In researching my 6th ggrandfather, Caspar Joosten Springsteen I encountered conflicting data on his wives, of which there appear to have been three. The problem is that two of his wives, Maria Storm and Jannetje Jacobs Springsteen were living at the same time and having Caspar Joosten Springsteen's children in two different locations. Wikitree has a pretty well-researched file on Jannetje Jacobs Springsteen. Is there any data to support Maria Storm being this Casper Springsteen's wife? The problem may be two different Caspars, as Wikitree identifies Jannetje's husband as Caspar Melchiorsen Springsteen, not Caspar Joosten Melherse Springsteen.
Two separate wikitree profiles for Caspar Springsteens.
Quick answer: "No, there were at least 3"