I'm an EM2 haplogroup of Somerled is my 18th great grand dad.

Started by Dr. Wilton McDonald II - Attorney & Barrister on Thursday, November 5, 2020
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My direct ancestor- James Macdonald of Iverness Scotland b. 1788 who moved to Jamaica is also EM2 and there was no break in my Y chain up to Somerled. Find it hard to accept Somerled was an R haplogroup with all the signs pointing to a mixed heritage. See below taken from another project- son of a black stranger?? Hmmmm.

Dugall was the eldest son of King Somerled of the Hebrides. He founded the clan of MacDougalls when his father was killed in battle against the King of Scots, in 1164. Somerled was of mixed Celtic-Norse royal blood. Dugall, (Dubhgall) took over the heartland what is now called Argyll. His title being, King in the South Isles, Lord of Lorn. The surname MacDougall means Son of Dougall, the gaelic words Dubhgall, means black stranger or foreigner, so "son of black stranger" is a known expression for MacDougall.


I agree something is off. I too am looking into this. On my Dads side he is my 24th Uncle but on my mothers side it is my 34th. All DNA relationship. Take a look. Let me know if the link works.

Somerled, “King of the Isles”

Sorry 32nd on my mothers side for uncle

Annber something is really off. Why the heck official Mcdonalds with long titles do not publicly disclose their DNA. I'm working with a scientist Terry Fowler at FTDNA.com and he is shocked . Each time he tries to access one of the big McDonald names he is shot down. But i managed to find my great great grand dad James and he is EM2 / African . Between James - b 1788 in Scotland and Somerled there are no illegit kids in between so Somerled's DNA / race is in question. I'm doing a wider study on black Britian and many characters are suspected mixed race going back 900 years. Scottish royals esp women whose portraits were painted over to look more white. Nuts and just tell the DARN truth.

Dr. Wilton McDonald II - Attorney & Barrister I agree, there is a cover up. With nicknames as "the black", you could suspect that there is more behind it, than just an ordinary custome to adress people as, red, white, fat, bald, dwarf without any deeper meaning.

What if he really was Black, (or more right, bluish), here we also find the name Affrica, in the Brittish Isles a thousand years ago pointing to a name given due to african origin, and it's wellknown that the slavetrade during the viking era went to africa, collected slaves, sold them along the coast by france, spain, portugal and finally UK, the unsold slaves were brought to mostly Denmark.

We also find that the % degree of african DNA inheritance follows this pattern so that it goes from a higher degree that decreases along this route, (fewer slaves left all along the trade route for each stop=lesser impact in DNA in the lastlier destinations).

It's a mistake to think that the only account for african DNA in Europeans comes from a later time period regarding colonial immigration, 1500-1900c, traces was there long before.

Thanks Ulf and for the sake of my kids- just want them to know their heritage whatever color this comes out to be and we are all 3 races here at home. They say history is written by the victors but here i dont know. We all came out of Africa so what's the big deal concealing pre 1500 African association at the higher "blue blooded" levels ! It does not make for nice dinner party conversation?? Come on- we are almost in 2021 and let's all move on and tell the darn truth for once

A little thing here- my wife is Polish on both sides going back 1000 years. She would love nothing more to have some "black " in her. Sometimes I catch her staring at our tri racial beautiful daughter Maria who can even beat the boys running the 100m races at school given her strong athletic build. My wife at 42 is fighting her wrinkles and i really try to be supportive and love her for those wrinkles. For me I'm 45 and she says I look like 20. So that's her wish and I'm sure no beauty product out there or face lift can compensate for a little "mixing" LOL . I love her parents like my own. Wished the world would just come together and not see race.

Will - you right !
Accept our ancestors and be proud of them .
Was told an hour ago here on FENI : it is impossible we do not have African ancestry yet I know the family and it is undeniable they have African ancestry. MtDNA from southern african abound amongst the "white" South Africans but so few will accept that even say the DNA is wrong.
2020 and people still like that

Will -- have a look on FTDNA surname projects.

Slavery existed in most civilizations and exists today. The forms have changed of course. It's lamentable that we don't discuss this more in the debates.




However Will
Racial stereotyping is a dangerous thing .
Your daughter might be a brilliant athelete from her Polish ancestry or a combination from both her parents.
My sister age 65 have hardly any wrinkles looks like 30 and she is 90 % atDNA from Europe and mtDNA from Europe .

I think that racism was invented in the western world during the 1600c, before that, people was either free or not, regarding the color of peoples skin, no prejudices existed, at least not among vikings, they took and sold any slave without any distinction regardless where they came from. I guess that India's caste system is the only one entirely build up on the color of the skin, from white to dark = from the highest in the society to the lowest untouchable.

