Blue Sky "Mary" Cornstalk - The REAL Story

Started by Dorene Private User on Monday, June 29, 2020
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I haven't edited Bluesky's profile at all, and the only edit I made on Parker Adkins' profile was an attempt to fix a formatting bug. I haven't removed or added any actual content.

To be clear, my position is that these contested profiles should present a summary of each perspective, not just one. I am in no way in favor of removing one perspective while keeping another.

HI, Ashely. Thank you for getting back to me so quickly.

All of the material that I had posted on the Parker Adkins profile has disappeared, and that was a few days ago when I posted the question the first time. What I had added was quite a lot of information, and it was not the information that appears now :(.

I agree with your position and that was my understanding of how the contested profiles would be handled moving forward.

I would like an explanation and clarification from Erica, please.

Thank you.

Hi Dorene,

I did update Parker Adkins a few days ago as you requested, and I’m sorry if I had given you a wrong impression. I worked with it and the tree for some hours in fact, including doing some fresh looks, and corrections to data fields as a result. I also worked on all the kids and made sure they matched the info in Parker’s profile (and vice versa).

I ended up doing a chronological list of outside references, without comment, except on “Shawnee Heritage,” which I suspect you’d agree is a problematic source, and needs a “reader beware” warning in profile.

My needs for a profile “About” might be just my style, but I felt that Parker is not controversial, it’s his wife / wives who is. So when I tried reading from my “I’m a new member” hat, I wanted to know more about “him” in the profile. Still do, actually.

I know there should be more references. Maybe upload docs and then I’ll also cite in profile?

I see Elijah Adkins crept in there - should he come out?

Parker Adkins also married/partnered with Bluesky Cornstalk, producing at least three children, Littleberry Adkins, Charity Adkins and Elijah Adkins (see entry for April 4, 2021 below).. See attached discussions.

A few years back we had a major kerfuffle when a Hungarian partisan of the Mysterious Agatha Agatha wife of Edward the Exile, plunked down the Hungarian tradition for her origin at the head of her Overview section, which was at the time supported by an article on "the official website of the British Monarchy" ( However, that website was soon overhauled to such an extreme extent that it provided little or no information on early monarchs any longer (and the site is currently down altogether).

After a great deal of back and forth, the Overview was pared back to a bare summation of the extant theories as to Agatha's origin (Hungary is *not* the leading contender; that distinction is shared between the German Empire and Kievan Rus').

When there's as much controversy as *that*, Geni policy generally favors what was the eventual outcome with Agatha: present all theories equally - and equally briefly.. No screeds, no tirades, no special pleading - just the outlines. (Anybody interested in an extensive discussion about Agatha's ancestry can find it here:

Exactly, Private User.

The way to resolve this is to keep it brief and direct, with no endorsement or judgment of either theory. That may not be either blogger's preferred solution, but it would be consistent with both Geni and genealogical practice. Let me sleep and I'll write a (short :)) proposal tomorrow.

Everyone, all I and my family are interested (I am writing on their behalf) is to have our side represented fairly and equitably on all profiles.

Ashley, this is the controversial material from the other blog that needs to go:

From June 2017

"... One branch of Parker Adkins descendants has embraced the story that, in addition to the children he had with his wife, Mary, he had two children by a daughter of Chief Cornstalk named Kisekwi-Waskwi “Blue Sky” Cornstalk and when Blue Sky died, Parker took his two half-Shawnee children, Littleberry and Charity, home to his wife, Mary, who raised them along with their other children.

No proof existed, one way or another, until 2016 when a direct female descendant of Charity Adkins was located and agreed to have her mitochondrial DNA analyzed. Mitochondrial DNA traces a female's maternal ancestry, mother-to-mother-to-mother, back through time. The DNA came back as Haplogroup H, meaning Charity's mother was a white woman with mostly English and Irish ancestry. Many other women match this DNA kit, all of them with the same basic ancestry. ...."

Removed. It belongs in discussion (in my opinion) and there’s been plenty.

I’ll leave it to Ashley and you to write up anything else.

