ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, July 28, 2020
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Showing 361-390 of 8088 posts

Hemjith Mathummal Cheminiyan Please check on Bhaskaran Nakkady

We had in fact worked on it before.

Private User Done for Peter Herr

Hello. Can the marriage of Walter de Chelworth, (1066+/-) to John Cox, III be dissolved, please.? I think that you brought my attention to the fact that there is getting on for a 300-year difference in their ages. I have no idea who Walter de Chelworth is. There were two managers although one seems to have disappeared. The one who remains did not reply. The other manager, at that time, replied, "Hi,
I have no idea. I, personally, have only added up to my 3x grandfathers of two specific lines. Anyone else that has been added was not done by me.
I’ve tried to delete my tree on numerous occasions, but it won’t let me because it says it’s a shared tree. I have no idea how it became a shared tree because I have not shared it with anyone." If you can not correct this error, will you please stop identifying it as an inconsistency, please? Thank you, Peter

Hello. I am concerned about the marriage of James Seton of Ramelrie to Isobel Seton, Lady Carrelstoun and their children
I do not think that there is any evidence that they were married.
The dates of birth of the children are later than the date of death of Isobel Seton, Lady Carrelstoun.
You drew my attention to this inconsistency and at that time James Seton of Ramelrie had another wife, who could have been correct. I contacted the managers and received no reply but the plausible wife seems to have been removed, leaving only the current implausible situation.

If you can do nothing about this, will you stop telling me about the inconsistency?

Thank you,


Private User

OK, Margaret Williams has been detached from Pvt. John W. Hulce .

On Orra W Hamilton , I checked Familysearch and her current parents appear to be correct. Do you have any additional data?

There was a different Coburn family that lived in Maine, mother's name Alice born in 1891. I had to research this, as the FamilySearch records are not always accurate. They also had a brother listed as William Coburn born a year before William Wallace Coburn, Jr.. and who died the same year as Jr. He also belonged to a different Coburn family, I believe from Wisconsin, if my memory serves me correctly. This Coburn family were all from New York.

Thanks for your help!

Kevin Lawrence Hanit
Thanks so much for the second set of eyes. In looking back at everything this morning, I see that the merges were indeed correct which I'd believed them to be true in the beginning, so not sure why I panicked later thinking something was wrong - perhaps needed to sleep on it.
In any case appreciated it.


Can you please undo the latest merge for this profile? I did not mean to combine them

John Fort, II

Hello, my apologies - please can you unmerge a profile for me. @James polson maule and James Paulson Maule. They are not the same, thanks Leanne

I am requesting Primary Manager status for the following DIRECT bloodline profiles:
* Leon Sebulsky
* Max Sebulsky
* Ida Kaufman Sebulsky
* Lester Sebulsky
* Ruth Coopersmith Sebulsky
* Leslie Hart Sterling
* Maxine Ruby Sterling
* Isaac Kaufman
* Rabbi Baruch Kaufman

These people are my direct family and i uploaded my tree and Alan Cook deleted my profiles or merged them with his. I have since corrected much of his work and continue to. Why should he be the primary manager over MY direct family line?

Private User -- Alana Cook is your third cousin, and in your family group. Curators cannot change the managers on a profile, or change the primary manager. You can message your cousin and see if he will change primary management to you, but he is at the moment the primary manager because he entered the profiles. If you go up to the right hand upper corner of any of the profiles you are concerned about, and click on the link for Manager options, you can see what your options are.

It's ok for profiles of people born after 1870 to be private, but all the managers of such profiles should agree to that before they are privatized.

I’ve tried to message him but he didn’t reply. I uploaded my tree, and you can bet these and more were on it. I already know curators can and do remove managers. Somehow, MY family profiles were removed and only his appear to remain.

Please unlink him from my family so I can remove him and his relatives with him.

Peter George Watson regards Isobel Seton, Lady Carrelstoun
I have cleared the death date of 1754 from her profile which should resolve the Inconsistency warning you are getting.

What I think may have happened is that George (her son?) was born in 1754 so a genealogist somewhere once noted that Isabel must have been living in 1754, ie she died 1754 or later. At some point a family tree researcher has entered that "must have died after 1754" as "died 1754". Which are two very different things.

Private User - you can look at the Revision Tab on a Profile to see was it merged and if so the details of the merge.
If a Profile you added and managed was deleted by someone else, you would have been notified and you can undelete such profiles

I am not sure that Primary Manager really has much if any advantage over other Managers of a Profile, so it may not be worth worrying about that.

Private User - re: "It's ok for profiles of people born after 1870 to be private, but all the managers of such profiles should agree to that before they are privatized."
Totally disagree with you there - and have never seen it as official Geni doctrine.

At the very least, If someone wants their deceased parent or grandparent - or sibling or child ,- private, I think it should be respected by those more distantly related.

And please realize your stated position can well lead to folks who prefer private profiles removing all managers they are able to remove which js probably not what you were meaning to suggest.

Private User — you are quite right; Private User — you may certainly keep profiles private if they are of people born after 1870 and you have editing privileges. All managers will have access to them, as well as all members of the Family Group. I apologize for misspeaking.

Thanks, Lois!

Please undo the merge I just did. My finger was faster than my brain.

Edward Anderson

JC i undid the most recent

Hi I was trying to resolve duplicates created by someone else and have accidentally merged on to make double. Need help to undo merge of @William Twynam Hoad & Martha Hoad?

Private User,

The effect of blocking a user is (
Any family group or collaborator relationship is removed
They can't contact you
It does not prevent actions of the user on your tree and preventing him/her to contact you may be counter productive.

Private User,

If you need help in reversing a merge, please look at the revisions tab of that profile and post the link to the merge you want to be reversed in this discussion.

Alex Moes Thanks for releasing Walter de Chelworth

Alex Moes Thanks for your attention to Isobel Seton, Lady Carrelstoun. I am still not convinced that she was the wife of James Seton of Ramelrie and the mother of Jane Seton. I'll see if I can communicate with the managers

Peter George Watson I agree with you and found an old bad merge. Isobel Seton, Lady Carrelstoun Was the wife of John Seton, 1st Laird of Cariston

The wife of James Seton of Ramelrie & mother of Isabel Seton seems to be unknown.

Not sure of parents for Jane Seton

Erica Howton Actually I might have to eat my words: I have replaced Isobel Balfour

Ah, she married both.

Erica Howton That seems to be what that source suggests

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