Amphilice Tyndall (Coningsby) - Had a child when she was under 10

Started by Keri Denise Jackson, ♊ Twin "A", GEDMATCH GQ346442C1 on Monday, May 25, 2020
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Amphilice Tyndall had 1 child between the ages of 9 and 15 years old.
Tip: Correct the birth date of Amphilice Tyndall (born circa 1487) or the following child:
John Tyndale

5/25/2020 at 8:06 PM

It looks like her marriage date is also incorrect. With the exception of John, her children were born between 1501 and 1518, but her marriage date is listed as 1525. One online account shows that she had 12 children. There was no John listed, but there was a Jane b. 1501 d. 1560 who is not listed here. There is also both a Thomas The Elder 1505-1583 and a Thomas The Younger 1509-?.

Hello Nicole Whitten . Feel free to correct anything that needs to be corrected. That is why I post these discussions so that if anyone know better they can fix the profile. :)

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