Dª. Zaida (Isabella), reina consorte de León - 2020 summary

Started by Livio Scremin on Sunday, February 2, 2020
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I do not think brother sister married .
Zaida or Sayyida came from the Seville Royal Families, ultimately, from the family lines of the prophet.
it makes much more since they were cousins. In Islam marriage to cousin is permissible. You cannot marry half brother or sister as mentioned in Quran. Then Name changed to Christian Elizabeth after giving the first born Son to King Alphonso VI.

well, then the Zaida's father remains the mystery.

Private User now only you, by filling in a multilingual profile, could unravel the following problem:

Al-Mu'tamid ibn Abbad III, emir of Seville [MP]
& Al-Mu'tamid ibn Abbad III, emir of Seville [MP]
for sure 100% are the same person.
(I know for sure also because the first one I moved here following the Medlands, since he was in an absolutely random position.
I know for sure because the affects also correspond.. )

Not even merge the 2 MP is a problem: I know the right (C) to call.

Private User we need a new profile filled in in English, French, Spanish maybe even Catalan, Arabic and or any other language with the western alphabet that best represents it.
It need filled in, correctly: with names, surnames and suffixes in the right field.

I give you the administration of the "draft profile": Al-Mu'tamid ibn Abbad III, emir of Seville
The various wiki languages are available, I hope soon, you can interpret them ..do your best!
But whoever think can contribute just ask easy the administration of the draft! TNX

can a curator help with this?

Private User I was hoping for 45 days to find time to mate at least a couple of languages at the Draft.

Help yourself that the (C) helps you.

Peace to you Livio. I have not had time to do much genealogy work lately because covid-19 has changed my whole routine.

"Jimena was the daughter of Count Munio Muñiz and his wife Velasquita. Munio Muñiz was the son of Count Munio Rodríguez and Jimena Ordóñez, who was the daughter of the infant Ordoño, illegitimate son of Bermudo II of Leon."

Would it not make this to one and the same?
Jimena Muñoz
Jimena Nuñez

Sorry, I read it wrong, she Jimena Muñoz would be the daughter of Munio Muñoz, conde de Bierzo who in turn was Alfonso VI the Brave, King of Castile and León is Munio Muñoz's second cousin, the reason for annulating her marriage and declare her daughters as illegitime.

Don't worry, it doesn't matter, you were very useful to report all that old node full of empty abandoned MPs blocked... I found the ML and glued in the right place, privately reported to (C) the 2 or 3 moves to do.

Concerning Zaida (Isabella) بن عباد المعتمد, reina consorte de León
Dª. Zaida Isabel, reina de León

In response to your comment: "Cut and Destroy" (why?) and
" DUP of Dª. Zaida Isabel, reina de León "

Dª. Zaida (Isabella), reina consorte de León at
Dª. Zaida Isabel, reina de León

is locked, does not list her parents in the summary and has pictures of Isabella of Castille,
Isabella I (April 22, 1451 – November 26, 1504) who was Queen of Castile and León.

Edward S Ellis, Ellis's History of the United States (Minneapolis: Wester Book Syndicate, 1899)I:38.






Fill in Al-Mu'tamid ibn Abbad III, emir of Seville ..a draft profile to merge in multilingual the exactly same BROs profile in 2 different language:

*Al-Mu'tamid ibn Abbad III, emir of Seville [MP] &
* Al-Mu'tamid ibn Abbad III, emir of Seville [MP]

node rightly totally blocked, because everyone who swoops like a hurricane into this very complicated node ..so far is not even able to compile this DRAFT profile.. or notice .. or read the thing :)

I will, of course, give it a look tomorrow.

We don’t know Zaida’s parents.

Cawley’s Medlands is the current “authority.”


m fifthly (Mar 1106) as her second husband, ZAÏDA, widow of ABU NASIR al Fatah al Ma'Mun Emir of Córdoba, daughter of --- (-13 Sep 1107, bur Royal Pantheon of San Isidor at León). The Chronicon Regum Legionensium names "Zaida, the daughter of King Abenabeth of Seville, who was baptised…Elisabeth" as the second of two concubines of King Alfonso, and their son "Sancho who died at the battle of Ucles"[516]. The Chronicon de Cardeña records that King Alfonso married “Mora, que decien la Cayda, sobrina de Abenafanle” who was mother of his son Sancho[517]. Her first marriage is confirmed by the Bayan al Mugrib of Ibn Idari which names "le fils d´Alphonse, Sancho, qu´il avait eu de l´épouse d´Al Mamun ibn Abbad" when recording the battle of Uclés[518]. Salazar y Acha attempts to explain these three apparently contradictory sources by suggesting that Zaida could have been the daughter of "un hermano mayor…Ismail ibn Abbad" of Mohammed al-Mutamid, noting particularly the practice of endogamous marriages in the Muslim dynasties[519]. As noted above, Ismail is recorded as the brother of al-Mutatid and so would have been the paternal uncle of al-Mutamid. From a chronological point of view therefore Salazar y Acha´s suggestion appears untenible, although Zaida could have been another relative, maybe the daughter of an otherwise unrecorded brother of al-Mutamid. Alberto Montaner Frutos also discusses Zaïda, in particular relating to legends which have developed in connection with her history[520]. ….

I fixed the picture.

Isabella of Castile, Duchess consort of York is my 11th cousin 11 times removed.
Munio Muñoz is my 26th great grandfather.

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