Piispa Paavali Juusten - "Unohdetut sankarit" -ooppera ei unohtanut 500v syntymästä ajankohtaa

Started by Private User on Sunday, February 23, 2020
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2/23/2020 at 9:43 AM

Hello! Unfortunatley I can't read finnish language, is this translated in english or swedish somewhere? Paul Juusten is my 12th grat grandfather. :)

Private User
2/23/2020 at 11:36 AM

Esitetäänkö oratorio useamman kerran. Tämän artikkelin luin juuri äsken. Olisin kovasti kiinostunut sillä piispa Juusten on minun esi-isäni.

Private User
2/23/2020 at 12:33 PM

Dear Bodil,

My relationship is on the same level.
I was simply delighted to realize that 500 years from birth have not been forgotten - an opera has been composed for him.

Brief summary of linked text:

Composer Timo-Juhani Kyllönen, a descendant of Paulus, has recently composed an oratorio opera The Forgotten Heroes (2019) for the symphony orchestra, mixed choir, baritone, tenor, mezzo-soprano and soprano premiered at Turku Cathedral Cathedral! on Wednesday 2/5/2020.

It tells about the dramatic events in Novgorod and Moscow between 1569 and 1571. Juusteen has been appointed by the king Johan III as the head of the Russian Embassy to negotiate peace terms between Sweden and Russia. Instead of negotiations, the delegation led by Juusten was shamed and imprisoned by Tsar Ivan IV in Moscow for two and a half years. Only half of the members returned. The name of the oratorio opera The Forgotten Heroes refers primarily to people who have died in captivity, those who have died from the plague, and those who have otherwise suffered. The survivors returned to their homeland in February 1572, when the 25-year war long anger, was in full motion.

Best Regards,

2/23/2020 at 4:32 PM

@ Piispa Paavali Juusten
What a wonderful surprise to find out about the oratorio/opera about our ancestor Paavali Juusten!
I have the same question as Bodil, yes, I can read Finnish but would like to have the piece available also in English. If there is no translation, I will take it on and translate it into English during the next couple of weeks. Could someone please let me know whether I have to do it, I will if none exists.

Leena Ankio, Married name Leena Riker

Google can translate the above link´s text quite well. Finnish is a very tough language to translate, but you can understand the translation, at least most of it. :)

2/27/2020 at 10:11 AM

Dear Erkki,
As you see above, Kari Niemela translated a section of the announcement, which is very good. I would not trust Google translation on this kind of a specialized text. A direct translation word by word would not really work here. I was educated in Finland, am fluent in English, have lived in the USA for over 50 years and written a couple of hundred scientific publications and many other accounts, including many dealing with music in my capacity as the past President of the Astoria Music Festival, so can do it. I already started, and will get it done within a couple days.
Thank you all for your interest in the announcement. I think it is terrific that the composition was done and performed at the Turku soi! Festival. Unfortunately, they did not record the performance, nor are they planning for any further performances. My translation can be incorporated into the Juusten Project.

Best wishes,

4/4/2020 at 5:55 PM

Dear Erkki,

As promised I translated the Turku Cathedral announcement of the opera/oratorio Unohdetut Sankarit. I have it available as a PDF file and could send it to you. I will send Mikko Laakso one today since I have his e-mail address. The file contains two pages so I did not try to attach it to this message. If you would send me your email address I would appreciate it. Mine is leenariker@gmail.com

Hope all is well in Finland, we in the USA are all in isolation but so far, most of us are doing OK.

Stay well, and best regards,

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