Mary (Berry) Floyd - Geni is becoming a JOKE!!!

Started by Private User on Monday, September 21, 2020
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Private User
9/21/2020 at 10:56 PM

Does *ANYONE* here realize that Northampton County, Virginia *IS NOT* in North Carolina, *IS NOT CONNECTED TO* North Carolina, and *HAS A COMPLETELY SEPARATE HISTORY FROM* North Carolina???

Private User
9/22/2020 at 3:31 AM

Yes this site is becoming a joke.

Garbo never married, had no children, and lived alone as an adult.

Greta Garbo

fake line
Alfred Richard Gustafson

Gordon Oscar Gustafson

Private User

Private User
9/22/2020 at 5:58 AM

Sounds like somebody got hold of a bit of Hollywood scandal (doesn't matter if it's true as long as it's scandalous).

What I've run into is a bit more serious - deliberate falsification of lines out of a craving for Native American ancestry. Time was, it was a shame and a scandal to have such ancestry - now it seems to be a shameand a scandal *not* to have it. So the fakers are working overtime.

Private User
9/22/2020 at 6:20 AM

No one has ever - EVER - found ANY actual survivors of the Roanoke/Croatoan colony other than John White (who went back to England before it disappeared). At most, there are suspicions that the Lumbee *might* in *part* trace back to it, but it has not been possible to identify any specific individuals.

Yet here some Pocahontomaniacs are claiming Croatoan ancestry for a woman who was probably born on the Eastern Shore of Virginia some sixty years later, ancestry *never before* claimed for her, unlikely *in the extreme* both chronologically and geographically, and not even convincing onomastically (i.e. by studying her names).

You see, we DON'T know that she was a Berry. She is *thought* to have been one, because one of her sons was called Berry Floyd (but also Benjamin Floyd, which means "Berry" might be a nickname).

As far as can be determined, she was born on the Eastern Shore of Virginia - which is far north of where the Croatoan colony used to be, and isolated not only from North Carolina *but from the rest of Virginia* by the Chesapeake Bay.

*If* she had any Native American ancestry (unproven, probably unprovable either way), it would have been Accawmacke or one of the affiliated Eastern Shore tribes - not Lumbee or any Carolina tribe.

And that's NOTHING to what they did to her husband, forcibly mashing him up with WESTERN Shore Floyds he had nothing to do with!!!

Private User
9/22/2020 at 12:53 PM

Linda, have you ever bothered to *look at a map* of the eastern seaboard? Never mind Roanoke/Croatoan, it has *NOTHING* to do with the Eastern Shore.

The *southernmost* tip of the Delmarva Peninsula is many many miles *NORTH* of where the Roanoke Colony was, and *all* of those miles *by sea*.

You are reaching - grasping - grabbing - snatching when you try to claim that a woman born on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, whose birth name *we do not even know for certain*, absolutely MUST be descended from a *specific* Roanoke colonist.

You have already reached, grasped, grabbed, snatched and SMASHED her husband, John Floyd *of Northampton*, together with one or more OTHER John Floyds NOT of the Eastern Shore.

This is Very Bad Genealogy. Do Not Do It.

Maven, Just giving you websites links about the Croatians. Don't be pointing fingers at me. I did not do that research. YOU are not an authority on all things. Keep my name out of your mouth.

Private User
9/22/2020 at 1:12 PM

I'm pretty knowledgeable about the Eastern Shore. Those are *my* people, *my* ancestors, and I *resent* irresponsible fools monkeying around with them.

I really do not see how it is *possible* that there could be any near-term connection between the Roanoke colony and the Eastern Shore. (Down the line a century or two, *maybe*, once everybody got restless and started moving all over the place. But not when they were just getting started.)

If you can help untangle the mess that said irresponsible fools have created, that would be a good thing. But *first* remember that there *IS* a Chesapeake Bay and it *IS* a major geographical barrier - don't go ASS-uming that a John Floyd on the Western Shore "must" be "the same" as a John Floyd in Eastville or Cape Charles or Hungars Parish (all WEastern Shore places). Just DON'T.

Private User
9/22/2020 at 1:16 PM

WEastern = Eastern. Typo. :-P

And I resent people like you thinking you know everything. You are not the only person with people on the Eastern shore, they are NOT just your People and your ancestors.

Private User
9/22/2020 at 1:56 PM

We've got some people here on Geni who think they know a hell of a lot more than they really do, and they're messing everything up. Help stop it or shut up!

Tone please. That is not appropriate.

Private User
9/22/2020 at 2:29 PM

Lots of "not appropriate" going on around here.

I want to try to get the existing mess cleaned up. I would appreciate some help. Anyone who doesn't want to help, please just step back.

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