Thomas Jernigan - Reference material for this Jernigan family

Started by Erica Howton on Friday, May 22, 2020
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5/22/2020 at 12:27 AM

Hope it helps.

[Jernigan] Jernigan, Verna Thomas. Leaves of the Jernigan Tree. [Manchester, Tenn.: Jernigan, 1969.] Available at FHL.
[Jernigan] Worley, Lillian Jernigan. Jernigan Reunion: A Gathering of Some of the Descendants of Thomas Jernigan, Immigrant 1635 of Nansemond County, Virginia, Particularly the Family of His Great-grandson Henry Jernigan (ca. 1710-1783), Planter of Johnston County, North Carolina. Clinton, North Carolina: L. Worley, 1971. Available at FHL.
[Jernigan] Thompson, Neil D. "The Ancestry of Thomas Jernigan of Nansemond County, Virginia," The Virginia Genealogist, Vol. 48, No. 3 (Jul.-Sep. 2004):163-169. Digital version at American Ancestors ($).
[Jernigan] Brayton, John Anderson. Order of First Families of North Carolina Ancestor Biographies Vol. 1. Memphis, Tenn., 2011. FHL Book 975.6 D3bj v. 1.
[Jernigan] Brayton, John Anderson. "A Royal Descent for Thomas Jernigan," The Virginia Genealogist, Vol. 50, No. 1 (Jan.-Mar. 2006):73-74. Digital version at American Ancestors ($).
[Jernigan] Roberts, Gary Boyd. The Royal Descents of 600 Immigrants to the American Colonies or the United States: Who Were Themselves Notable or Left Descendants Notable in American History. Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2008. FHL Book 973 D2rrd 2008; online bookstore; 2004 digital edition at Ancestry ($).

5/22/2020 at 10:12 AM

Thank you! This is my 9th great-grandfather!

He is my 10th great grandfather. Thank you Erica Howton . You have proven your awesomeness yet again.

5/22/2020 at 12:22 PM

I was a little appalled by how garbled the tree has gotten. Please, document what you can find. It’s a studied family.

Hint: birth dates will be hard to find and are usually estimates - part of why trees get mixed up. Remember that records burned in courthouses during the Civil War in many areas of the South, you can easily find a list of “burned over” counties. Concentrate on Will dates, probate dates, and marriage dates. This will also give you the locations, which are critical as families spread out.

Good luck!

5/22/2020 at 12:31 PM

and I’m concerned about this profile which Is from Wikitree. Locations of death are entirely different.

Thomas Jernigan, Jr., of Nansemond County

5/22/2020 at 12:48 PM

The birth dates of Henry & his wife look too early.

Boddie, Historical Southern Families, vol. p. 195.

Thomas Jernigan the immigrant was born not later than 1643 and was living in 1704. He was termed "Master" in a grant to him of 250 acres in the"county of Nanzemund" at a place called Som erton on May 16, 1668. At the session of the General Assembly in Virginia, which met in Novem ber, 1682,he was awarded payments in tobacco assessed against Nansemond County"for carrying p ublique letters into Carolina". In 1685, as ThomasJernigan Sr., he patented an addition 33 0 acres "at Somerton in the upperparish of Nansemond". On the Nansemond Quit Rent Roll of 17 04 he waslisted as holding 165 acres; probably by this time he had given all hislands with th e exception of his manor plantation to his son and heir.The name of his wife is uncertain, po ssibly Elizabeth Thompson.

Issue of Thomas Jernigan the immigrant:

John, and

(Refs: Va. Pat Bk . VI, p. 1456; Bk, VII, p. 452. Journal ofthe House of Burgesses in Va., 1660-1693, pp. 173 , 178. Wertenbaker,Planters of Colonial Virginia, p. 201.

5/22/2020 at 12:57 PM

Thomas JR. Did go to Martha’s Vineyard?

the Jernigan Connection Newsletter, Issue Twenty, April 2000

In 1685 a second patent went out, this time in the name of 'Thomas Jernigan SENIOR," for 330 acres by Somerton Swamp, but a study of the metes and bounds shows that the new 330 acres included the old 250.  The "fresh run" was this time identified as Somerton Swamp itself.  The use of "senior" shows that eldest Jernigan boy was also a Thomas.  On 20 October 1689, a patent (VPB 8:9) was issued to:


The land was 300 acres at Somerton "on a swamp called Back Swamp," to which he was entitled by six headrights, listed as John Harwell [probably Harrell], Margaret Grady, Abraham Jolly, Jno Nottingham, Wm Sandiford and Robt Croome.  In 1696, according to Hening's "Statues at Large" [of Virginia], 4:58, "James Doughtie, father of Edward Doughtie, purchased of Thomas Jernegan, son of Thomas Jernigan, the plantation whereon the said Edward now lives, lying on Evans' Creek, in Nansemond County, being part of a patent for 700 acres of land, formerly granted to one Mulford." 

