Curators: Please make this profile a Master Profile

Started by Mike Stangel on Friday, August 21, 2020
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Showing 31-60 of 1795 posts

Private User - curated Jonas Green , Jonas Green and wives - Anne Catherine Green, 1st Female Printer is notable, nice biography.

Well, could someone MP these crazy bootlegging relatives of mine. I have spent some time off and on trying to sort them out and yes, there are more named Willis Finklea. The trees in so many platforms have become convoluted with these ones that they are of major importance to keep straight....Any help will be much appreciated.

Willis "Big Swamp" Finklea

Willis "Cornmaker" Finklea

Willis (Arter) C. Finklea

Willis "Not Cornmaker" Finklea

I think their names need to be locked with wives. I probably have more children to add and am working on those, but this is exhausting. Erica Howton This might be your area of expertise. Early American bootleggers for $100....

I couldn't call them Willis I, II, III, IV as they belong to different brothers in some cases. Cousins living at the same time for several or overlapping.

Susanne Floyd Done. Nicknames & toponyms work better than numbers to Disambiguate.

Thank you, Erica Howton. Given "Arter's" story, I should have named him Willis "Corndrinker", but I decided against it. Too sad. I still have a couple more of them to sort.

If I can figure out if Martha Smith, wife of Willis "Big Swamp" Finklea is daughter of John Smith IV, you will have the great joy of being related to the bootleggers too if I remember your Smith lines. We shall see what we can find.

Erica Howton

I just saw your question about Daniel Sawyer and Lt. Samuel Sawyer. Sadly..... no blood relationship between them or to me.

Susanne Floyd I LOVE the nickname idea!!! I'm always happy to find complete middle names and nicknames for the same reason, but I've never made up my own!!! :)

No blood relationship was found. :-(

Lt. Samuel Sawyer is Daniel Sawyer's daughter's husband's uncle's wife's third great aunt's husband's father.
Daniel Sawyer
→ Lydia Lavinia (Sawyer) Durham
his daughter → Joel Suell Durham
her husband → David Malden Durham
his father → William Blevin Durham
his brother → Diantha (Jones) Durham
his wife → Susanna Upton
her mother → Susanna (Emerson) Upton
her mother → Hepzibah (Burnap) Emerson
her mother → Captain Joseph Burnap
her father → Dorcas (Burnap) Sawyer
his sister → William Sawyer
her husband → Lt. Samuel Sawyer
his father

Susanne you made my day! I’m kin to these guys, I wish my snobby aunts were still alive to see this! Haha 4th Cousin ... Move over and give me some of that Moonshine ! Love the names! I’m sending theses out to my brother, sister and cousins tonight, they’re always bugging me for updates.

I have to decide which of our lovely aunts I will post with these guys!!

Suzan Martin, yep, we share another paper trail. These were some colorful fellows all the way back to their direct ancestor (and mine) Thomas Finklea who furnished provisions during the Revolutionary War. I often wonder what were the "provisions" given the family business of whiskey.

As I often say, my family is older than dirt. We live hard and we work hard. Some die hard.

Pamela Anne Schuwerk Mittman Stigall, I didn't make up any but "Not Cornmaker". All the rest are legendary! Nice to meet you cousin. See my invitation.

Well, the Whiskey was an important provision, it was used by the surgeons, sometimes all they had when they had to amputate on the field during war. I’ve documented some of my surgeon great grandfathers profiles, they may have used your relatives whiskey.

I actually found them to be law abiding citizens. I was looking for newspaper articles to see if I could find old photos and found the old story when Willis was the Jury Foreman, neat story, then I found the profile of the unfortunate man who was executed, I’m still working on his profile. Lol

That was an honorable profession during that time, doctors used for antiseptic and patient drank to kill the pain. Until prohibition, all was good, people shouldn’t prejudge- Many cultures the farmers made their Beer , Wine themselves, so Whiskey, Moonshine was acceptable. During the Depression it fed families, so at least they were working. It’s hard work.

Can we make this profile of Jan Kooi a MP.

Jan Kooi not his real name but off the difficulty to pronounce the African name the duchies' let him choose his name in Dutch.
From 1831 the KNIL (Royal Netherlands East Indies Army) recruited Africans for their army, in total 3065 men from Africa went to the Dutch East Indies.
One of them was Jan, he was decorated in 1878 with the Knight of the Fourth Class of the Military Order of William, because of courage and bravery.

Jan Kooi

In reaction of the request of Piet Roestenburg read and you will read that there are very few Knights of the Military Order of William. And I think that Jan Kooi is the one of the few from Ghana.

Could you make Alexander James Ashburner Nix a master profile? (Wikipedia: )

Private User, bedankt voor de hulp.
Intussen is Jan Kooi MP gemaakt door Job.

Private User I sent you a request to approve.

Anita Lindblom
was a Swedish actress and singer should be MP.

Private User, Both MP'd.

Private User thanks!

Thank you Jim Wile Oh so sorry! Wrong Discussion

Showing 31-60 of 1795 posts

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