David Walker - (

Started by Suzan Martin on Tuesday, August 25, 2020
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8/25/2020 at 10:15 AM

'''Will of David Walker,''' dated Feb 15, 1773, probated May 16, 1774, names his wife Mary, and children: John, Peter, Joel, Elizabeth Thornhill, Mary Perkins, Judith Poore, Ann Stevens/ Stearns, and Hope Lancaster.

'''David Walker''' was born on February 25, 1700, in New Kent County, Province of Virginia, and was baptized on February 25, 1699, in Saint Peters Church, New Kent, Virginia, British Colonial America. His parents were [David Walker David Walker] and [Anne Walker Anne Walker].

David married [Mary Walker Mary Walker] in 1718 in Goochland, Virginia, United States. Together they had the following children:

# [Peter Walker John Walker];
# [Peter Walker Peter Walker];
# [Joel Walker Joel Walker];
# [Elizabeth Thornhill Elizabeth Walker]; Thornhill
# [Mary Walker Mary Perkins];
# [Judith Poore Judith Walker]; Poore
# [Hope Lancaster Hope Lancaster (Walker)];
# [Amy Ann Pettus Amey Ann Pettus]; ? ck she should've been married to a Stevens ?
These are extra children added to this profile - they don't belong - wrong David Walker and Mary Walker (Munford)

1 [Capt. Robert Walker, Sr. Robert Walker, Sr]; Not on Will

2 [Freeman Walker Freeman Walker]; Not on Will

3 [David Alexander Walker David Alexander Walker]; not on will

4 [Susannah Walker Susannah Walker]; Not on will

5 [Alexander Walker Alexander Walker]; Not on Will

6 [Linder Walker Linder Walker]; Not on Will

7 [William Andrew Walker William Walker]; Not on Will

8 [James Walker James Walker]; Not on Will

9 [Henry Walker Henry Walker]. Not on Will

8/25/2020 at 10:18 AM

We have 9 extra children and more keep being added- without documentation to back up why they belong in this family --

They are not listed on the probated Will and don't belong with this family-

I think they should be disconnected from this father and mother -

8/25/2020 at 10:35 AM

Need the original will - I only have the transcribed will - please assist, I'm searching.

8/25/2020 at 10:37 AM

David Walker is a SAR, ---application list parents correctly, but SAR is loose with requriements.

8/25/2020 at 10:55 AM

I have original probated Will - upload soon

The first page clears up son David as an orphan, which means he was underage male at time of father's death and set up with guardian, explains why the Probated Will names father as David Walker, Sr.

8/25/2020 at 2:53 PM

Dear Suzan (7th cousin?)

My, you have done a lot of work. Thanks! A few days ago, I spent the better part of an evening pulling apart a really mixed-up family so I know the work you expended. I'm a novice at this, so thanks for straightening things out with good evidence.


8/25/2020 at 5:39 PM

Hey Kurt!

I'm thinking someone mixed up two ancestry trees --- perhaps three

--- of this group that doesn't belong most were born in Bristol Parish VA- -wrong area for this family- they didn't have Cessna's to fly back and forth back then for our grandma to deliver the babies. haha. This family didn't live in Bristol Parish-

