Raoul, comte de Dijon - Wrong father?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Monday, January 6, 2020
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1/6/2020 at 10:46 PM

What are the primary Sources that link Raoul, comte de Dijon as a son of Eudes I, comte de Troyes?

Medlands shows no such son for Eudes:
1. EUDES [Odo], son of [RODBERT Graf im Wormsgau & his wife Wiltrud] (-1 Aug 871). René Merlet suggests that Eudes was the brother of Robert "le Fort", ancestor of the Capetian dynasty, tracing what appears to be the parallel development of their careers[572]. If this is correct, the chronology suggests that Eudes must have been the older brother. Comte de Châteaudun. Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks restored property to Hincmar Archbishop of Reims which he had previously granted to his supporters, including property granted to "…Odo comes…", by charter dated 1 Oct 845[573]. "Le comte Eudes et sa femme Guandilmode" donated property "dans le Dunois, dans la viguerie de Châteaudun…villa Mauro, sur le Loir" to Saint-Martin de Tours by charter dated May 846[574]. Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks granted property "in pago Otininse in villam Novientum" to "Odonem…comitem atque Ministerialem nostrum", by charter dated 11 Oct 849[575]. 852/59 and 866/70. "Karolus…rex" authorised "Dodo…Andecavorum episcopus" and "Odo comes" to exchange land at Angers by charter dated 3 Jul 851[576]. A document issued by Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks dated Nov 853 names "Wenilo episcopus, Odo et Donatus" as missi in "pago Senonico, Trecasino, Wasteniso, Miliduniso, Morviso, Proviniso, et ini tribus Arcisisis et in duobus Brionensis"[577]. Comte de Troyes: "Karolus…rex" named "Odo…comes [et] predecessoris sui Aledramni…comitis ex comitatu Tricasino" in a charter dated 25 Apr 854 or 855 relating to the abbey of Montéramey[578]. A document of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks dated 21 Mar 858 is subscribed by "Hungarius, Engilramnus, Isembardus, Odo, Osbertus, Ratbodus, Hunfridus, Odalricus, Rhodulfus, Engilschalcus, Herluinus, Hitto"[579]. Comte de Blois. The Annales Fuldenses name "Adalhartus abbas et Oto comes" as missi "ab occidente" in Jul 858[580], the editor of the compilation suggesting that "Oto" was "comes Blesensis"[581]. Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks confirmed a donation of property "quod…Odo…comes…prædecessoris sui Aledranni quondam…comes…ex comitatu Tricassino" to "mon. Arremarensi", by charter dated 25 Apr 864[582]. The Annales Bertiniani name "Rodbertus et Odo" (the former identified as Robert "le Fort") as "præfecti" in the Seine valley area in 866 when recording that they repelled the Vikings who had sailed up river as far as "castrum Milidunum"[583]. m (before May 846) WANDILMODIS, daughter of ---. "Le comte Eudes et sa femme Guandilmode" donated property "dans le Dunois, dans la viguerie de Châteaudun…villa Mauro, sur le Loir" to Saint-Martin de Tours by charter dated May 846[584]. "Odo comes et uxor mea Guandilmodis" donated property "in pago Dunensi…et in pago Blesensi" to Marmoutier by charter dated Mar 849, subscribed by "Archambaldi, Burchardi…"[585]. "Boso comes simulque Bernardus comes ad vicem" donated Nogent "in pago Otmense" for the soul of "quondam amici nostri Odonis comitis…uxoris suæ Guendilmodis" to Saint-Martin-des-Tours by charter dated 871 after 21 Jun[586]. Jackman suggests that she was the daughter of Count Aledram [I] of Troyes[587]. Eudes & his wife had three children:

a) daughter . Her parentage and marriage are deduced from the charter dated Feb 893 under which her son "Adalelmus…comes" confirmed the donation of "Cadusciam fiscum" {domaine de Chaource} to the abbey of Montiéramey by "Rotbertus…comes avunculus noster"[588]. m EMENON Comte de Poitiers, son of --- ([810]-Rancogne 22 Jun 866, bur Angoulême Saint-Cybard).

b) EUDES [Odo] (-after 886). The primary source which identifies Eudes and his brother Robert as sons of Eudes Comte de Troyes has not yet been identified. On the other hand, a different origin is posited by the Chronicle of St Bénigne de Dijon which names "duo filii Rotberti Andegavorum comitis…senior Odo..Robertus alter"[589]. "Karolus…rex" granted "villam Cadusiam" to "fideli sui Roberto" in a charter dated 25 Oct 877 which names "Odoni comiti fratri Roberti…cum Tournodrinsis ville pagensibus"[590]. Comte de Tonnerre. Abbo's Bella Parisiciæ Urbis records the part played by "comites Odo fraterque suus…Rotbertus pariterque comes" at the siege of Paris in 886[591]. "Karolus…imperator augustus" confirmed a donation by "Hugo…propinquus noster" of property "villam Apiarias in pago Aurelianensi" to "episcopo Adalaldo archiepiscopo simulque Rainoni episcopo, fratri eiusdem" at the request of "Odo comes" by charter dated 27 Oct 886[592].

c) ROBERT (-killed in battle Paris Feb 886). The primary source which identifies Eudes and his brother Robert as sons of Eudes Comte de Troyes has not yet been identified. On the other hand, a different origin is posited by the Chronicle of St Bénigne de Dijon which names "duo filii Rotberti Andegavorum comitis…senior Odo..Robertus alter"[593]. "Karolus…rex" granted "villam Cadusiam" to "fideli sui Roberto" in a charter dated 25 Oct 877 which names "Odoni comiti fratri Roberti…cum Tournodrinsis ville pagensibus"[594]. Come Palatin de Troyes. Abbo's Bella Parisiciæ Urbis records the part played by "comites Odo fraterque suus…Rotbertus pariterque comes" at the siege of Paris in 886[595]. He was killed fighting the Vikings[596]. m GISELA, daughter of LOUIS II "le Bègue" King of the West Franks & his first wife Ansgardis --- (-[11 Apr 879/12 Dec 884]). King Carloman donated property "in comitatu Trecassino, in curtem Argenteam mansum unum, de Clariaco…" to Montièramey, at the request of "fidelis noster Rotbertus comes", for the soul of "Gislæ sororis nostræ eiusque uxoris", by charter dated to [11 Apr 879/12 Dec 884], the original of which is lost[597]. Gisela was the daughter of King Louis's first marriage according to Rösch[598]. Jackman[599] maintains that she must have been the daughter of his second marriage to avoid her being the first cousin of her husband, although this would mean that she was a child bride. However, he is presumably assuming co-identity between Eudes, brother of Ansgardis, and Eudes Comte de Troyes, father of Comte Robert, which does not appear to be correct.

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