Pierre Jacobs, SV/PROG - Pierre Jacobs I bow !

Started by Private User on Thursday, February 27, 2020
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Private User
2/27/2020 at 5:53 AM

Pierre Jacobs is more than 15 times my ancestor here on GENI !!

Remarkable !!
Phillipp Weyers

2/27/2020 at 11:18 AM

I will always have some trouble with digesting these kind of statements, but always interested on how (not on the why...). In your tree - of which some profiles were created but a few weeks ago - I picked up a serious error with 1 of your ancestors.

After correction I still have a question, in how you can say you are 15/n times related to an ancestor, as GENI tends to not show such a path... but a condensed path, only duplicates when viewed in tree view for example? Would love to know an easy route to calculate 15/n?

I.e. As such, I cannot tell how the correction would influence your 15 figure...

For me in general: Any claim to any ancestor or relation to any other profile comes with more than 10 000 checks on your tree and other trees. It is a daunting task but I just see random people making such claims daily. :(

Corrected profile: Johanna Katharina Yselle

Correct father: Cornelius Johannes Roodt (proof is his DN found in the about of his profile, also indicating her date of birth exactly)

I only picked this up by chance... out of curiousity! :)

Private User
2/27/2020 at 10:44 PM

What I see and question is connections on GENI pesented by GENI , back to 14th and 26 th great grandfather or great grandmother ;Count or countess of Ashoop that is not checked or confirmed 10 000 times on GENI or have they all been confirmed more than 10 000 times ?
I have seen glaring mistakes here on GENI by random people and GENI curators e.g. no father on profile for a certain Coetzer just her Botha mother ;85 people manage profile yet no-one noticed ?
Sure just an accidental error /typo but it happens !

It is a group effort democratic and always open to change and new discoveries !

Private User
2/27/2020 at 11:39 PM

Random people ? We are all random people !

I have checked on Phillipp. Pierre Jacobs is his 8th Grgrgr......grandfather. I haven't time to puzzle it out. I have checked with me and my wife's Grgrgr......fathers some time s the same person is my 6th great-grandfather and her 7th. For my children then the same person will be double their great grandfather. I think it will only be with the people who first settle her at the beginning.

rther, test yourself against Adam and count all the generations between you and him.
Each time he will be a Grandfather, just one further off.

Private User
2/28/2020 at 4:12 AM

Dries - think this might be right as I have 4 Jacobs grandparents or grt grt grandparents I know of and then amongst other ancetors he pops up again

Private User
2/28/2020 at 4:40 AM

MMmmm ?? As for Adam seems there might be more than one Adam -
My y-dna has zero matches to anyone ever tested !
I have 4 % ancient denisovian remnants and are closer genetically to Australian Aboriginals and the people on Timor than Africans ! ---even you and your son my atDNA relatives via Pierre Jacobs perhaps ??

Phillipp, Now you are getting too deep for me, I'm not in your league with the Denisovans.
It could have been that one cold night one of my Potgieter forebears slept in a cave with some Denisovans and there the trouble starts.
You see so far it seems that I and my son are the only Potgieters, who have our DNA taken (analyzed) Because of no where else does other DNA haplogroup appear for a Potgieter. If all are the same as mine I really admire the faithfulness of the Potgieter Mothers.
Back to the discussion, It is possible to have the same person as a Grgrgrgrgrandfather
many times.
My cousin Jan Marthinus Blomerus, have the same mtDNA in our case he has the
brains and I the looks.

2/28/2020 at 10:40 AM

:) I take back my comment of yesterday 21:18.............. :) Then I had less brains and...

You see, you have just confirmed what I have said. I never thought of that move. It is not about anybody being ugly. That can`t be measured, because beauty is in the eye of the beholder.:)
OK Jan, I will conclude the discussion. Some people don`t appreciate my input in discussions.

2/29/2020 at 10:45 AM

I know the matches bt phillip, dreis, lire, voster ect and me also are matches that some are not on geni in a tree and others seem to be 7th cousins and not third as tested for me sooo interesting maybe we can triangulate and see where we are missing a connection

Sometimes its right there :) welcome phillip ... I turned out to be more viking than I was told ;) and russian too

2/29/2020 at 11:22 AM

I know the matches bt phillip, dreis, lire, voster ect and me also are matches that some are not on geni in a tree and others seem to be 7th cousins and not third as tested for me sooo interesting maybe we can triangulate and see where we are missing a connection

Sometimes its right there :) welcome phillip ... I turned out to be more viking than I was told ;) and russian too

Private User
2/29/2020 at 11:50 PM

Hilde you are right ---to connect the atDNA and genealogy would be a great thing ! Allready have descendants of common Jacobs grandfather as my atDNA cousins on MyHeritage . Brilliant to complete the picture and fill in the gaps

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