Harald "Blue Tooth", king of Denmark - Harald blue tooth king of Denmark....

Started by Colleen Dorothy Maunsell on Tuesday, December 31, 2019
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Harald "Blue Tooth", king of Denmark

I can not find which one of Harolds wifes / lovers was my grandmother... Could some one please help me...
thank you

Harald "Blue Tooth", king of Denmark is Nils Christian* Lars Mörling's 26th great grandfather!
Nils Christian* Lars Mörling
You → Fritz Gustav Henrik Lars Mörling
your father → Comtesse Märta af Reventlow, Stiftsjungfru från Preetz i Holstein
his mother → Frederik Ferdinand Eduard (Fritz) Greve af Reventlow
her father → Einar Carl Ditlev Greve af Reventlow
his father → Christian Ditlev Frederik Reventlow, Lensgreve
his father → Reichsfreiin Johanne Sophie Frederikke von Bothmer
his mother → Friedrich Johann von Bothmer
her father → Julius August Reichsfreiherr von Bothmer, Freiherr
his father → Sophie von Pancker
his mother → Christoph von Pancker
her father → Anna von Schmatzhagen
his mother → Anna von der Lancken
her mother → Hinrich von der Lancken
her father → Gert II von der Lancken
his father → Bernd I von der Lancken
his father → Sulislaus IV von der Lancken
his father → Sulisalaus III von der Lancken
his father → Tessimer von der Lancken
his father → Sulislaus II auf Rügen
his father → NN von Putbus
his mother → Pridbor I von Putbus
her father → Irmingard Knutsdotter, Af Danmark
his mother → Saint Canute Lavard, duke of Schleswig
her father → Eric I "the Good", king of Denmark
his father → Sweyn II, King of Denmark
his father → Estrid Margrethe Svendsdatter, princess of Denmark
his mother → Sweyn I "Forkbeard", king of Denmark, Norway & England
her father → Harald "Blue Tooth", king of Denmark
his father

Colleen, the mother of Harold's son, Sweyn I "Forkbeard", king of Denmark, Norway & England is unknown or at least unrepresented, and you are descended through him. Gunhild was recently (i.e. in 2019) disconnected from Sweyn as his mother.

Private User Gracias por enumerar a sus esposas, Juan. Gyrid es mi 33ª bisabuela. No lo sabía antes.

In Revisions we find that "Sweyn I "Forkbeard", king of Denmark, Norway & England's parents were changed to Harald "Blue Tooth", king of Denmark and Gyrid Olafsdotter, Danish queen consort by Bjørn P. Brox." 7 hours ago

So problem is now solved (7 hours ago).

hi Debra....... Gyrid Olafsdotter, Danish queen consort is your first cousin 30 times removed...
so still looking for good old Blue tooths wife / lover who is my grandmother..... thanks for trying xo

Honestly: Who Sweyn's mother is, varies, depending on what source you read. thepeerage states Gyrid, Wikipedia: Gunhild or Tove. etc etc.

I just selected the first one.

In any case I can guarantee you that your path up to this level in the tree have a lot of errors which should be fixed before you can claim that "Blue Tooth" is an ancestor, which I doubt anyone can.

Sorry about that, Colleen. It worked for me, :D

The Relationship Calculator (although a wonderful and very handy tool) doesn't always give us what would normally seem to be the logical answers (or what we're looking for in particular situations), so sometimes I have to apply some additional logic to it, myself (a terrifying thought :D).

But obviously if Gyrid is Sweyn's mother, and Sweyn is your 32nd g-grandfather -- then doing the usual genealogical math --- she should be your 33rd g-grandmother (in addition to being your first cousin, if that's also the case).

Apparently the Calculator likes to provide the shortest route, which for you is evidently the cousin kinship in Gyrid's case. Sometimes I am able to 'outsmart' or somehow 'persuade' the Calculator to show me what I already know should be there (grandparents). But it gets very complicated with the most ancient families having so many multiple kinship connections (putting it delicately).