Is the name Affrica an indication that the person is of african descent?

Affrica Smithwick



The story goes it cames from an African princess that arrived to northern Uk some 1000 years ago, don't think the name existed there prior to the year 800.

Had to check,
Dr Will Jr is my 6th great grandfather's wife's husband's sister's husband's grandfather's wife's 8th great nephew.
Dr Will Jr is your 20th cousin twice removed.

Be careful on translating names from a different language.

Tempest, H. G. “Afric: Some Notes on an Unusual Gaelic Girl's Name at Present in Use among a Group of Families in Co. Donegal.” Journal of the County Louth Archaeological Society, vol. 15, no. 1, 1961, pp. 17–20. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/27729005. Accessed 6 Nov. 2020.

[305] Orkneyinga Saga 105, p. 214. Calls her Afreka. https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SCOTTISH%20NOBILITY.htm#_ftn305

Thanks for pointing that out, Erica. It wouldn't make any difference to me (she's my alleged 25th g-grandmother, and in any case I would love her unconditionally, not knowing much about her individual character) -- but, it suddenly makes sense now, because a quick check tells me that Afrek is Icelandic, meaning "Achievement, Accomplishment, or Feat."

The name “Africa” for https://www.geni.com/people/África-Anes/6000000003847987484#/tab/ov...

Has a family story:

Africa Anes: One of the First Azorean Settlers

By Melody Lassalle

(Retold from the works of Gaspar Frutuoso)

A young woman called Africa Annes or Africannes was one of the first settlers of the island of Sao Miguel. Who was this woman? And, how did she become one of the first settlers?

At the time of Gaspar Frutuoso's writings (mid-1500s), little was known about her orgins. Some said she was the daughter of Manoel Afonso. But that was all they knew.

Others said she was the daughter of a powerful noble named Goncalo Anes de Samadeca and Catarina Afonso. He gave her the name Africa as she was his first child born in Africa. This is the story corroborated by modern genealogists.

Private User that word seems to be from 1400c -1500c origin, translated from english effort, or effect, Island turns foreign loan word by changing them to look icelandic. If you can find any Icelandic speaker, to demonstrate that word in any older text before 1500, be my guest.

Thanks all for your comments. I've spent a few hours and over USD 700 with https://mytrueancestry.com/. Found so many new connections including Russian Tzars. Amazing finds. Watching this TV series "Barbarians" and finished the movie The Eagle - all around old 1st century UK- God knows who lived in the UK at that time and could very well have been a melting pot of people including MOORs/ folk of African descent. All interesting stuff !! Have a great weekend to all


This earlier translation of the Saga referenced above includes genealogical tables which clearly indicate that Lady Aufrica of Fife's stepson/husband "Jon" or "John" (d. 1231) -- left no male issue (and doesn't reveal his wife's name).



A concise dictionary of old Icelandic by Geir Tómasson Zoëga (1857-1928) Publication date 1910 - p.4

af-reka (að), v. to achieve, perform (munu þér mikit afreka).

Afrika or Africa or Afri or Afer actually only really modern day Tunisia .
Roman name for that area.

The name Aufricia, Aufrica, Afreca, Aufrcia, various spellings, if not derived from Africa,
as in; Latin Africa (terra) "African land, Libya, the Carthaginian territory, the province of Africa; Africa as a continent," fem. of adjective Africus, from Afer "an African," a word of uncertain origin. The Latin word originally was used only in reference to the region around modern Tunisia; it gradually was extended to the whole continent. Derivation from a Phoenician cognate of Arabic afar "dust, earth" is tempting. The Middle English word was Affrike. (online etymology dictionary),
it could have been made from two words; of (æf, av af), + rìgh, (means king in gaelic, Irish) or "rich", https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=rich&ref=searchbar_searchhint

Afreca nic Fergus of Galloway

Affrica Guðrøðardóttir

Scipio Africanus got his agnomic name after defeating Hannibal 202 BC in Zama Tunisia.

Publius Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus Africanus Numantinus

The Icelandic language root of the Icelandic name, Afreka, is "reka": 3) to perform, do.

"af" is a preposition which may be utilized for applying a wide range of different connotations.

Private User I asked you to demonstrate any icelandic text pre 1600c with that word, you did not.

Either Affrica is built up in a very similar way that constructed the name ERICA; or it's from another origin, perhaps a connotation to AFRICA. At this time, 800-900, Africa was called Blueland by the vikings, but what did people in the British islands called it at the same time?

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