Most Jernigan genealogists seem to be agreed that Mulford was the Thomas Mulford who, in 1650, was granted 700 acres in Nansemond "near the head of the Southward Branch of the said [Nansemond] River" -- or maybe his son, whichever of the two had a daughter (and heir) named SARAH.

Thomas Jr. and Sarah had, besides probably several other sons and a decent sprinkling of daughters, three sons on whose names we can reasonably reach agreement.  They are Thomas, and David, and William.  Deep in my heart is the abiding belief that none of these was the eldest son -- the wistful stay-at-home, the heir, the progenitor of countless Jernegans who STAYED in Nansemond County, and some of whom are still there.  This eldest son may be (and I'm only guessing) the GEORGE X JERNIGAN who was with the elder Thomas in Bertie (1734?), witnessing (with a very graceful flowing "G") the deed in which the latter sold the last of the patent "of the said Jernigan" dated 9 March 1717/18 (Bertie deed D"246).

THOMAS JERNIGAN "the mariner" of Martha's Vineyard, MA was born in Nansemond about 1695 and came to the Vineyard in 1712 with Captain Joseph Jenkins.  He married Abigail Ripley, by whom he had seven sons and a daughter, of who only two survived him: Sarah (born 1719) and William, (born 1728 shortly after the death of his seafaring father "of a fever" in Jamaica).  William became the leading citizen of his generation in Edgartown, and the ancestor of all the Martha's Vineyard Jernegans (with the middle "e", just like back in the Old Country).
 In February 1722/3, several shipmates of Thomas, and most likely Thomas himself,  came visiting his parents in Nansemond, and his father gave him a remembrance to take home to his family: Thomas Sr. of Nansemond, yeoman, unto son Thomas of New England, mariner, one Negro girl about 17 years old, named Rose.  The deed (Edgartown, MA Deeds 3:521) is witnessed by two men from Martha's Vineyard -- Thomas Daggett and William Mackelroy, who was married to young Thomas's wife's sister -- and two Nansemond lads, Stephen Catten and Thomas's brother David Jernigan (his mark "DI", meaning "DJ").  Either or both of the latter may have been shipmates of the others, or may have joined them at this time.  

5/22/2020 at 12:58 PM

No - I think it’s the next generation, Thomas lll.

5/22/2020 at 1:07 PM

Erica, my multi-related cousin John Hester has been researching some of our lines for years and his father before him. He has a great website on the Jernigans:

5/22/2020 at 1:15 PM

Yes, I’d seen that reference. Use it to fix the tree.

5/22/2020 at 1:33 PM

Thank you for posting this documentation. I’ve been researching this connection for a number of years, and glad to see these references now available here.

5/22/2020 at 1:45 PM

There is concern that it was the same Abigail Ripley who married Thomas “the mariner” and then Samuel Pease based on a “too young” birth date. However the connection between Jernigan & Pease seems firm from a nephew or whatever visiting Samuel Pease. See this extract:

the Jernigan Connection Newsletter, Issue Twenty, April 2000

DAVID JERNIGAN "of Nantucket, MA." (and Bertie, NC) made a disposition, "sworn to at Nantucket" 13 Feb 1734, that "about three year and a half ago he Recived a Letter from his father in vergene to Return home thare but Going up the sound with James Claghorn to seek Passage he Cutt his Knee which obligd him to go back again to Samuel Peeses at Edgartown."  (For those interested in that sort of thing, Peese was Thomas's widow Abigail's, second husband.)


Careful with the link, it’s old & possibly infected. The article should be exported out as a PDF file and added to the profiles it references.

5/22/2020 at 1:47 PM

Abigail Pease

This is now interesting to me because we have a “documented” (well, almost) connection with a VA origin family going North as well as South and West.

Love them sailors.

5/22/2020 at 2:15 PM

So where does David Jernegan belong?

