John ap Gruffudd (Pengruffwnd) - Wales in April 2020

Started by John Stephen Saponaro on Friday, February 14, 2020
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I have no links to Eddie Griffin, or was it not Nimrod that built it grandson of Noah, tower of Babylon, my fav's you connect to everyone?? Can you see who I follow I have 930 that I follow, everyone has a connection, I don't follow anyone I am not connected too

you also aren't a lord, but you keep using the title (i, and my brethren/sistren have earned our titles).

I am a Lewis to bring the masonic back into our family, Baron of the United Church of Canada, on the University of British Columbia, The Union Theology College of BC, My great Grandfather Lord, what? Lived there since 1927, lord, maybe they should teach dr's the study of natural herbs as medicine, they know nothing, just the synthetic drugs to kill people.

I keep on getting links to this, you think it is telling me that this link is true, sad they have to alter the truth, Put this link back, you took it away, face it, it is right. truth hurts but, you have to face reality, and to all drama, well what I have learned is don't tell anyone about lineage, or they will stalk you and change to say it is not, so I am having fun, with my tree, and to all the people that don't approve, I pick lord, for I have been the gift you don't know, sad that you have to make people sad from the words you speak to drop people down to your wish I was or I want to be, sad, there has to be people that down everything cause they don't have a life of there own, waiting for nothing to come, empty minds don't go far, Landlord, Lord of the Land Baron Land, my Great Grandfather Baron William, leave it along, for I can pick whatever I want, it is a free world, you are what you think

Edward Griffin
FamilySearch Family Tree
Birth: 1602 - Walton, Radnorshire, Wales, United Kingdom
Death: From 1698 - Flushing, Queens, New York, British Colonial America
Parents: John Pengruffwind Griffin, Anne Griffin (born Langford)
Wife: Mary Griffin (born David)
Children: Edward Griffin, Edward Griffin Jr., Jasper Griffin, Jasper Griffin, John Griffin, John Griffin, Samuel Griffin, and names of 2 more children
Siblings: Sgt. John Griffin, Ann Cowper (born Griffin), Katrin Griffin, Margaret Griffin, Joan Griffin

ok? natural herbs as medicine? most medicines are found in nature (willow tree bark). the herbs that have been found to contain no medicinal value are called potpourri.

scientist, not physician.

baron of ucc? funny, they don't mention you

Dr. Stephen John Pratt, Ph.D., I think that Lord Bruce Ross Myers is explaining from whence his information comes. The Merry Pranksters cannot be far behind.

Erica Howton,
I've read Teresa Griffin's report and, as much as it disappointed me, I thank her for her research and diligence, and I accept and agree with her findings.

Joni Danielle Sneed,
Thank you for your wonderful input. I couldn't have said it any better.

Lord Bruce,
I posted this discussion on Sgt. John Griffin's page because. at the time, I was under the belief that Sgt. Griffin and I were descendants of John ap Gruffudd (Pengruffwnd). It has nothing to do with your relation to Edward Griffin of Flushing or his relationship to John ap Gruffudd (Pengruffwnd). If you want to contest Teresa Griffin's findings or Erica Howton's actions, please take that conversation to an appropriate forum.

Anyone else interested,
As a result of the recent findings and actions, I went back to my family tree and started my research over. It turns out I should have taken a deeper look at Sgt. Griffin's daughter-in-law (my 6th great grandmother) Elizabeth Adams. As a result, I discovered that while I'm not directly related to John ap Gruffudd (Pengruffwnd), he is still in my family tree by way of William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke (my 21st great grandfather). I am a blood descendant of the Earl thru his daughter Sibyl, while John ap Gruffudd (Pengruffwnd) is a descendant by way of the Earl's daughter Eva. I also discovered that I am a blood descendant of William "The Lion", King of Scots, and his forefathers, as well as Henry I, King of France and his forefathers, and Gange-Hrolfr 'Rollo' Ragnvaldsson. So it wasn't all bad news.

One more point: Finding the path to John ap Gruffudd (Pengruffwnd) by way of William Marshal was further evidence that he is not the father of Sgt. John Griffin of Simsbury. Now I need to find out more about Sarge. :-)

Thank you all,

When I wrote the above message, I didn't even realize there were 2 more pages of replies. What did I start?!

ok bruce, so you choose to call yourself lord? i choose to call myself "his greatness, the john holmseian leader of all, bearer of scotch, and downright cool guy", guess what - when i hit return, it won't be true (more's the pity).
i cant claim to be a physician (and don't, nor do i wish to) because its illegal in the US to do so. there are lots of other titles i cant and/or dont claim. i do however, use my earned title. this is not to make myself sound superior, but b/c i earned it. come back when you earn your title.

