Joe Biden, 47th Vice President of the USA - Family Tree Research and Cleanup

Started by Tamás Flinn Caldwell-Gilbert on Tuesday, October 6, 2020
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Private User Why are you assuming that Elizabeth is related in any way to Evan Thomas? Where does this come from? The existence of Evan Thomas is itself questionable and the dates and locations that we have for him on Geni are nonsense. The immigrant Thomas in that family was his son, Lt. Philip Thomas. I'll start a separate discussion to address issues in the Thomas family so that we do not get sidetracked here.

Also, where did the middle name of "Richard" come from for Philip Thomas?

I fixed the name for Philip Thomas, added the rest of his children, and uploaded sources.

The surname “Thomas” and the forename “Elizabeth” are common-enough names for a woman born in the 1730s in Maryland (or nearby).

At that time and place, I would expect a) Welsh and / or English origin b) and / or Society of Friends c) and / or anglicized German origins.

This is not a matter of “cut happy,” this is a matter of disambiguation. Apparently we have a similar problem on the Thomas Johnson side! Which is an even “more” popular name. Welcome to “no record” American genealogy. Oye.

Here’s a book I’m going through now, it includes descent from Evan Thomas. I don’t think the Elizabeth Thomas we’re looking for is in it - she’s of Montgomery County, Maryland, supposedly - but more eyes on are welcome. “Search“ should help.

Private User Here are at least 7 different Thomas' who immigrated to the Maryland area in the 1600s and are unrelated to Philip or Evan Thomas. Thomas is a very common last name.

Ideally, it would be great to have gedmatch kit # for Biden so that we can scientifically validate whether there is a blood relationship.

Tamás Flinn Caldwell-Gilbert thanks, finally you could answer my question, if there where others named Thomas in Maryland. Also, that Philip Thomas son of Evan Thomas is questioned and disputed was a surprise, because you did not mention it earlier in this thread. Sorry about the happy cutter mention, but I see too often curators who cuts a lot more than they connect and I feel sorry for all those people who have contributed on this very part in the tree from Cap. Evan Thomas, Sr, doing it on a weak ground.

Look at the profiles for "Evan Thomas of Swansea" & Lt. Philip Thomas. The origin sourcing is not very good.

Not that it matters much right now because we’re looking really stuck at the Johnson / Thomas ancestry.

Unknown Profile Please leave politics out of it and concentrate on genealogy: who had what children and how we know that.

As a “disconnectrix” unfortunately there is a lot of incorrect information, still, to be fixed. It is far “more” distressing to members when it’s perpetuated in error. They become invested in what they see and the connections it can lead to. The reality of history, as I understand it, is we all have “glamorous” ancestry - but we don’t have all the information needed to get there. I’d rather an honest “don’t know” than an unproveable speculation.

We should be able of find this Elizabeth Thomas Johnson. Where is she?

Just wanted to add a link to this discussion.

“Joe Biden’s Irish Roots.” Megan Smolenyak. Updated Feb 2020.

Joe Biden, 46th President of the USA. Finally done! Congratulations!

In the most recent edition of American Ancestors, the New England Historic Genealogical Society published the known ancestry table of Joe Biden by Alexander Bannerman and Gary Boyd Roberts, pages 28-31.
I do not have a link to a digital version unfortunately. If someone can find one that would be great!

I went through it quickly to match it against the Geni tree and for the most part it matched very well! They added a few generations in the Bomberger family which I have now added to Geni.

Also, they have a few generations of possibly's, starting with James Pumphrey and Elizabeth Pumphrey, and then again for William Pumphrey and Elizabeth Pumphrey. Unfortunately, their ancestor table does not contain any direct citations or any notes to explain what possibly means, which is a pity.

I just let my NEHGS subscription lapse recently, so I can't get it. But anyone with an account should be able to save the digital version at

Their presidential genealogies are usually only 2-3 pages, so we should be able to save and upload those pretty easily, as we've done in the past.

I think Erica Howton or Hatte Rubenstein Blejer might have NEHGS subscriptions? I'll probably renew soon (stimulus check!), but I'm not sure, so someone else might be a better option. If we can't find anyone, I'll ask a friend who I know is current.

Private User - I wish! But I let my AmericanAncestors lapse (the site is not very iPad friendly).

Dean Richard Hobart Maybe you can help?

Here is something I thought to be quite interesting.... This is my 14th great grandfather... twice.

Sir John Wingfield

Sir John's son Sir Richard is my 13th great grandfather on my dad's side.

Sir John's daughter Elizabeth, who married a Francis Hall, is my 13th grandmother on my mom's side.

These are Joe Biden's 7th great grandparents...

Richard Hall, of Mount Welcome


Elizabeth Hall

I am a dna match to a descendant on Joe Biden's tree.

Erica Howton

Did they find in Joe Biden's Irish roots that he and Barack Obama were like 10th cousins or something??? LOL

Diana Collins
An easy way to see connections between spouses is to run the ancestors report on both of them and then look for matches. One of my sisters and her husband have a number of 11th through 14th cousin connections,, many once or twice removed. some from each stage of western expansion

Nope - at least according to Geni. Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the USA is Joe Biden, 46th President of the USA's fourth great grandfather's wife's second cousin 7 times removed.

Private User
Erica Howton

I made a copy of the magazine article and uploaded to Biden's media tab and cited some sources for him and his dad's profile. Someone could go up the line, as I notice that some of the places in the profile are not as specific in the outline. It is too soon to have it in searchable database to print out with citation,, so I labeled it with V and P.

Joe Biden, 46th President of the USA

I mean the outline is more specific than some of the profiles in the location... like Baltimore, MD in the outline instead of just Maryland in the Geni profile.

I have no doubt the Geni tree needs plenty of updating. That’s an extensive ancestor table.

Erica Howton
Geni correctly lists his fourth greatgrandfather as Capt. George Robinett number 80 on the table. but incorrectly lists his 5th ggfather as Joseph when on the table it is listed as number 160 Nathan Robinett. Where might the incorrect name have come from?


Thank you so much for the PDF!

Delighted to read that they'll be releasing ahnentafels for both wives as well. And not surprised to read in the notes that they had to rely so much on newspaper research for his Maryland lines.

Private User - thank you. Tree corrected - here is Nathan Robinett his father Samuel R F Robinett his father Allen Robinett (the immigrant ancestor).

This profile...

Elizabeth Ferree not the daughter of... Abraham LeFevre

I believe this was his daughter... Elizabeth Robinette

According to Lancaster Mennonite Vital Records, Elizabeth Ferree, the wife of Isaac Ferree, is the daughter of Abraham and Elizabeth Feree.

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