Gyrid Olafsdotter, Danish queen consort is your 29th great grandmother.
You Juan Carlos Blom
→ Juan Iges Blom
your father → Carmen Cristina Madsen
his mother → Ana Hilda Mathiasen
her mother → Lars Mathiasen
her father → Mathias Larsen
his father → Sophie Margrete Mathiasdatter
his mother → Karen Jensdatter
her mother → Kirstine Margrete Christiansdatter
her mother → Christian Jeppesen Bruun
her father → Karen Nielsdatter Bruun
his mother → Niels Frandsen Bruun
her father → Johanne Andersdatter Grøn
his mother → Anders Eriksen Grøn, til Tamdrup Bisgaard
her father → Erik Jensen Grøn, til Voergaard
his father → Maren Andersdatter Bjørn, af Voergaard
his mother → Anders Jachimsen Bjørn, af Voergaard
her father → Margrethe Andersdatter Hvide
his mother → Else Holgersdatter Krognos
her mother → Karen Eriksdatter Krognos
her mother → Erik Nielsen Saltensee af Linde
her father → Niels Nielsen Saltensee, af Linde
his father → Christina Johannesdatter Galen
his mother → Margrethe Stigsdatter Galen (Hvide)
her mother → Kristine Jørgensdatter Galen
her mother → Jørgen Bodilsen
her father → Bodil Eriksdatter, Prinsesse
his mother → Eric I "the Good", king of Denmark
her father → Sweyn II, King of Denmark
his father → Estrid Margrethe Svendsdatter, princess of Denmark
his mother → Sweyn I "Forkbeard", king of Denmark, Norway & England
her father → Gyrid Olafsdotter, Danish queen consort
his mother

Harald "Blue Tooth", king of Denmark is my 33rd great grandfather and Gyrid Olafsdotter Danish queen consort is my 33 great grandmother. That’s awesome!

Harald "Blue Tooth", king of Denmark is your 32nd great grandfather.
→ Martin Keith Armstrong
your father → Frank Dewey Armstrong, Sr.
his father → William (Mart) Martin Armstrong, Mr.
his father → Isabella Putnam Armstrong
his mother → Abner Abner Putman
her father → Mary Cook Mitchell, 4th ggma
his mother → Mary Elizabeth Ann Mitchell
her mother → Mary Penn
her mother → John Taylor
her father → Colonel James Taylor, of King & Queen
his father → Colonel John Taylor, I
his father → Captain Thomas Taylor
his father → Thomas Taylor
his father → Margaret Wright
his mother → John Tyndale
her father → John Tyndale
his father → Sir William Tyndal, Kt.
his father → Sir Thomas Tyndale. Kt.
his father → Helena Tyndale
his mother → Margaret Felbrigge
her mother → Elżbieta bytomska
her mother → Bolesław bytomski, książę
her father → Ludgarda - Lukardis von Mecklenburg-Werle-Parchim
his mother → Pribislaw II, Herzog von Mecklenburg-Werle-Parchim
her father → Pribislaw I von Mecklenburg, Herr zu Parchim und Richenberg
his father → Heinrich Borwin II von Mecklenburg
his father → Heinrich Borwin I von Mecklenburg
his father → Wojsława von Rügen
his mother → Ida Nielsdotter
her mother → Niels, King of Denmark
her father → Sweyn II, King of Denmark
his father → Estrid Margrethe Svendsdatter, princess of Denmark
his mother → Sweyn I "Forkbeard", king of Denmark, Norway & England
her father → Harald "Blue Tooth", king of Denmark
his father...Gyrid Olafsdotter is my 32nd Grandmother...awesome indeed..

thanks Cousins Debra and Bjorn ... yep it hard finding things and even harder proving your heritage Happy New Year to you both oxox

My problem with using the Relationship Calculator with ancients like
Harald "Blue Tooth", king of Denmark is that most of them go through Christen Christensen Thrane, d.e. who is very likely my 10th great grandfather. But then gives as his mother Kirsten Pallesdatter Splid Fasti. His mother was likely a Kirsten Palesdtter but it is very unlikely that she is the same person as Kirsten Pallesdatter Splid Fasti. The statement from Bjørn Box "Curator Note from Bjørn P. Brox (9/7/2011):
usikker identitet, usikre foreldre" leaves me wondering if there is someway to kill that ancestral line so that other more likely lines would appear.

Christen Christensen Thrane

Then, Bjørn, instead of chosing "I just selected the first one.", you shouldn't have chosen anyone. The way you did it will only contribute in spreading false genealogical information.

Well, prove that I made an error then. Claiming that it is an error is false genealogical information as well.

Any spouse of bluetooth which had children that grew up is probably an ancestor anyhow.

