John Hawkins of MD, "Mariner" - Wives?

Started by Erica Howton on Wednesday, September 9, 2020
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9/9/2020 at 2:22 AM

Death: Mar. 17, 1676 Garrison Forest, Baltimore County, Maryland

married (1) Mary Foster, dau of Seth Foster, c 1660, died 1662; (2) Mary Warner, (1637-1676) c1662, dau of Augustine Warner and Mary Townley, immigrants to Ann Arundel County MD

But Mary Hawkins was not a known child of Colonel Augustine Warner that I can see.

Can anyone see differently ? Any advice?

9/9/2020 at 2:38 AM Has “Mary unknown” as wife - with a disproof of Mary Hawkins.

The compiler looked up the elements for her profile at the archives of Maryland. So what she posted for Records are:


John Hawkins was definitely living in Anne Arundel County by 1663 when he signed the following legal document:

" Know all men by these presents that I John Hawkins of the County of Ann Arundell in the Province of Maryland for and in consideration of valuable sattisfaction allready received do assign & make over from me, my heirs or assigns to Wm. Cole of the same place his heirs or assigns all my right, title and interest of a parcel of land allready possessed by him called by the name of Great Bonnerstone lying on the West side of Chesapeake Bay . . . for 150 acres . . . as witness my hand this eleventh day of the second month called April 1663. Jno. Hawkins."[3]

John Hawkins also claimed land in Anne Arundel in 1668 when he registered his patent for a 100 acre tract he named Bole Almonack. This land was located on the south side of the Patapsco River and sold by his eldest son, John Hawkins in 1684. The land was then located in Baltimore County due to boundary change. [4]

John Hawkins was likely a follower of the Society of Friends since the two men mentioned to oversee his will were members of the Society. One son and one daughter of John and Mary Hawkins can also be determined from Society records: Thos. Hawkins, son of Jno. & Mary, of AA Co. married 5th month 30th day 1704 Eliza Giles daughter of Rich'd & Marg't Arndell at Wm. Richardson; Chas. Gosidge, of Balto. Co. son of Jno. & Ann Gosidge of Kingdom of Eng. decd. married 12th month 15th day, 1690 Ann Hawkings, dau. Jno. & Mary Hawkins of AA Co.[5]

Three more boys of John & Mary Hawkins can be determined from land records and the wills of the brothers filed in Baltimore County. They were Augustine, Joseph & Matthew.[6]

John Hawkins & his wife Mary were the parents of:

Augustine b. 5 NOV 1663
John b. abt 1665
Joseph b. abt 1668
Thomas b. abt 1670
Ann b. abt 1672


John is believed to have moved to Anne Arundel Co., MD in 1658. J.D. Warfield in 'Founders of Anne Arundel and Howard Counties' says John Hawkins, through his attorney, Nicholas Wyatt, assigned unto Giles Blake one hundred acres, due him for transporting himself into the province. John Hawkins' will written 3rd Feb., 1670; Filed 17th Mar., 1676. Wife Mary, execx. and sole legatee of estate, real and personal. Jno. Teague, Thos. Hooker, Josh. Shaller. In 1675 he inherited from father-in-law - Seth Foster - 1,000 acres called 'Tulley's Delight' on the Chester River.

9/9/2020 at 2:56 AM

Is this correct?

Maj. J J Hawkins 1634-1676 m. Mary Townley Warner 1640-1685 daughter of Augustine Warner 1611-1674 and Mary Cant Townley 1614-1662. Mary Townley Warner's brother Augustine Warner 1642-1681 m. Mildred Reade 1643-1694. It is Mary Warner 1663-1700 the brother's daughter that married Capt John Smith 1662-1698 not Mary Townley Warner Hawkins.

9/9/2020 at 3:55 AM

The attribution of a first wife Mary as a daughter of Seth Foster, Jr seems incorrect. He had a step son (“son in law”) John Hawkins (seen here

9/9/2020 at 4:56 AM

Disconnected Elizabeth Hawkins as a child of Mary and John Hawkins of MD, "Mariner"

Private User In particular, if you could review her updated biography, that would be much appreciated. All others welcome too of course - Maven has been working on Hawkins families for years.

Private User
9/9/2020 at 6:35 AM

I gave up a couple of years back, because no matter how hard I tried to keep the various families sorted, people kept coming along and messing them up again under the delusion that they had a link to the Admirals Hawkins.

9/9/2020 at 1:04 PM

Hawkins has been fine for a while now. I did seem to find the Mary issue - has a biography that lists (but does not show) Mary as child of Augustine Warner and Mary Townely.

But a comment on the page, 15 May 2020, is: “there is NO documentation that this Mary was the daughter of Augustine Warner, this whole bio was copied from an unsourced online tree, complete error, Augustine had only 2 documented children a daughter Sarah, and a son Augustine.”

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