Blue Sky "Mary" Cornstalk - The REAL Story

Started by Dorene Private User on Monday, June 29, 2020
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Maven, did you notice there’s a disproved Mary Bluesky Littleberry Hawkins? Mary Elizabeth (Littleberry) Hawkins, wife of .William Charles Hawkins, Jr.. Family legend has her parents were Shawnee Chief Hokolesqua "Cornstalk" and Helizikinopo "Sister of Big Snake". There is no proof. Her name would have been Kisekwi-Waskwi, "Blue Sky". She took the name Mary when she married. .. There is no accounting for the maiden name of "Littlebury". Her 3rd great grandchildren do not have 1.5% native American DNA, which they should have if it were true. This legend is therefore is not true. Mary Elizabeth Hawkins

And also - Blue Sky Littleberry Cornstalk

So is that three families with an oral tradition?

Thank you Dorene for the link to

I had read it, but I don’t see how Blue Jacket relates to Cornstalk. Or Adkins?

What is the objection to Roberta Estes reviewing your DNA studies? You said it’s on your blog, but I don’t see where?

You are welcome, Erica.

That is the whole point: The only way that Carlyle;s Bluejackets DNA is related to me and the others is through Cornstalk and the Adkins.. It is the only way. I explained the relationships yesterday, I believe it was, in another conversation string.

Sharon Doubell: Yes.

Erica, no there was never a silver miner named John Swift married to Bluesky. Does the family claiming the Swift Bluesky marriage have DNA matching Federally enrolled Shawnee Chief Silverheels descendants?

No, the relationship between Bluejacket and Cornstalk is not clear to me. How are they related?

You’ll notice Geni does not show Bluesky married to John Swift. It’s from Shawnee Heritage.

What I’m looking for is the name of Jeane Chaffin‘s mother (and her mother). She descends Keziah Adkins, Charity Adkins sister, and is the other tester. I don’t think we have this complete tree on geni, which makes transparency a tad more difficult.

As to the Mary Elizabeth Littleberry, I am familiar with the link you posted. There is no link back nor relationship to Adkins or Cornstalk.

Here is a better and more complete list and analysis of ancestors of Audalene Starr that I had written about on my blog under the section "Housekeeping": If you are going to use this on Geni, I request you please list the source and post a link to my blog:

"Audalene Mays Adkins Starr's female line of descent from Charity Adkins:

"Bluesky Cornstalk married/partnered with Parker Vincent Adkins

"Charity Adkins married Randolph Adkins. Their fathers were brothers. Charity and Randolph were Adkins 1st cousins.

"Rhoda Adkins (parents: Adkins 1st cousins) m. Merritt Johnson.

"Zerilda Johnson (mother: Adkins) m. Enoch Adkins. Zerilda and Enoch were Adkins 2nd cousins, once removed.

"Betsy Adkins (parents: Adkins 2nd cousins, once removed) married Calvin Dillon

"Ella Dillon (mother: Adkins) married Walter Adkins (mother: Mays). Ella and Walter were Adkins 3rd cousins, once removed.

""Goldie" Adkins (parents: Adkins 3rd cousins, once removed) married Russell Mays (mother: Adkins). Goldie and Russell were Adkins 4th cousins.

"Audalene Mays Starr (parents: Adkins 4th cousins) married Audie Adkins (direct male-line descendant of William Adkins, Sr.). Audalene and Audie were 4th cousins.

*Audalene's son Audie Duane Adkins is both a direct male- AND female-line descendant of Charity Adkins and William Adkins, Sr.!"

Thank you. The list should be compared with the Geni tree. I think Geni may be missing a generation.

To understand relationships, we need, if possible, Jeane Chaffin’s parents and grandparents (public profiles). Do you know them?

This has been on Geni for years. Audalene has a logIn on Geni but is not connected to this tree.

Charity Adkins is Goldie (Adkins) White's third great grandmother.

Looks like trees are in sync, all is well.

Let me get you the information for the Keziah test subject (Jeane Chafin).

I described her descent as well on my blog. If you are going to use this, I request that you cite me as the provider of the information and provide a link to my blog, as with the information for Audalene Starr: (Please use the following link rather than the link provided above)

Jeane Chaffin’s direct female line descent from Keziah Adkins Fry:
Mary Last Name Unknown married Parker Vincent Adkins.

Keziah Mallory Adkins (father: Adkins) married George Peter Fry II.

Susannah Fry (mother: Adkins) married Elias Adkins. Susannah and Elias were Adkins first cousins.

Arminta “Minta” Adkins married William Joseph Adkins. Arminta and William were Adkins first cousins.

Susanna M. Adkins (parents Adkins 1st cousins) married Martin VanBuren “Van” Fry.

Martha Fry (mother: Adkins) married Fletcher Stiltner

Georgia Stiltner married Walter H. Berry

Janet Hope Berry married Donald Lloyd Chaffin

Jeane Chaffin

Please note: I have fulfilled curator requests for the two lines which are the topic of this discussion.