John Stephen Saponaro What a great post. And exactly why we try to validate and document all the profile linkages on Geni. To quote a cliche: close a door, another opens.

Erica Howton:
I agree. It happens every day. I look at the World Tree as if it is self-pruning. From my perspective as a biologist, trees are not static. They are living, growing lifeforms. Branches fall and from those fallen branches, new branches grow. It is the nature of things. Its evolution and our role is to adapt.

Thank you Erica Howton.

Dr. Stephen John Pratt, Ph.D., bearer of Scotch. It is not cool to bully, Don Quixote or not.

I agree. not bullying (i'm a science nerd who was on the swim team - many have tried, few have succeeded in bullying me{& would never purposefully do it myself}), just calling to task. if one makes a claim (like bruce does), one must back it up. especially when one has the level of proclamation like "true lineage of kings" and whatnot.

Dr. Stephen John Pratt, Ph.D.,
Some people are not as resilient as you seem to be. I agree in putting to task the pretenders among us, but I don't think that is the case here.

Dr. Stephen John Pratt, Ph.D.
It's the learning curve in this endeavor. It's taken me a long many years of reading, researching and avoiding the overwhelming desire to sleep to learn what I needed to know to be a lowly amateur! I wonder how people feel when someone confronts them with all this info at once. It must be a mind f***. Here you go. This is your family history...Look you are related to the royal families of the world. What do you do with that? Depends on who you are, I suppose, if you understand my meaning. Most of us just chuckle about it for all the good it does us. Telling stories to our family is great if anyone is willing to listen, but that's the only real gain. For me personally, the Kantian belief that history is spiral in nature and Chaos Theory that everything, including history repeats itself but in an unpredictable and ever changing way. Yeah. Off topic.
My point is, we never know where someone is coming from. Its best not to assume.

dsn, agreed. however, when one harps about their being the only true line of kings, etc. i feel it comes from 1 of 2 places. 1 - arrogance and delusions of grandeur (worthy of ridicule) or 2 - mental instability (not worthy of ridicule but in need of help - as someone with bipolar type 2, i don't think that mental issues need be made light of, but i don't see a disorder with bruce as much as i see a need of approval to define his own self worth).

of course, thats just my opinion, i could be wrong

sorry, for some reason joni got turned into dsn

Tamás Flinn Caldwell-Gilbert , can you prove the change sources in the birth date change and prove your split in the lineage, from what was, there is not source to change without facts to support what was in there for a reason, you need not to make changes to the profile to fit your reasoning, can more be said about your miss information and trickery to the profile to manipulate them is fraud is a serious offence, I have proof of what was and your practice is not aloud, that just shows how the people that control history and change what was to what is not, drama is not my game to nit pick on this, just to be what you want without if your whoever who cares relax, call it like it is it seams what is not

We were the deleted in history you will not find the family of the Union Theology College of British Columbia, of 1927 to 1937, care takers of the church, only in the Archives you can find all the information you need, they have no time for me, cause I have ten years of Archives to collect, ya know anyone that can help, need an archivist, Union College and the United Church of Canada Archives also 10 years of his own writings, also need to take pic's off everything, that is like 20 years of information, lots of stuff to regain the papers of my Great Grandfather, wow, like no other I would say

just so its clear - "trust what i say, i have all the archives, you can't see them, i'll show you, once i gather them".....someday

Joni Danielle Sneed, BSN, RN I agree with your sentiment: Being a descendant of someone who was a king or such over 1000 years ago, along with a $5 bill, will get me a cup of coffee at Starbucks. Maybe. My curiosity comes from being adopted and just wanting to know the history of my ancestors. There's great personal satisfaction in simply knowing. It feels like a void has been partially filled.

John Stephen Saponaro
Indeed it does.

I can honestly say that I have learned a lot. Geni always has more interesting conversations than a college faculty lounge. Glad to be a part of the Merry Bunch.

