Blue Sky "Mary" Cornstalk - The REAL Story

Started by Dorene Private User on Monday, June 29, 2020
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I'm not seeing a plethora. So far, you've refused to even provide the first step.

Because I do not see the relationship between you, the people you mention, and most especially, Bluesky’s relationship to Cornstalk.

For quite a long time now I’ve described DNA test scenarios we use on Geni; in this case, mt DNA is most relevant, and that test was done. However, you refute those results and supply at DNA instead, which is problematic at 6 / 7 / 8 generations.

You have not described the pedigree although I asked for it. Apparently you will be posting that on your copyrighted blog? Advise when done.

For such a historic figure I would go to the historians. It looks, however, that you don’t agree with Sugan? So what do citations we can read are on offer?

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Sugden is a great historian, but in this instance he was incorrect about Peter Cornstalk's not being a son of Cornstalk.

Tammy, I am not the one who removed your comment.

Erica, yes, the pedigree which is being discussed is on my blog and it is also posted on Sarah Burns Atkins blog. The DNA of the Charity test subject (Adualene Mays Adkins Starr) is one of those family members who was analyzed on The Proof page. That information has been available for a few years now.

What’s your citation for that claim, Dorene?

Sharon is looking for the paper trail to the mother of Charity Adkins. I can’t address those whose trees are not on Geni, but I have confidence in the accuracy of this tree (if there’s anything wrong, please advise).

The dispute mt DNA test was at Family Tree DNA by Goldie Adkins daughter (did she also have White children? Please fill them in, if so).

Goldie White

This is her path to Charity Adkins Parker’s daughter, showing as Goldie’s 3rd great grandmother (is that correct??)

Goldie (Adkins) White

  →  Ella (Dillon) Adkins 

her mother → Sarah ”Betsy” (Adkins) Dillon
her mother → Serilda Johnson
her mother → Rhoda (Adkins) Johnson
her mother → Charity Adkins
her mother

I am still waiting for an answer to my question from one of the curators:

Why isn't Carlyle Hinshaw's recognition of the relationships endorsement good enough?

Why isn't Bobby Bluejacket's recognition of the relationships and endorsement good enough?

Why isn't Dennis Bluejacket's recognition of the relationships and endorsement good enough?

Dorene Private User - we copy / paste links to material, including Geni profiles, to make it easier on people.

What’s the name of Keziah’s descendants mother, do you recall? Keziah is Charity’s. problematic sister who apparently has matching mtDNA but that’s been disputed.

Dorene advises that the family historian, Ronnie Adkins, died recently. He wrote a well regarded study in the 1990s and I believe kept up on the family. He included the Bluesky oral tradition without a definitive opinion, if I remember correctly. And I think we have the relevant page from his book scanned and uploaded - I’ll look.

I already answered you. I do not know their relationships to this tree as you have not shared pedigree / relationship links, nor do I see their trees on Geni to study for myself. I did In fact find Hinshaw’s genealogy site but his Shawnee side is not on it.

He’d be more than welcome to post on Geni and describe his work. Or even an uploaded email to study.

Erica, what do you do in the instances where the material is not available in electronic format?

The name of the Keziah descendant's mother is Mary Last Name unknown, wife of Parker Adkins.

Erica, I believe the page from Ronnie's book that you reference is still under copyright. I believe I have the page on the Documents section on my blog. He granted me permission to post the page on my blog.

Dorene Private User and others, Geni justified deleting profile a short time back of a modern day person the Geni user could not give proof of existence... is not a Native American thing....
Just a few weeks ago, a profile for the daughter of a slave master father and slave mther was deleted on Family Search and I only noticed it because the person deleting her actually messaged me asking for proof...
Just use caution when adding anyone to Geni and know there is a real concern for both sides of the "argument"
I did go ahead and add "my" cousin to Geni-- a Cornstalk relative who was born Rapert but is a dead end until she is researched and sourced.
MANY of my "lines" are "like" this... it IS, simply, what it is.
I have soooo much compassion for others in the same boat and have felt more compelled to add profiles to Geni that are either DNA proved or at least found in census, etc, records... that gives a FOUNDATION from which to build
This is NOT "easy"

Can you link which page of the blog please for Ronnie Adkins mention of Bluesky?

We look for the earliest mention in an oral tradition. If it’s a published book or article, a citation to it is fine. Everything is cataloged at the Library of Congress.

Uploading / quoting brief snippets is within copyright. But anyway for Ronnie Adkins work, hopefully my paraphrase (if accurate) is good enough, and I can supply the book citation. I’ve always mentioned source reputation.

Sorry I wasn’t clear. I’m looking for the name of the mother of the tester in Keziah’s decent line whose mtDNA test compared with Goldie’s daughter.