Now, Bjørn, you are using arguments you yourself have said plenty of times that we shouldn't use. It's always up to the one making an argument for a relationship being correct (which you did by chosing the first one, implying that it is that relationship that is correct) that has to prove it. You know well it is impossible to prove that two persons didn't have a relationship. Claiming that there is a relationship between two persons (as you did Bjørn, by connecting two persons) is false genealogical information if there are no good sources for it. So come up with the sources or disconnect what you connected if you can't find good reliable sources for the relationship you selected.

Argumenting that any spouse of Harald is probably an ancestor anyhow is bad genealogical work and a very bad argument, and you know this. I know you both know and can do better.

As I want to repeat: There is source differences on who was Sveins mother, but it is better to select one of them than none as the situation was.

In any case it does not matter, - it is not this area that is the problematic area - they are as I said above in generations much closer to us.

Instead of complaining about and cutting connections as you are doing in this area where we actually HAVE sources, even if they are just sagas, - they are stil sources.

It would be better that you help in the areas you might have knowledge on finding sources - in the middle of the lines up to this area where professional genealogists have added so many false connections to give their customers value for their money by giving them noble and royal ancestors. One published they return like viruses. The most common way was adding a maternal connection, - in a time period where the mothers never is mentioned in sources, so they cannot be proved or disproved.

Bjørn, I'm disconnecting profiles due to lack of reliable sources in the timeperiod 1300 to 1600 every day, but I never connect profiles where there are no good sources like you have done here.

"There is source differences on who was Sveins mother, but it is better to select one of them than none as the situation was." This is completly wrong, it is never better to select one of them than none when there are no good sources confirm any of them. Then you're just propagating false genealogy, which you have plenty of times told us that you're against. Have you changed your mind?

And the Sagas aren't sources for genealogical information, that has been refuted and dismissed by medieval historians during the last 30 years. They are good political stories and the genealogies in are only political so that Harald Hårfagre can be related to to the important kings in South east Norway that ruled there before him and so that Ole Tryggvason, Olav Haraldson and Harald Hardråde can be a descendant of Harald Hårfagre, and none of it is true, it's just fictional made up in the late 12th and early 13th Century.

While you two are discussing the issue someone did modify the profiles of Christen Christenssøn Thrane father and son as well as the wives and children. Thanks much.

Los cambios fueron hechos por Remi Trygve Pedersen

Leon Hagelee I did that yesterday when you told us about the problem.

Many thanks Remi. Going through a family connection that is clearly incorrect when using the Relationship Calculator was very annoying to say the least.

I have several wives listed, ready? Gunhild ; Tove Mistivojsdatter af Danmark;;Gyrid Olafsdotter, Danish Queen consort; Asa "Som-Asa" Atlesdotter; 1 unknown. I hoped that helped you.

I wonder if anyone has a comment on this person. He appears to be the same as Harald Bluetooth Gormson.

Harald 'Bluetooth' Viking King of Denmark & Norway

Harald 'Bluetooth' Viking King of Denmark & Norway

And a link to the MP version

Harald "Blue Tooth", king of Denmark

Harald "Blue Tooth", king of Denmark

Leon Hagelee that is so interesting. I am directly descended from both of them, which appear to be duplicates (judging from the name and dates). It seems the duplicate was created in response to some theory regarding the relationship between Blue Tooth and the de Crepons.

Ranulf De Crepon

Helfast De Crepon

Anette Guldager Boye your input and thoughts are needed.

There seems to be some mix up here about this Helfast De Crepon. I found this stub on Wikipedia and according to the information's there, his parents are unknown: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herfast_de_Cr%C3%A9pon

I also found this on Geneanet.org and after studying what is written there - I praised the Heavens for DNA researches. The name there "Herfast" could probably be the same Helfast De Crepon (browse down the site):

Geneanet isn't completely trustworthy (it's just another glorified family tree), and that entry in particular contains some problems. "Agnés Sibelle de CREPON" is not supported by any documentation whatsoever (and note that this entry provides none either). There is no documented Montgommery connection in this generation.

As for Gonnor (Gunnora), she did *not* marry Richard I "Sans Peur" of Normandy until she had already had several children with him. She began as his *concubine* because he already had a legal wife - who, however, died young and childless, and as soon as she was buried, he and Gunnora finally got married.

MedLands is to be preferred because Cawley *does* provide primary documentation, when he can get it. https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NORMANDY.htm#RichardIdied996B, https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/normacre.htm#GunnoraMRichardINormandy

Private User Thanks for your input.

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