הגאון הקדוש רבי אברהם יהושע העשיל , ר"מ ואב"ד לובלין וקראקא- בעל חנוכת התורה - Someone merged into his profile and created two fathers of him

Started by Haim Wartski,Hachoen on Wednesday, January 22, 2020
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1/22/2020 at 7:38 AM

Kevin Lawrence Hanit

Again the same story, I don't understand why people before approving profiles merge don't make sure that they don't create duplicate parents for the same person

1/22/2020 at 7:54 AM

Haim Wartski,Hachoen,

I'm just going to undo it.


1/22/2020 at 8:22 AM

Kevin Lawrence Hanit

thanks alot

Private User
1/22/2020 at 8:56 AM

I want to post: "Stop messing with my 10th great grandfather!"

1/22/2020 at 9:09 AM

Private User

he is my great-grandfather(10) too

1/22/2020 at 9:29 AM

Kevin Lawrence Hanit, Haim Wartski,Hachoen, Private User,

I just took a look at that merge, and those two fathers had the same name, so there was no actual conflict that couldn't be resolved, and I don't believe that merge should have been un-done. There are probably thousands of people who share this same direct ancestor, and if one of them wants to connect their tree to him, they should be allowed to. People who are new to Geni who descend from him will be joining all the time, building new trees and wanting to connect with him just as you have done.


1/22/2020 at 9:51 AM

FWIW, He is my 9th GGF, and the person who attempted the merge was my 10th cousin, twice removed.

1/22/2020 at 9:57 AM

Claudia Bullock
I don't know who set up the family tree parallel to the big geni family tree and only came up to the father of rabbi yehoshua heschelI.i have no problem with parallel tree construction (although I am not encouraged to do so)
My complaint was to the person who merged the profiles and caused confusion in the general tree.
You know and are well aware of what incorrect mergers have caused the Halperin family tree

Private User
1/23/2020 at 8:07 AM

From the point of view of the GENI system, following a merger there are two subsequent steps which appear on the top line of the newly merged profile: 'Resolve Conflicts' and 'Merge Duplicates'. If a newly merged person now has two fathers, that would appear as something to be resolved. New users may not always be aware of that this is an essential part of the merger process and thus these steps remain undone. I don't know if that is what happened here, but GENI should maybe have a stronger way of letting the person who executed a merger know that there are still unresolved issues following the merger. Ideally there shouldn't be parallel trees because that would mean a potential information loss for someone looking at one or the other tree, without knowledge of the other one.

1/23/2020 at 8:55 AM

Private User,

I think you are absolutely correct about what happened, and when this sort of thing happens it is not always the fault of the user. For example, if a merge is done that results in duplicate fathers, and one of the two is a locked master profile, the user would not even have the correct permission to be able to resolve the conflict without getting help from a curator. I believe that delays are often caused in resolving conflicts for this very reason. In this particular case, the person who approved the merger was someone whose name I recognized as being a new user who had only recently begun to build a tree here. She had helped me make corrections to her great grandmother's profile (to correct errors in Unbroken Chain), and I had helped her connect her new tree to that existing profile. Anyway...I often find conflicts that have been left un-resolved and am able to easily resolve them. It appears to me that this would have been one of those cases, and that is why I did not understand why the merge was un-done when there appeared to be a conflict that could easily be resolved. Unless I missed something, it really did appear to be an easily resolvable conflict where the two duplicate fathers (who in turn also both had the same fathers) could have been merged.

1/23/2020 at 11:28 AM

Claudia Bullock & Private User,

It made now sense to have the tree like that when it didn't even lead to the profile adder.


Private User
1/23/2020 at 12:35 PM

While we're on this topic, there is something that I think would help smooth the work process involving Mergers and that is if the person doing the merger could 'undo' the merger him/herself. This is because sometimes a merger looks good up front, but then all sorts of differences become apparent down or up the tree. At that point the person may prefer to simply 'undo' rather than attempt to study and conciliate all the differences. The additional step of asking a Curator to step in to 'undo' adds an extra level of delay and possible avoidance to the process. Yes I know the person seeking to merge should check this all out in advance, before pressing the merge button, but sometimes that doesn't happen, and the person is then confronted with the realization that the merger may have been a little hasty..

1/25/2020 at 1:33 PM

Private User,

If you think that it should be a feature on Geni, then please go to https://help.geni.com/hc/en-us/community/topics/201174687-Getting-H... and submit a request.


1/26/2020 at 5:36 AM

Kevin Lawrence Hanit
Claudia Bullock
my dear cousin claudia,
I do not share your opinion about that person.
Today I found more profiles he has established, and he knows well what to do
He simply Build a tree parallel to the general tree, thus causing many people (all of them my great-grandparents) to "double parents

1/26/2020 at 7:52 AM

Dear Haim Wartski,Hachoen,

I do not know who added the new profiles and built the tree you are talking about, but it could not have been the same person I was referring to since she has not been active here lately. I was only referring to the person whose name was on the original merge that began this thread, and in fact, the merge that began this thread was her most recent activity here.

1/26/2020 at 7:43 PM

Claudia Bullock
That person I was referring to is a man not a woman, so we're not talking about the same person, when I return from work, I'll send you a detailed private message (including his name).

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