Dorene Private User - Geni already had audalene’s tree, so there no reason to link to a pedigree report on a copyrighted blog. The profiles have vital records attached. We’ll see what’s needed for Jeane. I’m not making her profile as she’s a living person. Our hope is that members link their DNA tests done at FTDNA (free linking): we’ve been able to transparently resolve many disputes that way. So still hoping that can become possible.

Ok, got the Keziah tree together.

Keziah (Adkins) Fry is Georgiana (Stiltner) Berry's third great grandmother.

Looks like trees are in sync, all is well.

Geni says: Goldie (Adkins) White is Georgiana (Stiltner) Berry's third cousin once removed.

And the test questions are

So regarding this by Dorene

I have had both the Charity and Keziah test subjects tested, mitochondrial and autosomal -- and the fact of the matter is that the Charity AND Keziah test subjects DO have Native American in BOTH their mitochondrial and autosomal test results.

The lines are

  • Goldie Adkins White
  • Daughter of Ella Dillon Adkins
  • Daughter of Sarah ”Betsy” Adkins Dillon
  • Daughter of Serilda Johnson
  • Daughter of Rhoda Adkins Johnson
  • Daughter of Charity Adkins

Charity Adkins is Goldie (Adkins) White's third great grandmother.

and here

  • Jeane Chaffin (tester)
  • Daughter of Janet Hope Berry Chaffin (living / private)
  • Daughter of Georgiana Stiltner Berry
  • Daughter of Martha Jane Fry Mills
  • Daughter of Susanna M. Adkins Fry
  • Daughter of Arminta (Westina) Adkins
  • Daughter of Keziah Fry

Keziah (Adkins) Fry is Georgiana (Stiltner) Berry's third great grandmother.

Dorene contends that
1.their proved? descendant gr granddaughters have both been tested more than once. (Once by her)
2.The mtDNA result shows H3b1b1 [so they shared the same mother: Mary Adkins
3.The atDNA result shows that they both have some Native American specific genetics [is this not expected for descendants of people in this area?]

Based on this info, I can't see what should be changed on Geni. The info we have been given is accurately represented.

  • Uploading the test subjects' DNA results to Geni would be a minimal expectation if Dorene has the results and wants Geni to use them. However, it is not obvious what changes can be made based on this info anyway.

Regarding this claim by Dorene:

the Charity AND Keziah test subjects DO have Native American in their mitochondrial test results.

This appears to be incorrect. Amerindian mtDNA is traced to A,B,C,D and X haplogroups, not H.
It is also irrelevant to the profile as it is shown on Geni, as it is impossible to show who Mary's parents were from the sources.

Erica, please remove the statement that Charity and Keziah share the same mother if you are posting that on the profiles. I never said that. It would be a misrepresentation to post it as you have it written and would be even more confusing to a reader to publish it that way. I do not want my words or information twisted. I have a very clear stance.

Also, it is an incorrect statement that I have only had one DNA test conducted for each of the test subjects (sorry for the caps, it is used for clarity since there's not a way to bold text):

I conducted ELEVEN tests of the two subjects -- six total DNA tests (three mitochondrial and three autosomal) for the Charity test subject. I conducted five total DNA tests for the Keziah test subject (two mitochondrial and three autosomal -- one of the mitochondrial tests had already been performed by a cousin, so I performed two more, bringing the total to three mitochondrial tests for the Keziah test subject).

With the exception of 23andMe (because they do not provide the information in their mitochondrial results), ALL MITOCHONDRIAL tests results for both test subjects DO contain Native American. Again, both test subjects' haplogroup has been determined to be Native American and this form of H is included in a specialty Native American mitochondrial DNA study. (Please add this information.)

Please be sure to post a link of my blog to that page and post a link for any of the profiles that you use the line of descent I provided for the Charity and Keziah test subjects.

I do not grant you,Geni, any other curators (volunteer or otherwise) or member users permission or license to quote/use or post any information, DNA results, photos, images or any other content contained on my blog without my prior express, written permission. (I do not want my blog nor the information contained therein to be misrepresented. I do have very good legal representation in place to protect the content of my copyrighted blog. I will be happy to provide the law firm's contact information, if necessary, to any appropriate legal counsel.

Shron Doubell: With all due respect, it is apparent that you are not current on mitochondrial DNA research, especially ancient DNA and its origins. You are, unfortunately, wrong. This is why it is imperative to have a curator on these profiles whose area of expertise is current Native American DNA (and current archaic DNA studies) and an expert in the history of the of the Native Americans during the time period being discussed. It is a real frustration for and disservice to Geni members with any Native American heritage, be it paying or non-paying to not be. I know you all want to get it right. That would be the way to do it.

Phillipp Weeyres, You really shouldn't be guessing and making judgments about a family and their history when it is obvious you have not taken the time to do the research.