5/22/2020 at 2:32 PM

I have two David Jernigan's in my tree, father b. 1694 in Bertie County NC whose wife was named Patience, uncertain maiden name, some say Reilly. Their son David II was b. 1720 Wayne County NC, married Alice Faye Page. I've rarely traced out cousin lines, just focused on my directs since there's so many of those to work on. So I don't have a David who was married to Mary Speight in my tree.

5/22/2020 at 2:34 PM

I'm Googling that Jernigan / Speight connection and so far haven't found anything.

5/22/2020 at 2:36 PM

Erica, this may have something, but I'm having difficulty opening it:
the Jernigan Connection Newsletter - › jernigan_connection › issue20
The Jernigan Connection Newsletter ten year anniversary occurs with this issue ... Mr. Jerome Hawley, Esqr., who transported Mary and Ellen [sic] Jermegan Gent ... David seems to have made it home on the second try, and married. ... Francis Speight was a contemporary of Thomas and Sarah Jernigan, and died 1732.

5/22/2020 at 2:48 PM

Yes that’s the tough link. I think I found the right Francis Speight referred to.

Question: are we sure John Jernigan, II is not the same person as his father?

What do you guys think of these? I saw you were talking about David Jernigan and this was in my merge center.

5/23/2020 at 2:24 AM

Erica, do you mean this John Jernigan II that shows as son of John Jernigan II and Temperance Moore? He has no wife and no children connected. I think he's an error or duplicate. Both father and son wouldn't be John II.

5/23/2020 at 2:24 AM

This the one I think might be an error/duplicate as mentioned above: John Jernigan

5/23/2020 at 2:29 AM

Keri, the David Erica posted about is totally different, married to a Speight woman. The two in your merge center are similar but have significant differences, like the wives. I'm not familiar with the child Isabel and hadn't seen where the David in my line ever had a wife named Alice Faye Page. So I wouldn't merge those two without further research into those connections.

5/23/2020 at 4:43 AM

Debbie Gambrell I meant that this John Jernigan, II has notes, dates & will that place him as son of Thomas, not of JOHN. Do we even know there were Johns l, ll, lll?

There is also a David listed as the son of my 8th great grandfather George Jernigan Sr. Have not looked at him yet but thought I would mention it. Also there is a Joan listed as married to John Jernigan II and not sure if this is correct. The same manager as the John Jernigan II's son John Jernigan !!. Something seems strange about all of that.

Sorry John Jernigan II is my 8th great grandfather and George Sr is my 7th great grandfather. Anyway I apologize about the tree being a mess Erica Howton. I have not gotten this far in my cleanup and proper research that I have been doing.

5/23/2020 at 11:13 AM

This looks like the extra John - cites old Ancestry One World tree


23. i. GEORGE17 JERNIGAN, b. Abt. 1690; d. March 1778, Bertie County.

ii. DAVID JERNIGAN, b. WFT Est. 1691-171920; d. WFT Est. 1697-179821.

iii. JAMES JERNIGAN, b. WFT Est. 1691-171922; d. WFT Est. 1697-179823.

24. iv. THOMAS JERNIGAN, b. Abt. 1693; d. WFT Est. 1697-1798, Albermarle as soon as 1719.

5/23/2020 at 11:16 AM

Jarnigan family information from an Early Settlers Relationship List compiled by Richard Jernigan that was sent to me by a researcher some years ago. Perhaps your connection is here? J - Thomas Jernigan the Emigrant born 1618; died c1705; married the daughter of Arlington. J3 - Their son, John Jernigan, born around 1665 and died in 1733. Married Temperance Moore. J33 - Their son, Thomas Jernigan, born around 1690 and died in 1769. Married Isobel (maiden unknown). J334 - Their son, John Jarnagin, called the forefather of Jarnagin, born around 1715 and died around 1790. Married Mary Bynum. John Jarnagin and Mary Bynum had at least 5 children (according to Richard's database) 1. John Jarnagin (c1740-1816) married Mary Smith 2. Thomas Jarnagin (1746-1802) married Mary Witt 3. William Jarnagin (no info) 4. Sarah Jarnagin married Mr. Fancher (no other info) 5. Faithey Jarnagin married Mr. Kimbro (no other info) Maybe your line is in this family?

5/23/2020 at 11:23 AM

you all will need to make the decisions and further documenting, & hopefully the tech fixes. I solved the David of Martha’s Vineyard & Bertie NC issue.

John Jernigan if you consolidate him had only wife Temperance?

I think that is correct. He only had one wife.

I am related through George Jernigan Sr son of John Jernigan II. I have to see if he also had a son named john because if so then the son should be John Jernigan III correct?

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