Sofia van Loon, Queen consort - Sofia of loons marriage with Heinrich von Schwalenberg

Started by Matthijs Roelfes on Saturday, May 9, 2020
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5/9/2020 at 5:06 AM

On the internet, there is a lot of conflicting data on who is the husband of Sophie - Zsófia van Loon queen consort of Hungary. There is some sourced material suggesting Géza 1 of Hungary was her husband. I can also find a lot of webpages claiming that she married Graf Heinrich von Schwalenberg, but I am yet to find any good source supporting this. On these profiles, Sofia of loon has the same parents and roughly the same lifespan as her geni profile. Does anyone of a good source supporting her marriage with Heinrich von Schwalenberg or does anyone know where a mistake has been made.

5/9/2020 at 7:27 AM

Sources are rare in the 11th century. Perhaps she was a young widow in her twenties when she married Prince Arpåd, which must have been quite an adventure.

5/10/2020 at 12:54 PM

Remember that back then people often died at much younger ages due to illness, war and childbirth; that's why so many of the profiles in this era show more than one husband or wife, so it's very likely she was married to both men. Unfortunately I can't help with the references.

5/11/2020 at 6:20 AM

Thank you, I hadn`t thought of the possibility that Graf Heinrich von Schwalenberg could have died at a young age and that Sophie - Zsófia van Loon queen consort of Hungary later remarried Géza I of Hungary. It would make sense, because the estimated death of Graf Heinrich von Schwalenberg is 1 year before the estimate of the year in which Sophie - Zsófia van Loon queen consort of Hungary had her first child with Géza I of Hungary. That could mean she became a widow and remarried.

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