John W. Fowler, Jr. - There are 20!!!!!! YES! Twenty managers on this here profiles...

Started by Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 on Monday, January 6, 2020
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Surely TWENTY of us can get this profile to an acceptable place where a CURATOR will make it a MASTERed Profile.

WHO do I need to "tag" to get this done?

Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087, I just checked as I always like to see what you are working on and some of our lines cross:

John W. Fowler, Jr. is your fifth cousin 14 times removed. Might start where is last MP is above him with his grandfather William Fowler. I noticed William's father is not an MP, but a few back up the line are. Kinda skipping generations. Probably from stop and start work.

This Family Search profile wasn't much help in my opinion, but maybe some leads to some events such as property that need to be confirmed.

Too much reliance on one tree source. Not sure what is primary.

One of the Family Search "sources" indicates that the profile was deleted. The other is the one mentioned above.

FamilySearch feels like "the devil that you know" most days

I know, I have been putting every FS profile I have anything to do with on the "watch list". Someone came in about a year ago and did a number on several of my family and I am just getting them sorted out.

John W. Fowler, Jr. is your 9th great grandfather.
→ Geneive Melba Hicks
your mother → John Mac Emerson
her father → Elma Emerson
his mother → James William Swaim
her father → Sarah Marelda Swaim
his mother → John Monroe Baucom
her father → Susannah Baucom
his mother → Captain William Anderson Fowler
her father → Joseph F Fowler, I
his father → Godfrey Thomas Fowler, Sr
his father → John W. Fowler, Jr.
his father

Pamela Kay Bailey, MLAFrank Lee FlackDoug RobinsonDiana CollinsMichael James EnglishMona Rae BranchCarolyn Jeane HallRichard Arthur NearyDelbert RitchhartDenise UnanderJanet Nichole FowlerJessica Marie BranderClare Kay FowlerStarr J. FennerRobert P. HarrellKevin FowlerWill MorrelGlen Dale CreekTiffany Maughan Fowler

I wish there was an easier way to get the managers on the same "page" and I want this profile MP'd but am not in a position to STOP and DROP everything to get it done.

There appears to be issues with his father. I don't think he was married twice. Also he supposedly has a stepbrother with the same name but look at his date of birth ,death of stepmother and name of mother. I have looked everywhere and cannot find anything on him except familysearch. Not saying he is not real just that I think there are errors which are preventing us from finding what we need.

I could not locate him in the "Annals of the Fowler Family" either with the information that is given That is why I believe that maybe the info is not correct.

Fix it. Happy to see it done. Curators have zero desire to work on it

Ok. I will abandon him for now and work from the bottom. Some say having more than five managers and a high traffic area is a reason to MP but I think it really all depends on the curator and the time is a big factor.
I was told that in the beginning of Geni there were no Curators. I cannot imagine the mess— just look at FamilySearch! Must have been something like that. I respect and appreciate many of the curators here and know that every person is individual.
And we all have different reasons for wanting a profile MP’d.
Thank you so very much for contributing to the Discussion on the profile. I am grateful for extra eyes and for collaboration.

*whim (not shim! lol)

Keri Denise Jackson, ♊ Twin "A" it is looking beautiful! I JUST now looked because I just NOW got a PM from a manager who says he has tried to get him sorted.
I DO so hope we can get him MP'd.

I sent a Project invite. That usually helps the looks of things. Maybe someone will approve.

Sent you another one.

I only see one project invite which I have there a different one?

Maybe someone else accepted because I do not see it :)

Thank you, everyone

Both are showing up. I think when you accepted the first one, it let me add the other. You are welcome. I needed to join a few more projects anyway.


Can someone merge the two sons John Fowler? From everything legit I have seen he did not have two sons with the same name. That is the only thing I was unable to do. I worked on this profile for hours last night cause you Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 want to get it MP'd. If someone could at least take care of that then I think we can get it MP'd.

I made a post in the colonial profiles discussion for Erica Howton last night/this morning but forgot to put a link to this profile in it . I am hoping she will MP it now after all the work I put into it.

Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 something is not right

this John Fowler does not match up with what you are showing for your ancestors.

her father → Joseph F Fowler, I
his father → Godfrey Thomas Fowler, Sr
his father → John W. Fowler, Jr.

Keri Denise Jackson, ♊ Twin "A", some good work there!

I think there was also a John Fowler born around 1649 and I wonder if somehow this profile was meant to be two different John Fowlers?

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