John Harris - This John Harris

Started by Private User on Wednesday, August 19, 2020
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This John Harris is documented as the son of Robert Harris and his wife Ann Fulgham in the 1995 Book entitles "The Five Thomas Harrises of Isle of Wight County Virginia" by the eminent professional genealogist John A Brayton , Chap 1 pgs 63-70, that documents several generations of desendants of these five unrelated Thomas Harris, This book has been the Bible of trust for Isle of Wight Harris seekers to correct there ancestry. Only one small error has ever v=been found by later DNA.

Great! Added John Harris family as child of Robert Harris & Ann Harris

You forgot the other six children named in the 1745 Will of Edward Drew and their eight child John Harris born c1740

If there’s a reliable site to copy from, I can enter the profiles. Otherwise I’ll wait for someone else to do this work: I don’t trust myself to do it correctly from what I so far know only.

The names of children are already listed in the Overview section of his profile.

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