Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the USA - Is he a descendant of King John of England?

Started by Daniel Louis Sapphire on Friday, June 26, 2020
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The Scottish lineage would be the only one that might have a connection to King John. But, his mothers tree is so obscure from her Scottish heritage in which it would be very difficult to make the connection. Not unless someone out there is very creative in developing a connection.

I expect Trump would settle for "creative".

But most of the other Presidential descents from King John are a bit "creative" anyway. Only about a dozen or so actually come with the evidence.

i thought he went back to; Iye Du MacKay, 12th of Strathnaver%20%20Iye%20MacKay%20of%20Strathnaver and; doesn;t that go into sinclair / roslin ?:

No, Susan. That pedigree was disproved. The professional / published genealogists are “stuck” on more Scots ancestry currently, and the geni tree is up to date with their knowledge plus our own.

Room for expansion on his German side.

Does anyone know of a John Trump...died 1839 - Columbia, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. I have a dna match to a descendant.

Aha...I also match a Linda D. Rosness that has Earliest Known Ancestors Paternal:Frederick Trump.

I match a Michael Trump that lives in Germany...yet when I look at our shared ethnicities, our only one in common is Scandinavian.

Diana Collins you might want to make a separate thread for your queries. Let's stay focused on the genealogy of Donald Trump here.

At one time, Donald Trump showed as blood to me. It was distant, but that line got cut. It is a big interest to me that I match someone that has a Frederick Trump as a so many great grandfather to her. Unfortunately, she does not show her tree. I am going to try and contact her.

DEAR ALL: QUESTION: But, is TRUMP related to Jan van Groenewegen of the DUTCH EAST INDIA COMPANY & therefore the rest of US PRESIDENTS who-many of them-descend from KING JOHN Also, What happened to my former BLOOD-RELATIONSHIP to Donald Trump that used to be on "GENI.COM"?? SUDDENLY, with no disappears! PS ISN't it admitted that TRUMP by "GENI" estimates is a descendant of "OLD TROJAN" McLEOD ? IS TRUMP really "THE HIGHLANDER" by descent?

Charles Saunders - the descent from “Old Trojan” McLeod is a false start; Geni did show it a few years ago, but corrected the McLeod tree based on the official presidential genealogies. So far no one knows where exactly the McLeods that lead to Trump originate, but we know it wasn’t “Old Trojan” as far as anyone can tell. We have quite a few discussions going through it.

This has been posted many times before and is attached to profiles.

American Ancestors Magazine, Volume 18, Number 1. Spring 2017. Page 50-52

I believe ha and all the presidents are related to Charlemagne.

If someone stole a few of my pancakes, I'd just assume they like my cooking. :D

From last posting....seems to be a combination of....

Commissary Donald MacLeod, of Whitefield near Thurso


Donald MacLeod

I would take author, Roman Piso, with a grain of salt. I doubt "Roman Piso" is an actual human person. Where are his credentials, if that is his real name?

If I had a relative visiting, and they helped themselves to a pancake... what is the big deal? I would be their host. Would I expect them to have to leave the house to grab a bite if they were hungry? Hell no! That would make ME a worse person than them for helping themselves. If a relative came to my house at Christmas time and helped themself to a cookie, would I think less of them? Would I smack their hand and say "Ask first!"? All I can say is "Low morals".

"Davis's research on this subject began with encountering the writings of Roman Piso and Joseph Atwill, works that Davis freely admits have been dismissed as conspiracy theories."

(A lot of self-help books, etc.)

And Jay Gallus, 'co-author' of the one and only book by either one that has been published -- is one and the same person, as revealed in the preview. So Roman Piso is actually "Jay Gallus" (of Minnesota). Kind of an alter-ego, I guess.

He admits upfront in his book preface that he has no academic credentials, and prefers anonymity (or as he calls it, "privacy"). He states that credentials (such as educational or career achievements) isn't as important as the content of his book alone. His main claim to authority is that he believes himself to be a descendant of the Piso family of Rome.

Gallus claims to have studied ancient languages, yet one of the reviewers of his book said it was unreadable due to poor grammar.

Jay Gallus (aka Roman Piso) claims that the Piso family of Rome wrote the entire New Testament and basically invented Jesus Christ. Of particular interest to him is this fellow, who on Geni has all of 35 descendants.

Arrius Antonius Piso Piso

In fact he starts with Arrius Calpurnius Piso, aka Flavius Josephus, aka St Peter

Just when you think you've seen it all...

In case anyone has missed the article that gives Donald Trump's ancestry, as found in the journal of The Hereditary Order of the Families of the Presidents and First Ladies, it is here --

scroll down to page 51.

Showing 61-90 of 154 posts

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