in last few years. Now those lines that are showing in many profiles up to 7 different parents. has to be ressolved and made to be MP-s after resolving. Has the canada lines been checked? I am sure there are more EM2 in many trees, then it is showing but in this case the tree is cut somewhere.. maybe in Jamaica? at least there are lots of E-M2. We do not have the body of Somerled but there are many descendants to him and those are showing to be R1.

James Macdonald these should be fixed! ASAP

Greetings to all of you cousins, that is what we are anyway :)

James Macdonald - b 1788 / James McDonald b 1730- both tested as EM2 . The first person is my second great grand dad who died in Jamaica around 1861.

Sometimes Somerleds haplogroup is referred to a R1a.

That is in contrast to men of Celtic descent, who are R1b.

However, these are both very high level designations. R1a and R1b split about 30,000 years ago some where in the Pontic steppe. R1a migrated towards Northern Europe, while R1b migrated towards central europe. R1a is most prevalent in Germany and Poland.

Scotland is known to be a predominately Celtic country. However, there are a significant number of Scottish men, such as myself, who have Norse ancestry.

I am not a descendant of Somerled, as there were other Vikings to have integrated them selves the culture.

What is interesting is that for years, historians had claimed that Somerled was a Celtic warrior who had fought off the Norse. The reality is Somerled's paternity was Norse.

The confusion probably arose because he was probably born in what is now called Ireland where he learned to speak Gaelic (tha Gàidhlig na cànan iongantach).

Andrew thanks and I'm now finding more Middle Eastern connections and my haplo group is changing from EM2 to ECT to now EB. I'm tri racial and I'm getting a Big Y done on my dad who is just bi racial and closer to ancestor James Macdonald. My genetic researcher Terry on FTDNA is very good and helping to map out SNPs, etc. Fact is we dont know about Somerled and I had some interesting news on even Atilla the Hun and we know he really spread his SEED around the place 1500 years plus ago. We just dont know for sure with 100 percent certainty the genetic makeup of the ancients and in the end it's best guess which prevails. Have a good weekend to all.

James Macdonald

James Of Baillie Macdonald

That line has to corrected ASAP, there are parents for him several times, wifes for him severals as all around that profile

d. 1796 (65-66)
Arisaig,Antigonish,Nova Scotia,Canada

Will, you mean his personal DNA example exists? Or that there are several branches to him tested to be E-M2? If so the cut to original Mac Donald DNA can be there. Somewhere in your line there is a name Mac Donald who is not the biological father of the child (that can be the case even the haplo would be R1). That is very common and happens in all of our lines several cases on the big tree, that is why there has to more branches to be investigated. At Mac Donald line that has been done and the haplo is R1.

Kind greetings :)

Andrew Ross the R1 probably went to Scotland thousands of years earlier then viking times. When we go back in time I can see almost all my ancestors fighting each other. I recommend reading about Doggerland, it is quite interesting. Doggerland was part of Britain, Holland Denmark. That theory has proved to have big tsunamis. I recommend this - there are woods been found standing in the bottom of the sea and human built structures https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DECwfQQqRzo&ab_channel=Hist...

"This program calculates the probability that two people have a certain number of generations between them, based on the standard infinite alleles formula of Walsh. It calculates both the probability of being at an exact number of generations back to the Most Recent Common Ancestor (MRCA) of a certain pair of people and the cumulative probability that the actual number of generations is less than a certain value. Note that the convention using generations is changed from an earlier version of this calculator which used "transmission events". It can list both result types in a table or graph. In either case the horizontal axis stops at the point where the cumulative probability reaches 95% or 10 generations, whichever is longer, or an absolute max of 50,000. Beyond 90% the calculation becomes inaccurate."


Sir James ‘Mor’ MacDonald of Sleat, 2nd Baronet is found here, https://clandonaldusa.org/index.php/dna-after-somerled listed with 30 offsprings, easily followed in the map.

