Chantze Kahana-Heller (Paneth) - Paneth Sisters married to Kahane cousins

Started by Dovid Rosenbaum on Wednesday, August 5, 2020
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8/5/2020 at 10:35 PM

I have been trying to clean up the Kahana tree which has become very messy lately. I did this merge before I realized what was going on:

Two Paneth sisters, one married to Isaac Kahana, son of Aryeh Leibish, and the other married to Yosef Leib Kahana, son Nachman. Both are grandsons of R Yehuda Kuntres Hasfeikes.

If there are any curators on here, please undo the merge and I will fix the rest.

8/8/2020 at 3:10 AM

Please take care as Yosef Aryeh Leib from Siegert married two sisters (daughters of the Mayeh Yechezkel Paneth).
First to Chentcha. When she passed away he married Chentcha's sister Chava who was the widow of Yitzchok Aizik from Munkacs.

Source is Kuntres Bais Tzadik printed in the back of Shaarei Tzion.

Mike Paneth
Melbourne Australia

8/8/2020 at 7:59 PM

Michael Paneth Thank you this helpful.

That means the tree was all wrong (before I got there) because it had Chantze married to Isaac Kahane.

So let's get is straight. Chantze was married to Yosef Leib and Chava was married to Isaac. After both Isaac and Chantze passed away, Yosef Leib married Chava.

Now do you know if Yosef Leib and Chava had any children together?

8/8/2020 at 8:04 PM

The tree also says chava was married to Isaac Simcha Berger. Is that correct?

8/11/2020 at 4:34 AM

1. My data is verified from multiple sources
i) Shaarei Tzion
ii) Phillip Paneth Rabbenu Jecheskel
iii) 150 years Mareh Yechazkel

I have not found information if they had children.

THe 150 years book mentions that Chava was married 3 tiems and is buried in Tzfat.

8/11/2020 at 7:21 AM

Michael Paneth thanks. I'll work on the fixing the marriages. The children will have to be sorted out later.

8/13/2020 at 3:16 PM

I believe the marriages are now correct based on Michael's information. I hope someone can make sure that the childern are assigned to the appropriate parents.

8/13/2020 at 4:59 PM

Benzion Yitzchok Rieger you seem to be closely related here. Any input?

8/16/2020 at 3:50 AM


Sorry but I don't have much pn the Kahana - Heller side of the family.

BTW I have a closer link to Benzion Yitzchok via my father's mother (Krausz) than via my father. 6th cousin vs third great uncle's fourth great nephew!!!


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