Elizabeth Lupo / Chandler (Bassano) - Will the real Elizabeth (Bassano) Lupo/Chandler please stand up!!

Started by Gaye Strand(Kavalinovich) on Sunday, January 5, 2020
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1/5/2020 at 2:08 PM

Great documents courtesy of David White, however I’m not convinced these Elizabeth’s are
one and the same.

Given the dreadful infant mortality of the time, babies were baptised as quickly as possible
after birth - usually within a month. For this ‘Elizabeth dau of Jeronimo’ baptised 2 Jun 1600 Hoxton to fit the profile, she would be around 7 years old. Most unlikely.
Jeronimo and his wife Dorothy already had a girl child born in 1593
‘Margaret’ St Leonards Baptism Index 1558-1640
Margaret Bassano dau of Jeronimo Bassano 10 JUL 1593

Still out on the drawing board for me - best contender I believe still remains:-
Elizabeth Bassano Baptised : 2 Sept 1593 at St Botolph wilthout Aldgate London IGI Record : Batch No C006331 father 'Ludowicke' Bassano mother Elizabeth (Daman)

1/5/2020 at 4:15 PM

It seems you held a different view, more in agreement with mine, in a past posting you made in April of 2013:

"Re: BASSANO (ALL) England and Italy
« Reply #4 on: Friday 05 April 13 22:13 BST (UK) »
Hi Sylvanie

Yes I see your 10th GGrandmother features in the Lupo Tree as wife of Albanus marriage prior to emigrating to Virginia.

There's been no record found yet however that she was a Bassano
- but for myself, I think a good contender would be Elizabeth Bassano (St Leonards Baptism Index 1558-1640 Elizabeth Bassano dau of Jeronimo Bassano 8 JUN 1600)
Daughter of Jeronimo Bassano 1559-1635 and his wife Dorothy Symonds 1563-
Sister of Augustine Bassano; Scipio Bassano; Charles Bassano; Edward Bassano; Frances (Metcalf); Nowell Bassano; Margaret Bassano; Jeronimo Bassano; Henry Bassano; Philadelphia Bassano and Anne (King)
Her brother Nowell's son is recorded as helping an errant nephew emigrate to Virginia under the watchful eye of an eminent Merchant in Virginia in 1682

What sources do you have for claiming she was a Bassano?

Best wishes

There are quite a few "Elizabeth" Bassano individuals named in the "The Galpin Society Journal © 1985". If you look up these women, you find the journal's research shows the spouses of most of them, and no mention of a Lupo, or any emigration to Virginia. Apparently, there is still no docmentation to prove the Elizabeth, who was married to Albanus "Albiano" Lupo, was a Bassano family member, but it is possible.

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