Unfortunately, only these two lines are represented by his 2 sons in the map, (12 children on Geni).
Sir Donald MacDonald, 10th of Sleat, 3rd Baronet
Hugh MacDonald, of Glenmore & Glenhaltin

They have the same father and mother, but is listed as halfbrothers due to several parents, on Geni, he is said to be born 1638 and died 1696.

Parents needs to be fixed and merged in with copies.

Hugh MacDonald, of Glenmore & Glenhaltin
adding the dates on him gave one error, a daughter born 7 years before his own birth.
Margaret MacDonald
she might very well be misplaced.

There’s a good source document attached to profiles.


Can we use it for any further corrections? I’ve completed the merging, but bios in “abouts” would be a helpful next step. They can be as simple as “child of X & Y, married A & B.” For me, this info makes all the difference.

Private User -
Margaret MacDonald Is supported as a child of Hugh MacDonald, of Glenmore & Glenhaltin, birth date was wrong.

However there isn’t paper trail, evidence supporting her as parent of immigrant to America from the highlands of Scotland to St. Mary’s County in Maryland John MacQueen, of St. Mary’s County So I’ve disconnected him.

Hugh MacDonald, of Glenmore & Glenhaltin on this profile, it says that his Y DNA is E-M2, but if all the rest has another Y-DNA attached on them, or will have, or should have as the Someled (progenitor) had Scandinavic Y-DNA, what will you do about it?

Geni only propogates Y DNA to 10th generation, so there’s no Geni conflict to resolve.

I suggest the trail from members be studied for errors. The Y dNA tab opens up the y dna tree.


Angus Macdonald. The clan Donald (Volume 3) online.

Janet MacDonald added in the tree from "The clan Donald (Volume 3) online".

Donald MacDonald, 3rd of Rigg & Balvicquean

Alasdair Og Maclain MacDonald

James MacDonald, 2nd of Rigg & Balvicquean

John Og Macdonald, 1st of Rigg & Balvicquean

Donald 'Gruamach' Mac James, 1st of Ostaig & Capstill

James I MacDonald

Donald Gruamach, 4th of Sleat MacDonald

There is a male marked as mother and male marked as father, both Mac Donald lines, then there are parents and grandparents skipping as private profiles, so its a bit of a mess, cannot really do anything with those? And NO sources??

Sir James ‘Mor’ MacDonald of Sleat, 2nd Baronet still has 3 children born prior to his own birth.

We should have someone from the clanmacdonald usa to look into it also.
They seem very competent and serious in their research.

Those <private> are VERY annoying!

Reidar Holmsen There is a flaw in the Geni program that turns people into private, if, they do not have a date of death, and it doesn't matter if the profile has a birth date as for example 1690, and by all means should be dead now several hundreds of years ago, the creators needs to actively mark the profile as deceased after the creation of the profile, that, many forget to do.


I also like this site because cites sources


Everyone please fill in sources. I do but it goes slowly. It’s also better now for me to concentrate on the zombie killing apparently needed.

Erica Howton Do you know of any Geni project for him, Alexander Macdonell, of Greenfield he was interested in the rights of the Métis (so called "Half Breeds") with whom he worked as well as having 4 métis children.

I see his occupation as “Member of the 8th and 9th Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada for Glengarry“ and that should put it in an interest area for

Kevin Lawrence Hanit (Canada politicians)

Can you help out, Kevin?

Found a project for his brother, Lt-Col. John Macdonell and need someone to set him in there.


At the bottom, he is named in the song

The battle in popular culture

In his 1984 album From Fresh Water, the late Canadian folk singer Stan Rogers immortalised one of Brock's aides-de-camp, John Macdonell, in the song MacDonnell on the Heights. He laments that despite Macdonell's courage, "not one in ten thousand knows your name".

I put in the song in his profile, at least.

Removed as not the child of Sir James ‘Mor’ MacDonald of Sleat, 2nd Baronet

Ref: https://www.clanmacfarlanegenealogy.info/genealogy/TNGWebsite/getpe...

Margaret McDonald, Marian MacDonald of Auchatrichatan, Lisa Morrison

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