Adkins, Ronnie. The Adkins Family of Wayne County, West Virginia: Also Cabell, Lincoln, and Boone : a Genealogical History : the Descendants of William and Elizabeth (parker) Adkins of Henrico County, Virginia, from 1690 to 1990. Montgomery, Ala. (3540 S. Georgetown Drive, Montgomery, 36109-2232: R. Adkins, 1990. Internet resource.


After telling the Blue Sky story which he described as an oral family tradition, he said: The above is included not to embellish in any way, rather to give descendants of Charity some information on which to base further research.”

Bluesky is mentioned in his book as follows

  1. 42 (p. 12) - 3 matching terms
  2. 43 (p. 13) - 5 matching terms
  3. 833 (p. 803) - 1 matching term;id=wu.8905859...


And as far as I know, this is her only mention in print.

Am I right about that?

Dorene, for what it's worth, literally all I'm doing here is trying to find paper citations to add to these profiles so that you don't have to keep answering questions about relationships. If you can link to overviews written by the three people you've mentioned, I'll cite them for you. If you only have paper copies, you could also scan or photograph them (or reasonable excerpts, if they're copyrighted) and then upload the files -- and again, I'll do the citation work for you if you want.

I very much understand the problem. My maternal side is basically all oral history before 1850, so I usually link to transcripts of oral history from elders that were recorded in the 1900s. It's an easy way to do it, and at least it's some kind of citation. And I also know that when I hit points in my tree where my branch's oral history differs from another branch's, I can't build back in a shared tree because there will be too much debate over whether my branch's oral history is correct. So I only have oral history citations on profiles where I am certain that every descendant branch is in agreement. It looks like that isn't the case with Blue Sky...and that's why as much citation as possible is necessary to make your argument on Geni.

Bottom line is, the more users cite profiles, the less discussion there is about whether they're accurate. So I've been spending my Sunday afternoon reading journal articles and adding citations to these profiles, which I definitely don't need to do if it's not wanted, or if it's taken as a personal offense. But really, I'm trying to help you here.

As to “not available in electronic format.” A citation is fine, including repository information. So let’s say there’s a hand drawn tree in possession of a cousin who inherited it, and you don’t have a picture of it yet. You’d want as full a description as you can. Think like a museum catalog. And it’s a precious artifact you “want” to cite.

I'm sorry, Erica, Carlyle Hinshaw's veracity as being a direct descent of Chief Bluejacket being challenged?

Thank you for the suggestion, Erica. It is helpful.

As I understand the controversy (repeating for new to the story):

  • there’s an oral tradition that a Shawnee woman called Bluesky, daughter of Cornstalk, was the mother of two of Parker Adkins children, Littleberry and Charity.
  • all agree that a woman named Mary was his wife and the mother of the rest of his children
  • some think Mary was a Fry. This does not seem to be strenuously argued anymore.
  • some think Mary was the mother of all of Parker’s children.

It’s not being challenged. It’s not known to me. Nor is it known to me that Blue Jacket and Cornstalk are related. So point us to where we can see for ourselves.

Dorene, I didn't say *you* mentioned it. Someone else did, but it would be a great start toward proving that "Bluesky" really did exist, if someone could find the story written down - and the more specifics, the better.

Erica, this should help to resolve one of your points:

Mary was never a Fry nor any of the other names, e.g., Littlebury, French and the other names are escaping me just now.

Mary, the wife of Parker Adkins, is truly Mary Last Name Unknown. The Adkins family, including Ronnie, have all agreed on that fact. This has been strenuously argued, researched and proven by the Adkins family, especially on the Adkins Family History Group. It was extensively discussed and repeatedly resolved while you were a member of that page.

Here's a link to an article that documents Carlyle's direct descent from Chief Bluejacket:

"The three Bluejacket brothers that establish Bluejacket Crossing were George, Henry and Charles. Henry was my great-great-grandfather. The three brothers were grandsons of Shawnee Chief Blue Jacket, 1737-1808. He was the last principal war chief of the Shawnee Tribe of Indians.

"Carlyle explains, “My great grandmother, Emma Bluejacket, was born at at the Crossing in 1854. Her father was Henry Bluejacket and Henry was an older brother of Rev. Charles Bluejacket. Along with their older brother, George Bluejacket, the three brothers established Blue Jacket’s Crossing. It was also called the Lower Crossing of the Wakarusa."

(Carlyle and his family were participants in the DNA studies that proved once and for all that Chief Bluejacket was a Shawnee man, not a white man.)

Seems to me that if you don't know what her birth surname *was*, you can't say with certainty what it *wasn't*.

As for Littleberry Adkins, is there any chance that he was named after Littleberry Eppes (Doesn't have to be a relative, just somebody who sufficiently impressed his parents.)

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