Jean de La Chambre, vicomte de Maurienne - upgrade to Medlands 2020

Начал Livio Scremin четверг, 9 июля 2020
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9.7.2020 в 12:36 после полудня

Hallo ADMN,
not only are there 3 Jean not numbered, but at a first glance I have already found a marriage move to do.
If no one has anything against that SET as on Medlands, I ask for block removal across the Line:
-Jean de La Chambre, vicomte de Maurienne
-Richard II de La Chambre, vicomte de Maurienne
-Jean II de La Chambre, vicomte de Maurienne
-Jean III de La Chambre, vicomte de Maurienne
-..and probably more...


PLZ Kevin Lawrence Hanit can you assist?
(starting to remove name blocks:)

9.7.2020 в 1:03 после полудня

Livio Scremin,

I would like to wait a few days before jumping in to help.


14.7.2020 в 8:55 до полудня

updating and upgrading I solved all.. also pasting the ML sources..

..the insidious time-traveling wedding was in this Jean de La Chambre, vicomte de Maurienne & Béatrice de Thoire et Villars
curate both by Pam Wilson (on hiatus) )

now what I have to do to finish, is only insert the numbering in the still stuck names.

15.7.2020 в 11:27 до полудня

Livio Scremin Thank you for making any corrections needed. From the revisions list, I believe those profiles were previously curated by Justin Swanstrom, who resigned as curator, and I inherited them but have not worked on them. Have you contacted Gunther Kipp about the ones for which he is curator?

I tried to send you a private message, but it appears that you have blocked me for some reason unknown to me.

Whenever you have issues with any profile I curate, please contact me directly (I am more likely to see a message first) rather than asking another curator (i.e., Kevin Lawrence Hanit to intervene. I would also ordinarily recommend involving the curator who added the profiles in the first place, George Homs, although he is currently taking a leave from Geni as he develops his animal sanctuary in France.

Please let me know what further help you need from me. Thank you.

15.7.2020 в 12:15 после полудня

good numbers on Jean, now PLZ PUT 2 to Richard II de La Chambre, vicomte de Maurienne
Or do I have to go text that (c) privately?
The disclosure does not already notify who is involved !?

sorry I look at whole lines, multi curator, multi nation, multi language.. you can see from this tiny mini line already administered by different (C)s

I have met many helpful good (C) over the years since I poked my nose out of the pitiful blocked locked situation of the Italian Normans(now perfect), but probably all my medieval cleaning upgrade update work done whit super fast daily support of @Kevin it would have taken a decade (or probably more:)

PS. then I would like to tell you about the not insignificant detail "NN"
I know that few on GENI know the actual meaning and abuse it without realizing it.
-"NN" is used to indicate parents of foundlings.
-lost name I have seen the dots"..." in genealogy a lot
-or even dashes "---" like MedLands
I have already read about this "NN" abuse in a GENI discussion, now go find it again, I don't know where.. but I am at your disposal if you want to reason about it publicly:)

15.7.2020 в 12:46 после полудня

Livio, since N.N. means "nomen nescio" ("I do not know the name"), it is commonly used by genealogists instead of putting ??? or Name Unknown or other symbols, and it is well-recognized within the genealogical community. It may well have historically referred to foundlings in one context, especially in Italian birth registries, but its use is broader than that now and is used in many contexts around the world to simply mean "Name is not known."

I would appreciate it if you would unblock me so that we can communicate via message as needed. Also, please allow me time to respond, as I do not not work on the medieval tree nor check messages on a daily basis--it may sometimes be a matter of weeks, when my other work gets busy. However, I will always get back to you.

Like you, I have the highest respect for Charles Cawley's work in Medlands, and I also consult the soc.genealogy.medieval group as needed. I frequently correspond with Mr. Cawley, and if I spot an inconsistency in his work, he is always willing to address it.

I believe that if you will work with me, we can get the Norman trees well-documented. So, please, I ask you to not have such a negative attitude but rather approach in a spirit of cooperation.

15.7.2020 в 1:57 после полудня

"???" expresses doubtful uncertainty, do not use it for unknown.
Some write "unknown mother of ..." "unknown wife of ..." but you understand that it changes from the position in which it is read, & surely should be set on the display name, in order not to invent a name (remember that the system computerized is not human)

if you had found "NN" or "unknown" in exotic alphabets on European borders as much as I would, you wouldn't have even written me these lines .. especially while I'm trying to disarm a Troll that has connected in 7 real lines throughout Europe for 3 months , and apparently the first to notice it was me when he started making pre 1000 marriages

from someone
"NN" is accepted
"NN" it's known

from someone else
"NN" it is borne
"NN" is abused
the alternative is there and most technicians don't use "NN"

I repeat are only details.. points of view..
Such as deleting a carefully positioned display name to avoid repeating the surname title. trying to avoid anywhere 4/5 lines of text in the tree ..
Just another detail :D

15.7.2020 в 3:56 после полудня

Just to let you know, I do not use display names that have different information from the names in the name field. That adds more confusion. I prefer to allow the name field to generate display names from the recorded information. I know that may be different from the way some others like yourself use the display name field, but it is what I have settled on after 12 years on Geni, and how I manage my curated profiles.

15.7.2020 в 4:36 после полудня

NO SENSE.. Anyway as you say this line you inherited it and you didn't work on it.

I fixed it for you(all), be happy, it wasn't particularly difficult, of course if I could have assigned the numbers at the beginning rather than at the end I would have wasted a 10% of effort, to tell the truth it took me more effort and words to make you put 3 numbers :D

Stamens well

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