Fictional Trees

Started by Sandra Patricia Chowns on Monday, October 19, 2020
Showing all 7 posts
10/19/2020 at 10:31 AM

This tree has been isolated from other trees on Geni: Tree is fictional. Why are fictional people on the tree. Don't understand this. Bedweg is supposed to be fictional, but has a whole page of his story. Can someone explain this to me?

10/20/2020 at 6:38 AM

You are talking about Bedweg (Fictional)?

He is not on the tree; the line has been isolated. So no actual humans are connected to him, or anyone else in the isolated tree. The tree has been isolated in order to keep it from being reconnected.

The reason that it (and a great many other trees like it) exist on the site is that it is from old genealogies, which are still available, so it needs to be on the site so that it doesn’t keep getting recreated. The Overview explains where the information comes from.

10/20/2020 at 11:58 AM

Okay, here is another thought. Adam and Eve, Jesus, Noah and Methusulah (Nobody can live for 900 years), are all on the real tree. There are so many different religions that all believe something different, so how can we believe that ours is right? The only proof is the Bible, which can't be proven.

10/20/2020 at 12:24 PM

Yes, that is a piece of the tree that I myself don’t work with, and so can’t speak to the issues there. I stick to the medieval genealogies and the fake pedigrees.

Sandra Patricia Chowns,
as the Curator nominally "in charge" of the [misnamed**] "Biblical Tree", I would LOVE to be able to disconnect it from the main tree and ISOLATE it. The problem is that people keep on adding duplicate lines, and connecting to it. It's a full-time "job" just trying to keep up with the constant mess.

ALL that I really care about is keeping the Biblical Tree consistent to ITS sources,

To be clear, despite MANY traditional genealogical lines connecting to the Bible period NONE of them, are even close to valid. Typically they are too short by 30 to 50 generations.

** This tree already references sources from the Muslim, Bahai, and Mormon traditions (probably others too). It used to connect to various other ancient traditions. We managed to isolate those separately, as this caused a mess.

10/31/2020 at 11:03 AM

I see your point. Just concerned about accuracy. When I find a 40th great grandfather, I hope the line is accurate.

Keep in mind that 40 generations is about one THOUSAND years. The number of "accurate" lines going that far back is very small, almost exclusively of nobility. That's deep into the Middle Period (5th-15th centuries). At the time "nobility" where mostly two-bit local rules, constantly in conflict and playing prestige games. So it became a fashion to have monks "research" ancient genealogies to "prove" how important they were. Needless to say, these were mostly fictional.

Truly accurate lineages go back 200-300 years.

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