9/10/2020 at 8:45 PM

It is now Sept - I need assistance finding the Probated Will-

9/10/2020 at 8:57 PM

February 15, 1773/May 16, 1774:
Will of David WALKER Sr. "I David Walker Senior of Goochland County
considering my old age and the uncertainty of Life; and being of
sound...memory; in order to do justice to all my relatives and prevent
disputes in the division of my Estate after by decease...Do make and ordain
this as my Last Will and Testament. I commit my Soul into ye hand of my
merciful God and Saviour, begging y...he will pardon all my Sins and save
through ye Merits of Jesus Christ my only Rememer. --I also Order my body to
be decently interred in my own burying place; and a sermon to be preached at
my funeral by the Minister of this parish, whoever he may then be. I give
my granddaughter Susannah WOODSON 20 pounds to her and her heirs forever. I
give to my son John WALKER, 20 pounds allowed to him in part payment of a
negro fellow he got from me, valued at 50 pounds, the other 30 pounds
balance, he is to account for to my executors as part of my estate. I give
to my son Peter WALKER, 20 pounds besides what he has already got: together
with my tract of land upon ye forks of ye Byrd in Albemarle County;
containing four hundred acres, more or less, to him and his heirs forever.
I give to my son Joel WALKER 15 pounds, together with the land and
plantation, where I now live, to him and his heirs forever, and in case of
his dying without heirs of his own body, I order it then to be sold and ye
price of it equally divided among all my children and their heirs. I give
to my daughter Elizabeth THORNHILL 13 pounds besides what she has got
already. I give to my daughter Mary PERKINS five pounds more than what she
has got already; and also to her son Walker PERKINS fifteen pounds. I give
to my daughter Judith POOR, twenty pounds, allowed to her out of the thirty
pounds already paid to her husband Robert POOR, ye remaining, ballance of
pounds, I give to ye said Robert POOR, in consideratio of trouble he may be
at as one of my executors. I give to my daughters Ann Stevens 5 pounds
besides what she has got already. I give to Hope LANCASTER my Daughter five
pounds besides what she has got already. I give to my son Peter WALKER,
ten pounds besides what is appointed for him above in consideration of being
one of my executors. I appoint what after all --the above mentioned
Legacees are paid off then my beloved wife Mary WALKER shall have one
part of ye remainder of my estate by way of loan during her life, and at
her decease the said third part shall be equally divided among all my
children and their heirs. I appoint that after my said wife has received
her third, the other two thirds shall immediately be equally divided among
all my children and their heirs. I appoint that in case any controversy
shall arise among my relations concerning ye division of my Estate, that in
order to prevent lawsuits, each of the contending parties shall choose a man
to whom as arbitrators the matters shall be referred for final decision. I
constitute and appoint my son Peter WALKER and son in law Robert POOR exers
of this my Last Will and Testament written on this and the preceding pages,
revoking hereby all other Wills my me formerly made. In witness whereof I
have hereunto set my hand and seal this Fifteenth day of February 1773.
Signed with a "W" David Walker and testes: Will Douglass, Richard Oglesby,
Elisha Leek. Val. Wood Clerk of the Court.
· Event: Division of Land Land 1776
· Note:
Division of land of David Walker Sr.
Goochland Co., VA Deed Book 11, p. 143 - 6 Aug 1776: "We the Subscribers do
hereby agree that Messrs. Benja & Joseph Watkins & Joseph Pleasants will
undertake to divide the land agreeable to an order of the County of
Goochalnd, that we will abide by the determination however it may be by
of which we expect to get clear of unnecessary expence of the County
Surveyors come: ye down to lay of the sd. land & put an end to all the
disputes, Witness our hands this 6 Aug 1776. Test: Thomas Underwood, John
Lewis. Signed by Joel Walker and Mary Walker by order. "
"Agreeable to an Order of last Goochland August Court we the Subscribers
being mett of the premises proceeded to lay of to Mary Walker her dower of
her dec'd husbands Land in manner followeth. Beginning at a corner Hiskory
on Cocke's line N. 41 degrees, e. to a pile of stones near a deep Gully
thence S. 95 degrees, e. Crossing Cattail Branch to Hatcher's Line, thence
the sd. line to Cocke's line thence on Cocke's line to the Beginning at the
Hickory thence S. 24 degrees, W. to a corner white Oak on Cocke's line,
thence to the sd. line to the Court House Road, thence down the sd. Road to
the Hickory becore mentioned. Allowing her son Joel forty three Apple trees
standing on upper end of the Orchard wch siad divisions appearing to us to
give each party full Satisfaction. Given under our hands this Six day of
Sept 1776. Signed Jos. Pleasnants, Ben. Watkins, Jo. Watkins.
At a Court held for Goochland County October 21st 1776. This Allotment of
the Dower of Mary Walker of the land of David Walker dec'd, her Husband was
presented in Court and ordered to be recorded. Teste. Val Wood Cl Curt.

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