Gilbert de Brionne comte d'Eu - Had child at 6 years old. Is this correct? If so, then some kind of record?

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Gilbert de Brionne comte d'Eu had 1 child between the ages of 6 and 15 years old.
Tip: Request that the manager correct the birth date of Gilbert de Brionne comte d'Eu or the following child:
Adèle de Brionne, comtesse d'Eu

9/25/2020 at 1:31 AM

He's all locked up so he can't be tweaked. But Anjou isn't in the Alps, and the coat of arms is Fitzwilliam of Sprotborough, who weren't even descendants. Nobody had a coat of arms in Count Gilbert's time.

I don't suppose there are any known dates for Adele. But her brother was a contemporary of the Conqueror and her husband died in 1092. So the dates here are way too early.

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