R' Elimelech Derbaremdiker of Grizew - Birth Surname and Last Name

Начала Private User четверг, 11 июня 2020
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Private User
11.6.2020 в 7:40 до полудня

On June 2, 2020 the Birth Surname was Deleted, and the Last Name changed to Derbaremdiker.

Before that, on Aug. 7, 2019 the Birth Surname and Last Name were both changed to Derbarmdiker

Before that, on June 24, 2017 the Birth Surname was changed from Derbarmdiker to blank/empty and the Last Name changed from Derbarmdiker to Derbaremdiker

Before that, on Oct. 9, 2016 the Birth Surname was changed from Derberimdiger to Derbarmdiker and the Last Name was changed from
DERBARMDIKER to Derbarmdiker

Private User
11.6.2020 в 7:51 до полудня

It seems people care, but so far have provided no Documentation nor Comment in support of their choice.

My own understanding is there should be both a Birth Surname and a Last Name, unless, possibly, Surnames were not used at the time of the person"s birth. Was this the case here?

Private User
17.6.2020 в 6:51 до полудня

I believe both the Birth Surname and the Last Name should be Derbaremdiker. (And I believe it should be Derbaremdiker for several others as well that were somewhat recently changed.)
Back in Oct. 2018 I added the information I found on JewishGen for him to the Overview. They have the name transliterated as "DERBARIMDIKER", which clearly indicates to me that there should be a vowel between the 'r' and the 'm'. A copy of an actual record was uploaded as a photo on Sept. 2018. Is it in Russian?

Hagar Ofri Or did the most recent change, on June 2, 2020

Kevin Lawrence Hanit did the change in 2019 and 2016

Hagir, can you explain why you believe there should be no entry in the Birth Surname Field?? And why you also prefer Derbaremdiker?

Kevin, can you explain why you think both the Birth Surname and Last Name should be Derbamdiker, rather than Derbaremdiker?

17.6.2020 в 8:10 до полудня

Private User,

What I've done with the birth surname should be okay. My source is Dr. Rosenstein's book "The Unbroken Chain" 3rd edition.

I have also gone ahead and lock the names for now.


Private User
17.6.2020 в 9:17 до полудня

To keep the changes documented, this latest change has
Last Name: Derbaremdiker
Birth Surname: Derbarmdiker

Kevin Lawrence Hanit - Can you tell us where in Dr. Rosenstein's book "The Unbroken Chain" 3rd edition. the information is?
And, does he provide any references, discussion, or documentation?

17.6.2020 в 4:07 после полудня

Private User,

Everything comes from Zack Novoseller of Lakewood, NJ. That is why I put it back.

It is in Volume 2, Chapter 4, Branch D.


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