To the point about me not having all the facts, I stand by that as on the blog which I googled, I can not find kit numbers of participants and how they are kin to a vetted line. The team that reports their genetic genealogy to me would be glad to run about 60 kits of this project to our participants in the Piqua Shawnee Project as that was professionally done and we can get their kit numbers as they are vetted BlueJacket kits and very numerous. Without the LARGE group batch signature SNP information and a way for any and all to run the kits to revet, it is indeed not having the ability to do the ISOGG standard way which is for any and all to be able to run the kits in a group browser and see for themselves how many line up, where, and at what cM with the 5th cousins generally showing up at 7 cM at least unless it is a half cousin which gets into some 4 cM where it states that it is a half match.

David, no disrespect. I too stand firmly by my blog and the information presented therein. It is correct.

I know who is the curator of the Picqua Shawnee Project about which you speak. He knows me well and has verified my relationship...he is none other than Carlyle Hinshaw. He calls me Cousin.

Many thanks, Erica!

No disrespect at all. Everyone are cousins. The thing on the atDna is that kit numbers are for sure able to be made public and if you wanted to bring that information over to the Research Tab on Geni and scroll down and click Project and transfer the exact segments, their full or half match signature SNP summaries onto a place that is public and able to be revetted here on Geni, that way we could run the kits and see because as you say, I am missing information. I don't do the kit revetting but report from a team who can, if you like.

David’s proposal would be interesting to me, as I don’t understand how Adkins and Bluejacket relate. And by far the more tests analyzed, the more informative for everyone.

With all due respect Dorene, you’re sounding a bit defensive. Why? All info helps.

Oh, no, I'm not being defensive, Erica. I see how it might have sounded that way. Just providing information :)

Thank you for your kind offer, David.

I wish I could do what you are suggesting; however, I took the time to call Carlyle. I just got off the phone with him. He requested that I not upload DNA to Geni, even snippets. He asked me to not reveal the GEDmatch numbers for the persons who are included in the chromosome and segment mapping. A few of those numbers might be public for the Piqua Shawnee Project, but the majority of those included in my comparison are not Bluejackets and they are not public information. So, unfortunately, I must decline.

He asked me to ask how you are involved with the Piqua Shawnee Project.

Thank you in advance for your answer :).

I received the full report from my team member, Kent Malcolm. Everything in atDna is done team mode with large numbers and professional oversight, with the team who feeds me the information to report on Geni. Maybe later then or even on Gedcom and using the tree within their system as they now also have projects.

David, thank you. I will discuss this with the participants.

I forgot to mention about what you mentioned about the Tier One app when you mentioned Segments App and such, that all of the people on Tier One's kit numbers are public and they are denoted in a lot of social media groups and such, as these types of kits do get passed on, especially in fb groups. So, I don't mean to out the person who gave the study summary which is from a public website.

Sure. I understand, David.

What I meant was that, and I'm sorry if I did not explain myself well enough, the majority of the cousins who participated in the comparisons that I have posted on my blog are NOT (sorry for the caps) publicly available. The numbers were not obtained rom fb groups nor any other social media platforms. The majority of the numbers were obtained by my personal relationship with the owners of the those numbers :).

Re. … the majority of the cousins who participated in the comparisons that I have posted on my blog are NOT (sorry for the caps) publicly available.

In other words, there is not a way to inspect the tests or replicate results?

Erica, the information is available on my blog :)

It’s not in a form I understand. That is, no pedigree attached to the test participants. So all I see is that they have some overlapping chromosome segments.

Oh, let's just have links to the two contending theories, and let everyone make up their own minds.

Hi, Erica.

Yesterday you had mentioned in a comment that you had removed the following material from the Blue Sky profile. It is still there:

From June 2017

"... One branch of Parker Adkins descendants has embraced the story that...etc, etc."

"No proof existed, etc. etc.."

Please be sure to remove it.

Thank you.

Maven....Exactly! That's all my family wanted

Thank you ;).

Thank you, Erica :)

Please see the September 1, 2021 entry of the "Recent Developments" page of my blog for information about the book containing the results of Phase III of the Native American mitochondrial study about which I have been writing during these discussions. I was a participant in Phase III as well as Audalene Starr, the direct female-line descendant of Bluesky Cornstalk and Charity Adkins who has been referred to as "the Charity test subject."

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