Elizabeth Lupo / Chandler (Bassano) - Elizabeth Bassano (Lupo)(Chandler) is the Daughter of Jeronimo "the Younger" Bassano

Started by David White on Friday, January 3, 2020
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1/3/2020 at 2:50 PM

I have uploaded two images of the record in a book in Shoreditch, showing Elizabeth Bassano (Lupo)(Chandler) is the Daughter of Jeronimo "the Younger" Bassano.


Her father is also, at times, referred to as "Jerome", and possibly "Hieronimo" like his grandfather:


Apparently, Deutche Gramaphone music company researched music records to correlate with their recordings of many years. You can click the names (at the site) to see bio information.

Alvise Bassano
Andrea Bassano
Anthony Bassano
Anthony Bassano (II)
Arthur Bassano
Augustine Bassano
Baptista Bassano
Edward Bassano
Edward Bassano (II)
Henry Bassano
Jacomo Bassano
Jasper Bassano
Jeronimo (Jerome) Bassano ("the Younger")
John Bassano
Mark Anthony Bassano
Scipio Bassano
Thomas Bassano

1/3/2020 at 6:28 PM

Thanks for the links and supporting details, David!

Is there a concern about any of Elizabeth's "immediate family"? (parents, spouses, siblings, children)

If they seem to be "complete" (all known spouses, siblings, & children), then perhaps the Relationship Lock can be set so there will be no future changes in those "connections".

1/4/2020 at 12:04 AM

David, I really enjoyed reading and they're great sources for our Bassano lineage. Yes, Dan lock them, the group that added this lineage in 2007 did a great job.

1/4/2020 at 9:15 AM

Are the siblings of Jeronimo Bassano, I, Esq. all complete & correct? If so, I'll lock his relationships, too. (Elizabeth's family has RL set).

1/6/2020 at 2:56 PM

I believe edits should not always be made "arbitrarily", but at this point any changes should be brought up in a "Discussion". We need to continue to find more records and information to support our findings.

There are quite a few "Elizabeth" Bassano individuals named in the "The Galpin Society Journal © 1985". See on Google: "The Bassanos: Venetian Musicians and Instrument Makers in England, 1531?665
By Roger Prior" (https://books.google.com/books?id=zCQxDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT18&...=... ) and search inside this book for "Elizabeth Bassano", and a listing of the various daughters of Bassanos and their daughter "Elizabeth". Further searching will lead to the pages that describe these daughers and it will, for most of them, who they married. However, there is no such listing for the daughter Elizabeth of Jeronimo II, and she is born in 1600. (See the documents/images I uploaded to her profile).
If you look up these women, you find the journal's research shows the spouses of most of them, and no mention of a Lupo, or any emigration to Virginia. Apparently, there is still no docmentation to prove the Elizabeth, who was married to Albanus "Albiano" Lupo, was a Bassano family member, but it is possible.
The Galpen Society Journal has information on the Bassano family.(https://books.google.com/books?id=zCQxDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT18&...=...)

This Italian document outlines some of the Bassano family:
"4. I Bassano. Una famiglia veneziana oltremanica lungo tre
generazioni ... Il primo a ricostruire l’albero genealogico delle tre generazioni dei
Bassano che operano in Inghilterra dagli anni 1520 alla seconda metà del
XVII secolo è stato David Lasocki. Il capostipite della famiglia, escluso
però dal conteggio delle generazioni (dato che non si muove dall’Italia),
(1st Generation)
è Jeronimo I (m.1539 o 1545)340. I suoi figli, che danno vita alla prima
generazione dei Bassano oltremanica, sono
Jacomo (o Jacopo m. tra il 1559 e il 1566),
Alvise (m. 1554),
Jasper (m. 1577),
Giovanni (m. 1570),
Antonio (m. 1574) e
Battista (m. 1576).
(2nd Generation)
La seconda generazione vede
Augustine (m. 1604) e Lodovico (m. 1593), figli di Alvise;
Mark Anthony (1546-1599), Arthur (1547-1624), Edward I (1551-1615),
Andrea (1554-1626) e Jeronimo II (1559-1635), figli di Anthony.
(3rd Generation)
La terza generazione comprende
Anthony II (1579-1658) figlio di Arthur;
Thomas (1589-1617), figlio di Andrea;
Scipio (1586-1613), Edward II (1588-1638) e Henry (1597-1665), figli di Jeronimo II."

Possibly we need to find information on Albiano Lupo, and the Lupo family, their relationships with the Bassano family.

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