Ragnar "Lodbrog" (Siwardssen), {Gesta Danorum} - Lagertha

Started by Anette Guldager Boye on Sunday, February 9, 2020
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2/9/2020 at 10:38 AM

I would like to know why this new profile has been made and why Lagertha has been completely split from the other original profile just to create a little new fun project.

The sources have been carefully explained in the projects about them and the Ragnar profile should be shown with all of the named wifes in the sagas and sources that mention him. Not to meantion that it no longer show the son Friedlef he also have. Plus the 2 unknown daughters

2/9/2020 at 11:03 AM

I den gamla profilen är Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson is your 37th great grandfather, men i denna profil har jag ingen kontakt med honom. Det finns många likadana profiler här.

2/9/2020 at 11:19 AM

Ja problemet er at der er en der har splittet den originale profile fra de her, så det hele er spredt for alle- Så den originale profile kun er efterladt med et par af konerne og børn

2/9/2020 at 2:38 PM

Because the "original" profile of Ragnar was a composite of several different traditions which contradict each other. No profiles have been deleted, the Ragnar profile was split and the wives/children were assigned to each version as per the various traditions.

2/10/2020 at 3:26 AM

So let me get this straight. You think you have solved the issues with the orfile by spiltting it up in sagas, in the proses takingaway the ancestors aall the sagas pretty much agree on. because you think he is too mythical????
Here is the thing. You left a profile hacked to bits and delited work that others did. If you wanted a seperate tree you should make your own work and leave what is already done. Especially those profiles I created making the profile complete back then, This looks like a complete dewstruction of a profile instead of making sense of it, where all people had to do was to connect with the project and read what is said about him. And there is no way you can no in any way historically witch part is the real one and what part is not. Aall the stories about him has many of the same elements.
It is the same guy we are talking about and you will run into insanely amount of problems if you should take all the various profiles that is different in each saga and split them by the way you just did.
So do your own foodwork and leave the profile intact so the tree stayes intact. The only one that was interested in that splitting was you and I guess I now know for sure who tried to ruin my Ragnar lodbrog project originally. by removing elements. You really should not move around in the Danish area since you clearly do not understand the sources

2/10/2020 at 3:29 AM

It is supposed to say know not no in the above. You can not in anyway know which part is correct and belonging to what sagas that can be seperated from eachother since the stories is alot alike.

2/10/2020 at 4:28 AM

Ragnar's son Bjorn is named as the son of one woman in the sagas and a different woman in Gesta, the two traditions give him different brothers. Mashing all the versions of Ragnar into one profile created a mess of contradictions which are impossible to resolve, this is just the first example that springs to mind.

separating the different traditions into separate trees was done two years ago, it took quite some time and was done very publicly with input from other curators, you are the first person to complain about it.

If i left some errors i apologise and admit to not being perfect but i still think the method was good. If you wish to merge it all back together it would not actually be all that hard to do, separating trees is always harder than putting them together.

2/10/2020 at 4:37 AM

You do not solve the problem by splitting the profile up you just add to the mess. -- You left a lot of errors because some of the wives are mentioned several places. So stay away. I am not spending another night fixing your messes. This is about as well done as when you married king Gorm the old with a dude

2/10/2020 at 4:42 AM

And as far as I know I am also the only historian that work with these profiles as my job, so you see this is done insanely amateris and does not solve the problem of what Ragnar did or not. The only thing that it does is splitting up the very caracter that is mentioned as the father of several historical Danish vikings leaders of the heathern army. Ragnar is simply part mythically but historical cicrcles identify him as a single real person. Just not all hte deads done, so you see by taking away several parts of the story you ruin the caractor and destroy facts in the process. -- So kindly keep it as it is now, and do your own profiles if you feel the need for this, but it solves aboslutely nothing - it just makes it worse

2/10/2020 at 4:50 AM

And as for complaining I am the one person that did the extensive work on this profile before you decided to come along and destry that very work. ---- So I will say the same thing as I said when you thought you could mess around with the project. keep away. Find someone elses work to ruin

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