R' Naphtali Herz HaLevi Neumark, AB"D of Fulda - Correct parents/ Heller Wallerstein mess...

Started by Private User on Friday, June 5, 2020
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Private User
6/5/2020 at 2:16 AM

R' Naphtali Herz Neumark is currently connected as a child of R' Jacob (the Elder) HaLevi Koppel Heller Wallerstein, A.B.D. Neustadt and Mirel Sarah Heller Wallerstein (Teomim). However Naphtali Herz seems to have been a Levite whereas R' Jacob (the Elder) HaLevi Koppel Heller Wallerstein, A.B.D. Neustadt was not as explained in his profile overview.
He couldn't have been a child of the other R' Jacob (the Elder) HaLevi Koppel Heller Wallerstein, A.B.D. Neustadt because he only had seven children (there are already eight!) according to his profile overview. Also, he's now connected as a husband of R' Jacob (the Elder) HaLevi Koppel Heller Wallerstein, A.B.D. Neustadt 's great aunt assuming the current version is correct, it keeps changing...
Seems to be there's some mix up with the three Mirels: Mirel Sarah Heller Wallerstein (Teomim) and Mirel Sarah Heller Wallerstein (Teomim) and Mirrel bat Abraham Neumark , part of the Heller - Wallerstein mess I assume.
Geni is suggesting this merge https://www.geni.com/merge/compare/383702242840007537?to=4431791099... but their husband's fathers don't fit and the years are off as explained. But were there really two Jacob Koppels and two Meshullam Zalman Teomims?

Kevin Lawrence Hanit,Yigal Burstein, Claudia Bullock

Private User
6/5/2020 at 2:37 AM
6/5/2020 at 12:54 PM

Private User,

I have no clue at this time as to what's correct.


6/5/2020 at 4:49 PM

Private User,

I've been puzzling over some of the same things that you are, and unfortunately I have more questions than answers at the moment. What I know so far is that there were two different sets of Wallersteins, the Levite Wallersteins, and the non-Levite Wallersteins.

The non-Levite Wallerstein family included Jacob Koppel, ABD Neumark, son of Aaron Heller Wallerstein who died in 1530. As for the Levite Wallersteins, they are the ones that Tosfot Yom Tov was descended from. That is basically what it said in the footnote in Volume 1 page 28 of the Unbroken Chain. The footnote also mentioned that Jacob Koppel's wife was Miriam Mirl, daughter of Meshullam Zalman Teomim of Prague-Vienna, son of R. Moses Aaron Teomim, but unfortunately the children of Jacob Koppel and Miriam Mirl were not specifically mentioned, and I'm not sure who the parents of R. Naphtali Herz Halevi Neumark, ABD Fulda actually were. But clearly if you know that he was a Levite, then he must be attached to the wrong parents.

I saw the suggested merge in geni, and I would agree with you that their husband's father's don't match. The problem is that with all the same or similar names of people, I'm not exactly sure which ones are the same people and which are not. I would imagine this could take some time to sort out.


6/5/2020 at 10:56 PM

Private User
I may be able to Clarify the topic a bit, but I need to explain the background :
A year ago when the big mistakes that were done in my great-grandfather (the kozker rebbe)family were fixed (for the most part) and we connected to the frenkel Mirels family, I turned to Naftali Wakstein Ask his opinion
So he answered me (and wrote in his article) that there are some contradictions, but it's very difficult to know what the truth is.

A month ago, he told me he was checking again and thoroughly The whole branch, and found that all names + places of residence + dates are entirely accurate, but, he looked for a document from the register of residents and could not find So he says that the connection between the Morganstern family and the frenkel mirles family is a 99% certainty
I'll list the names Naftali gave me (from the great grandfather of the kozker rebbe) Unfortunately, he didn't give me the whole branch just 4 generations above, but I should point out that I don't know where Halevi came from

To my knowledge, the kozker rebbe was not from the Levite family
It should be noted that Naphtali once asked me to read him up in geni upwards, saying that there are mistakes there.
the names he gave me:
Rabbi Yehuda Leibush,(of Koruv)
his father was:
R' Naftali Hirsch Mirels(of berlin)
(חיבר את הספר:ה"קורבן העדה" על הירושלמי)
son of
R' Benjamin Fraenke Mirels(of berlin)
son of
R' Jacob david kapil Neumark Mirels-Fraenkel. (Of Vienna)
son of
R' Naphtali Herz Neumark, AB"D of Fulda
As mentioned, I don't know why people added halevi to the profiles

When Naftali and I will talk again I can ask him for more detail.
I hope I (somewhat) managed to disperse the fog

6/6/2020 at 9:36 AM

Private User
In the book
אריה שאג
שם המחבר: הלברשטאם, אריה ליבש בן סיני
on page:584
There is more information On the subject

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