ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, July 28, 2020
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Showing 211-240 of 8088 posts

Felipe González de Otoya De Narváez I set up the merge but the manager's of the profile will have to approve it.

Moshe Weiss I disconnected her from the rabbi.

Private User I had a quick look at the duplicate tree:

1. it looks like the user has built the tree manually, ie it's not a gedcom import.
2. there is a discrepancy with the maternal grandmother, ie. this new tree seems to contain "better" data.
3. there's only 180 profiles, it's unlikely they are all duplicates
4. there is at least one Geni user who is part of the tree.
5. the profile in the WFT only has one manager at the moment.

Because of 4 at the very least we would need to walk down the tree to find the lowest duplicate so that we can cut the new tree there and connect the user to WFT before isolating the remainder.

Alex Moes Private User is an Inactive Manager.

Can you please do the merge and also wife and also Manuel.

Thank you very much.

Felipe González de Otoya De Narváez i set up a merge on the two Pilar profiles, again we have to wait now for manager approval.

To attach to parents as you suggest please create a new profile for Pilar attached to the parents and input all publicly available data into that profile that you know. Once that profile exists we can set up a merge from it to the other two.

Olivier Jarvis Lavoie i undid several merges, on Alexis and his mother Claire.

There are 4 pending tree matches for Alexis Landry which all look to represent the same man.

Felipe González de Otoya De Narváez I cannot, the software will not permit me.
The tree is only 3 profiles so merging them in doesn't achieve much anyway.

Karl Danielsson Wibom
needs this not his wife to be disconnected.
Sara Lisa Persdotter

This was his real wife
Sara Lisa Wibom

Private User, done.

Private User Thanks, yet another bigamist fewer on this site.

A user did a bad merge earlier today, but he was fooled by the same name of the two women, same birth year and same death year, but, the user should have noticed the marriage of the other one before merging, also the place and the fact that she had children in her marriage with her husband both before and after this other woman had her child, please users, be more careful before making any merge by looking at the details around the profile, do not just assume that same name or other similarities means that they actually always are identical.

Private User right click on the name of the person you wish to tag and select Copy Link Address then paste into the text box, works everytime as opposed to the temperamental @

I'm not asking you to merge all the duplicates (i don't keep count but i feel like 180 would be a slow week for me), someone will merge them eventually. Maybe you , maybe me, maybe him, maybe someone else. My point was that I don't think they should be deleted, another curator might feel different.

How am I supposed to "resolve tree matches", so that my gedcom can finish uploading, without having to pay $119 all at once that I can't afford? I tried merging profiles, but that doesn't seem to work.

Also, who do I contact to suggest that Geni offer a monthly subscription plan, instead of having to pay all at once? $9.92/mo is doable. $119 all at once isn't.

Please undo the merge on Charles Kabaker, 6000000000867849113, two different people. Charles Kabaker, 1880-1962 (Los Angeles), parents Aaron and Minnie (Ruthstein). Also, Charles Kabaker, 1863-1932 (Kansas City), parents Jacob and Rachel Kabaker. My bad. Sorry. And thanks for helping.

and yet another duplicate tree. created yesterday

Please make Hermanus "Herman" Shook the son of Harmonous Shook and Unknown. I was trying fix his mother and I accidentally cut him off from his father, too.

Tammy Lynn Driver

Please see for information on how to contact Geni regarding Geni's premium subscriptions

Private User - regarding possible isolation of newly created trees not yet connected to the WFT:

Before posting here, please can you contact the tree creator and ask them what their preference is. Curators will take a different view if the tree creator says "yes please delete this" as against "I will be happy to help with the merging effort".

Private User - Hermanus "Herman" Shook is now the son of "Herman" Harmonous Schoock/Schoch/Shook and Unknown

@David Prins Thanks

Private User OK.
Are there other options?

Private User, yes - you can request the merge via the system which will automatically send the request to the new user.

My father passed away recently, and I'm trying to update his profile to say that. There is no place to put a date of death however. I tried to merge the information from the profile from another site that I updated, but it tells me to manually edit the information. The profile is: Private
Although someone else originally created it, my father had claimed it and gave family edit rights. So, I can edit it, but cannot put in his date of death or related information. I have reported it as 'deceased' - is it simply a matter of waiting for that to be processed, and the fields will appear? Any help is appreciated.

Randy Lee Morrow As far as I can see that account has a last login of today, so if you have his login and password you simply log in and close that account. You do that in the account settings which you get to, as most sites with a login by clicking the name at the top.

Alternatively you use Report/Deceased in the Actions menu on his profile to ask Geni co close the account for you.

Ok. I do have the login. So all I need to do is close the account and I should then be able to add the date of death from my own account?

Yes, and you even have the option to checkmark "This person is deceased" as why the account is closed.

Excellent. Thank you for your help. That worked perfectly.

Hello, could a curator please merge Thérèse Naltchayan and Thérèse Naltchayan, and also Varoujan Kassardjian and Varoujan Kassardjian? I think the manager of these accounts isn't active anymore. Thank you.

Private User done

Esther Wellendorf

Please unmerge.

Private User that looks like a perfectly valid merge, why do you want to undo it?

Showing 211-240 of 8088 posts

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