Susanne Floyd Gunther

Lord Bruce Ross Myers This page might help you find someone or put your search on the right track:

I am not here to judge people on what they call themselves, just here to find solutions from the past to correct the future, I don't do drama, or even stalk people to delete them to change there past, we are not here to delete us or even be forgotten, this is to find your past, for it was deleted, to be corrected, not to make it, so ya don't connect, that is why we are here, to find our past, not when we find it others try to change it for what it is not, then ask for sources, to match that up, but they change it without sources. They tell me you can find where you came from, so I did, now they are telling me I don't have links where I have links, cause they don't want me to know the links, sad that the government and China want the DNA to clone us, sad that we can't even search our own trees without getting sabotaged in doing it. sad that they don't want us to find our past, but when ya do, they don't want you to think you can claim your own families properties, they want it all, the control of the users and they life, they want to know what you are thinking, we have no personal life, the stalkers of the system will delete you, leave the drama, let people put what they want, title, is just a name not a rank, of belief in what you want, and what you believe will come true, you have to dream and live the part to know is to become. I am enjoying the path, in finding my past, for I am the Grandfather of the past, to correct the future. This is not a game to down all the followers in the conquest to find there past is exciting, and don't go in the tree when they find a link and dismantle it to make it not work, this is not the way of the past, to delete the truth, it was there in the first place, true, knowledge is true, lets not change it, for lies don't run this world, we don't live in a lie, so stop changing the truth, I will be after the people that change the lineages, to forget our past to delete, this is not the way of the people, these are saboteurs, to make it so you don't find your past but give you some what of a lineage to make you believe it is something it is not, to never find your past but to make money off you to support the system of the wealthy,

I have learned alot about my family tree and thank you Geni, for finding it for me, it has been a life learning experience and I have learned alot about history, when questions about facts and sources and there merit, ya have to gain the knowledge and real life experiences to creatE the wisdom of the knowledge gained, you can't get that in a few years, experience comes from years of your life not knowing and been trained for the future, to be or not to be, learned alot of truth and also of the lies, and cover-ups, to deflected the truth to make it invalid, to hide what is right, not to correct what is wrong, but to stand by the lieS is not what I do, so bring out the truth and leave the drama out of it, never a solution with ongoing drama, can't be productive with drama that slows everything down, but also helps you to educate on the subject matter at hand, so it is good to a point, but thinking solution is always the best, not solutions into the drama, but the answers to the future to correct the past. For being honest we are the bad guys? Juust bringing out the truth, to hide the solution, we have to learn to not take a truthful person and not tell your own truth, to use the people that bring out the truth in themselves to be taking advantage to sabbotage the person telling the truth to hide the lies of the other person, a deCoy from the real issue, that is the people that run this world and who is that? If you know the past and the history, knowledge is true, then you will have the solution, like I have, and still building on it, life is a never ending learning experience never to think you know everything but to be the best you can be and believe to learn more and more everyday, to help others in there path to life itself, not to be like any other but themselves, lets find ourselves for we know the solution to our purpose

drugs are baaad, mmmKay

Codeine is an opioid analgesic that is also used as a cough suppressant medication.
Codeine is a member of the opioid family of drugs that is derived from the opium poppy and synthesized in a laboratory to create an analgesic drug that is common prescribed for the treatment of mild to moderate pain, cough and sometimes diarrhea. Benylin products also contain codeine, which is used to treat pain, cough. Oh., lets have cocaine in pop too, that should be aloud by the FDA, and cocaine in cough syrup, sure the kids cough medicine, great, Oxycontin, ya give that heroin to the prisoners, ya, who started the drug war, and dropping Fentanyl on the streets or give it to the ones that are non productive, or throw out a disease, cause they are worried about over population, how good is the system to pollute our minds with babble, who are we to believe the lies of the system or the people, the slave of society. They still allow the leaf of the opioid plant derivatives in coke, the FDA approves the cocaine, to make us addicted to drugs so we need the natural herds with the proper nutrition to heal our bodies, well lets not forget who runs this world and that is??? So you think drugs are bad, hey, not in your mind. Drop some fentanyl on the ground, or give it to innocent people and they die, opioids are great, well if ya don't have great sources for your drugs, ya better leave the opioids to the doctors, right, cause that is what they are a referral service, just like a car, only a guess what the symptoms are, well I think is not the answer, mucus, here I will send you too this guy, he knows more, what ya do with that, ya knock down the immune system to kill the mucus but ya get sicker cause your immune system is down from the drugs killing off the healthy cells, killing the people one by one, for the money off the pills is where the money is, what about the pig farm as a disposal service for human waste

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