ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, July 28, 2020
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Showing 301-330 of 8088 posts

Linda Zimmerman Re locations.

Move England, Scotland and Wales from the province field where google auto locations puts them to the country field. Geni auto appends (United Kingdom), that way both the historic and modern are reflected.

In Brooklyn, now NY, be sure and use New Netherland Colony before 1664.

I fill in Colonial America in the country field before 1776.

Since you are responding, I have to ask you to update one of your profiles, In the area I am working. I found a birth record for Nicholas Butler, of Eastwell & Edgartown a MP and my 10th great grandfather his birth date is 21 Sep 1593, it will also clear the Inconsistency there. Also found records for his parents, and grand parents. I was hoping to find all of there related siblings, but that's not working.

Livio Scremin curators are not paid, so everything we do on Geni is "...someone is giving internet babysitting for free."

As for your question, my answer is NO.
The point of my previous comment was that no user is forced to communicate with any other user if they do not want to.

This person Lucy Cocke
was incorrectly linked to a duplicate Thomas Marsham (Thomas Marsham), the husband of another Lucy, Lucy Marsham, despite my having made notes on her profile.

I haven't been active on Geni for a while and although I have merged the two Thomases and successfully unlinked Lucy Cocke from him, I wonder if a curator could just firstly double-check the links for me, and secondly, make this Lucy a master profile as well, to try to avert this kind of thing happening again, please?

Private User Done, and locked relationships.

Thanks very much Erica Howton, much obliged.

Linda Zimmerman - updated.

Alex Moes sorry, but is better to summarize:
-(C) does "a" wrong merge. {It happens! nothing serious! not too often though, I recommend:}
-user kindly notifies (C) of the error, and that the sources are in the close BRO documented historical VIP.
-(C) go offline.
-(C) online, unresponsive and continues with its hundreds of daily merge.
-user remember notification.
-(C) offline.
-user fixes by himself and communicates that no more intervention is needed.
-another (C) hides the aforementioned message and begins a spiral of increasingly gloomy communications:
*now with the last one talking about "(C) not being paid doesn't necessarily have to fix what (C) broke!?" {{{who cares if (C) doesn't talk to me, just FIX for (C) mistake}}}
(I know you will say NO, at least I hope so, otherwise the spiral could lead to an inevitable: "if (X) don't pay (Y) ruin things and (Z) shut up" ..and this would be immoral? criminal ? prosecutable? agree?

We all make mistakes, some more, some less, letting them know is the only way to stop the spiral of mistakes. It can make someone unpopular but it must be done.

I suddelny encounter problems with uploading photos. Is this feature no longer possible for free members? I have tried over and over again, uploading it to the profile of the person it shows as well as adding it first to my photo album, but neither method works. Nothing happens. The status bar says something about waiting for - and that was that.

Private User, could it be some browser extension is blocking a connection?
Could you try another browser to see if the problem is browser dependent?
There is a limit to the space you can use, could that be the problem?
Did you try adding a different picture to another profile to see if there could be a problem with the picture or profile?

Uppload JPG from album: - Don't work

Uplolad JPG from profile: - OK

Space limit 1GB (true?) It would be nice to know how much of it is being used.

OK FIXED --> the fastest fix in history :D

Daniel - curators can 'unmerge' where a merge is incorrect. It is not obvious that those are incorrect merges. What gave you that impression? What have I missed?

Hi David—

It appears that Issie / Israel Goldfarb (married to Hilda Shugar) was confused with another person of the same name also from Montreal (married to one Helen Haberman), so that some of his children are not 'actually his'. That said, I'm going to do some more digging, so you may ignore my previous request.

My brother Michael Martin Tielemans has been incorrectly merged with my cousin Hannie Johanna Maria Spikmans-Pouwels on Aug 24. Please help to correct
Thank you
Josie Tielemans Pereira


John Roberts has two sets of parents. One set are zombies and I cannot get rid of them.

Karl David Wright

Partially fixed. Request to merge has been sent to the active manager.

Josie Pereira (Tielemans) — done. See if all is ok.

Thank you Anne Brannon. Michael’s birthplace & location should be London Ontario Canada. I used to be able to manage his profile as he has never joined himself. Now I am not allowed.

Hello Anne Brannen,
Following my preceding notes:
I’m getting concerned that Michael Martin Tielemans’ profile has a security breach! I just see he has updated my grandfather Martinus van den Berg and this is NOT Him. What is happening here? Please help

The unmerge on. Hannie Johanna Maria Spikmans-Pouwels
Michael Martin Tielemans
Has Michael's profile - Activity Tab - showing he made revisions to a profile in 2015
While the Revision Tab on that Profile only shows Hannie making Revisions there
and Hannie's Activity Tab is not showing me any activity listed

Did the unmerge cause errors here, including leaving Michael as a claimed profile and credited with actions he did not do?
If so, can Curators fix it?
(This is follow-up to comment above by Josie Pereira (Tielemans). )

Sarah Mattox was disconnected from the WT a few months ago. She is the mother of Elizabeth Albertson if someone would please connect them.


My name is Richard Gaudette. I am collobarating with another Geni member on our family websites but for some reason she cannot see an entry. We share manager duties on the file but we cannot find a way to make it public.

The name is Hollis J Israel (Abramson), she is my wife's mother.

She passed away last year so perhaps that has something to do with it. I added a category for death date but it didn't seem to help.

Can you resolve this for us.

In appreciation,

Richard Kent Gaudette

Josie Pereira (Tielemans) and Private User -- I noticed that and was surprised. Am putting in urgent ticket for Customer Service.

Private User & Private User Thanks for helping & forwarding. This is definitely not my brother Michael. He has never been on Geni. Hannie’s previous activity now shows as Michael as well as all her photos. I blocked him on his profile but I don’t know what that does? Should Hannie block him too? She said he requested she join his tree & did thinking he was family?

Josie Pereira (Tielemans) -- hang in there; I am very sure that CS will address things soon, and whoever it is that is your brother isn't online. I'll keep an eye on it, but all will be well, probably fairly soon.

Richard Kent Gaudette Report your mother in laws death from her profile - actions > report > reason: deceased (text box : add details). The mail request generated circulates to Geni Customer Support for their action, usually completed within a day or two. Then you’d be able to manage the privacy as you wish.

Private User done for Elizabeth Albertson

Thanks you Erica,

Been a few years since we spoke but always great to work with you!

Richard Gaudette

Please dissconnect Rivka Regina Gestetner from her wrong husband Yaakov Gestetner and connect her to the correct husband Yaakov Gestetner.

See note in her husband's profile why these 2 profiles cannot be the same person.

Showing 301-330 of 8088 posts

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