(Again, sorry for the caps, it's just for emphasis on that part of the text)

It's funny, think about what you just said...all these comments about H3 or any Haplogroup Hs for that matter, are incorrect, in that the population models provided by these "big box" DNA companies are based on CURRENT population models...where people ENDED UP...NOT detailed and concrete information about from where they originated. In my opinion, they are out-dated guesses. As for the comment about Mary Adkins (unknown)'s being from Mexico, doesn't fit with what you had just written -- if haplogroup Hs were all from England and Ireland...

I encourage you all to learn more about ancient DNA. Here is where the answers lay. It is quite fascinating. Ancient ancestors were very mobile and loved to explore. I highly recommend the latest findings (2021) by Eske Willerslev.

Dorene Private User

We are volunteers, and you’re not going to find the level of expertise you’re looking for in any volunteer curator (and probably not in too many members).

That’s why I suggest hearing from Roberta Estes on the topic. I’m pretty sure she’s considered a pre eminent expert. Is there a problem with that suggestion?

Kathryn Forbes

Perhaps I can trouble you for suggestions on the requested:

a curator on these profiles whose area of expertise is current Native American DNA (and current archaic DNA studies) and an expert in the history of the of the Native Americans during the time period being discussed. …

Of course, you are fully qualified as the latter, if I may call attention to your outstanding contributions to Native American genealogy.

Dorene Private User, since you have legal/copyright concerns, you need to go through Geni directly to address those -- they can't be discussed/handled on a public thread.

You can either file a help ticket at OR e-mail the Designated Copyright Agent at The checklist of what to provide is in section X at

The profile for Keziah Fry quotes Ronnie Adkins, not Dorene Private User, and makes clear there is some uncertainty on her origins.

Making my statement more explicit, as per Dorene's request:

Dorene contends that

  1. the proved? descendant gr granddaughters of Keziah & Charity have both been tested more than once. (She has had them tested them multiple times)
  2. The mtDNA result shows H3b1b1 [Sharon's comment in hard brackets: so they shared the same mother: Mary unknown Adkins]
  3. The atDNA result shows that they both have some Native American specific genetics [Sharon's comment in hard brackets: is this not expected for descendants of people in this area?]

Based on this info, I can't see what should be changed on Geni. The info we have been given is accurately represented.

  • Uploading the test subjects' DNA results to Geni would be a minimal expectation if Dorene has the results and wants Geni to use them. However, it is not obvious what changes can be made based on this info anyway.

I’m certainly not an expert on DNA, but the mitochondrial “H” group is clearly European. The same people who insist that Native Americans are a lost tribe of Israel claim falsely that the “H” mitochondrial group is Native American, a claim refuted by every reliable DNA expert. There are multiple competing groups of Adkins descendants, each of which has its’s own claims and theories. From everything I have read there is nothing to connect them to the Shawnee chief named Cornstalk. DNA results seem to show that two daughters, Keziah and Charity, had the same white mother.

Are DNA databases refined enough to identify tribal origins?

Hi, Erica. I'm fine if you use the information I outlined above, please make the corrections as I noted. It misrepresents what I wrote and what I have written on my blog. I only want to ensure that what I have posted is not misconstrued in some way.

I wrote this on the other ongoing conversation thread Larry Bowman, but it is worth reposting here:

Erica, perhaps this information will help clarify and solidify that the Bluesky oral and written tradition in our various families was indeed before the advent of the internet or its use as a research tool by ordinary people. (I apologize for the caps in advance, but it's the only way I am able to highlight the portions of text to where I want to draw your attention.)

It is quite simple really:

Ronnie Adkins explains in his book on page V that it took him nine years of researching and compiling family lines. (And we don't know the time it took for the written manuscript to be published in book form from time of completion, so really the date should be pushed back even earlier).

So even if one uses the date of publication minus nine years, that establishes the time frame that Ronnie began to collect and compile the information to, at the latest, 1981. So it is obvious he collected and vetted the family lines and needed to compile them into final format well before the 1990 publication date.

Ronnie was a retired police detective. He knew how to gather information and evidence. What were valid examples of evidence and what was not. Ronnie wrote on page 12, "As most serious researchers know oral family traditions that have been carried on for decades are more often right than wrong."

So here, in Ronnie's own words in his book that was published in 1990 on pages 12 and 13, is DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE that he had in his custody and control written documentation from various Adkins family members that Charity and Littleberry Adkins were the children of Bluesky Cornstalk, daughter of Chief Cornstalk:

Quote from pages 12 and 13 from Ronnie Adkins copyrighted book, "Adkins Land of York":

"When I received the info on Bluesky I was so sure it was one of the embellished stories that I PLACED IT IN MY DISCARD FILE AND THERE IT STAYED FOR OVER THREE YEARS. In doing my other family research, I ever so often came up on little tidbits THAT WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MADE IT MORE THAN POSSIBLE THAT THE BLUESKY STORY IS INDEED TRUE.

This is definitive proof of WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION from Adkins family members regarding Charity and Littleberry's being the children of Bluesky, daughter of Chief Cornstalk in the custody of Ronnie Adkins well before the advent of the computer or on-line research or genealogical programs and BEFORE any books by Don Greene.

Case closed ;)

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