Philippa de Toulouse, comtesse de Poitiers - year of death

Started by David Bryan Wallace on Saturday, July 25, 2020
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7/25/2020 at 1:19 AM

Other sources ( three of first four Google hits ) give 1118 ( not 1117 ) as year of her death.

Private User
7/25/2020 at 1:31 AM

Google is not a source.

7/25/2020 at 7:38 AM


PHILIPPA [Mathilde] de Toulouse (-28 Nov 1117). The Chronicle of Saint-Maxence records the marriage of "Guillelmus" and "Philippam…filiam Willelmi comitis Tolosani et neptem Raimundi de Sancto Egidio"[419]. Robert of Torigny refers to, but does not name, "filiam unam" of "comes Tolosanus frater Raimundi comitis Sancti Ægidii" & his wife, who married "Guillermus comes Pictavensis et dux Aquitanorum"[420]. "Guillelmus…Aquitainie similiter et Vasconie dux et comes" confirmed donations to Sainte-Croix, Bordeaux by "genitor noster Guillelmus qui et Gaufridus vocatus est" with the consent of "Mathildis uxor…" by charter dated 23 Mar 1096[421]. It is assumed that Mathilde and Philippa refer to the same person. "Willelmus comes et uxor mea Philippia, filia Willelmi comitis Tolosæ" donated property to Toulouse Saint-Sernin by charter dated Jul 1098[422]. She is also named in an undated donation by Bertrand Comte de Toulouse which names her father but not her husband[423]. “Philippæ comitissæ…Emmæ filia” reached agreement with “Bernardus-Atonis filius Ermengardis” by charter dated 1114[424]. Orderic Vitalis recounts that "Hildegarde Ctss de Poitou" complained to the synod of Reims, held in Oct 1119 by Pope Calixtus II, that her husband had abandoned her for "Malberge wife of the vicomte de Châtellerault"[425]. This is inconsistent with the date of death of Philippa, shown above, not to mention the difference of first name. She became a nun. The necrology of the Prieuré de Fontaines records the death "28 Nov" of "Philippa monacha, Pictavensis comitissa"[426]. m (1094, divorced 1115) as his second wife, GUILLAUME IX Duke of Aquitaine, GUILLAUME VII Comte de Poitou, son of GUILLAUME VIII Duke of Aquitaine [GUILLAUME VI Comte de Poitou] & his third wife Hildegarde de Bourgogne [Capet] ([22 Oct 1071]-10 Feb 1127).

In sum: "Circa".

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