Gothelo I "the Great", duke of Lorraine - No primary sources for his wives?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Saturday, December 28, 2019
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Gothelo I "the Great", duke of Lorraine does not appear to have primary sources for any of his wives.

Medlands has him as the the second of the DUKES of LOWER LOTHARINGIA 1012-1023, 1046-1065 (FAMILY of WIGERICH), saying " m ---. The name of Duke Gozelon's wife is not known. Duke Gozelon I & his wife had six children"

1. GODEFROI, son of GODEFROI Comte de Verdun & his wife Mechtild of Saxony (-26 Sep 1023, bur Verdun Saint-Vanne). "Adalberonem…episcopum, Fredericum et Herimannum comites, Godefridum atque Gozelonem" are named (in order) the five sons of "comiti Godefrido" & "Mathildis Saxoniæ comitissa" in the Gesta Episcoporum Virdunensium, which specifies that Godefroi and Gozelon succeeded as dukes[226]. The Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi names "Arnulphum comitem Flandrensem, Godefridum ducem, Gozelonem ducem, fratres" as children of "Mathildis soror Guepe et Berthe [Burgundiæ]"[227]. He was installed in 1012 as GODEFROI I Duke of Lower Lotharingia by Emperor Heinrich II. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records that the emperor conferred "ducatus Lotharingie" on "comiti Godefrido Virdunensi, filio Godefridi Ardennensis" after the death of Otto Duke of Lower Lotharingia [Carolingian], an event which the chronicler records under 1005[228]. "Heinricus…Romanorum imperator augustus" renewed the privileges of Kloster Fulda by undated charter, placed in the compilation with other charters dated 1020, witnessed by "Godifridi ducis, Berinhardi ducis, Thiederici ducis, Welphonis comitis, Cunonis comitis, Kunrati comitis, Ottonis comitis, Adilbrahtis comitis, Bobonis comitis, Friderici comitis, Bezilini comitis, Ezonis comitis palatini"[229], the order of witnesses presumably giving some idea of the relative importance of these nobles at the court of Emperor Heinrich II at the time. "Ducis Godefridi eiusque fratris…marchionis Gozelonis" are named as present with Adalbold bishop of Utrecht at Driel, in an undated charter dated to before 1023, relating to the donation of Wamel[230]. The Annales Blandinienses record the death in 1023 of "Godefridus dux"[231]. The necrology of Liège Saint-Lambert records the death "VI Kal Oct" of "Godefridi pacifici ducis"[232].

2. GOZELON ([968/73]-19 Apr 1044, bur Münsterbilsen). The Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi names "Arnulphum comitem Flandrensem, Godefridum ducem, Gozelonem ducem, fratres" as children of "Mathildis soror Guepe et Berthe [Burgundiæ]"[233]. Count in the March of Antwerp. "Henricus…rex" granted property "inter flumina…Nitæ…Thila…Wauerwald in comitatu Gotizonis comitis qui Antwerf dicitur situm" to "nostrum bestiarum Baldrico sanctæ Leodicensis ecclesiæ presul nec non Baldrico comiti" by charter dated 12 Sep 1008[234]. "Ducis Godefridi eiusque fratris…marchionis Gozelonis" are named as present with Adalbold bishop of Utrecht at Driel, in an undated charter dated to before 1023, relating to the donation of Wamel[235]. He succeeded his brother in 1023 as GOZELON I Duke of Lower Lotharingia. Wipo, in his description of the election of Konrad II King of Germany in 1024, names him "Gozilo Duke of the Ripuarians"[236]. He succeeded in 1033 as GOZELON I Duke of Upper Lotharingia. "Adelaydis comitissa uxor quondam…Ludouici comitis" donated property "per manum Gozelonis ducis atque Godefridi…et pro eius amore Dominique Frederici prefati ducis fratris" to Verdun Saint-Vanne by charter dated to [1038/40], subscribed by "dux Gozelo et eius filius Godefridus"[237]. The Chronicon of Bernold records the death in 1044 of "Gozzilo dux Lotharingorum"[238]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "19 Apr" of "Gozlinus dux"[239]. Heinrich III King of Germany regranted "comitatum…in Thrente" to the bishop of Utrecht by charter dated 22 May 1046, which specifies that the grant was made "post obitum Gozlini ducis nostre"[240]. m ---. The name of Duke Gozelon's wife is not known. Duke Gozelon I & his wife had six children:

a) GODEFROI ([1000/1015] -Verdun 30 Dec 1069, bur Verdun Cathedral). Herimannus names "Gotefridus alter filius eius [=Gozzilo dux Lotharingorum]" when recording his being passed over in the succession to his father[241]. The Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi names "Godefridum ducem, Odam et Regelindam" as children of "Gozelo, frater Arnulphi et Godefridi"[242]. His birth date range is estimated on the basis of the estimated birth date of his father, and the more restricted birth date range of his sister Regelindis, although the absence of any information relating to his career before [1040] suggests that he may have been born in the later part of this period. He succeeded in 1044 as GODEFROI II Duke of Upper Lotharingia. He succeeded in 1065 as GODEFROI II "le Barbu" Duke of Lower Lotharingia.

- see below, Part E.

b) MATHILDE (-murdered Burg Cochem 17 Aug 1060). She is named "Mathildam, Gozelini ducis filiam" in the Annales Weissemburgenses, which record that she was murdered by her husband[243]. The Monumenta Epternacensia name "Mathilde Gozelonis ducis filia" as wife of "Heinricus"[244]. The Annales of Lambert von Hersfeld record in 1057 that “Heinricus palatinus comes Luthariorum” retired as a monk “in Gorzia”, but that “post paucos dies” he too back his wife and possessions (“uxoremque suam et possessiones...recepit”)[245]. The necrology of Weissenburg records the death "VI Kal Aug" of "Mahthild com a Henrico marito suo occiso 1060"[246]. m HEINRICH Pfalzgraf of Lotharingia, son of HEZZELIN Graf im Zülpichgau [Ezzonen] & his wife [--- of Carinthia] (-Echternach Abbey 29 Jul 1060).

c) GOZELON (-1046 before 22 May). Herimannus names "Gozziloni filius Gozzilo dux Lotharingorum" when recording his succession to his father[247]. Heinrich III King of Germany installed him as GOZELON II Duke of Lower Lotharingia in 1044 in succession to his father, while appointing his older brother as Duke of Upper Lotharingia. He was described as "ignavus" by the chronicler Hermann Contract von Reichenau[248]. He was deposed as duke of Lower Lotharingia and replaced by Frédéric de Luxembourg. The Annales Altahenses record in 1046 that the duchy was removed from "Gozziloni" and granted to "Friderico, Baioariæ ducis fratri"[249].

d) FREDERIC (-Florence 29 Mar 1058, bur Florence Santa Reparata). The Gesta Epsicoporum Virdunensium names "Fredericum, fratrem ducis Godefridi, archidiaconum Sancti Lamberti"[250]. Archdeacon of Liège St Lambert 1051. Papal Chancellor and Librarian 1051. Abbot of Monte Cassino and Cardinal 1057. He was elected Pope STEPHEN IX 2 Aug 1057. The Chronicon Hugonis names "Stephanus qui et Fredericus frater Godefridi ducis" when recording his election as Pope[251].

e) UDA (-23 Oct, after 1047). The Vita Sanctæ Gudilæ names "Oda…Gozelonis ducis filia" as wife of "Lambertus…comes" in a passage dated 1047[252]. The Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi names "Godefridum ducem, Odam et Regelindam" as children of "Gozelo, frater Arnulphi et Godefridi"[253]. "Baldricus…cum uxore mea Oda" founded the collegial church in Brussels by charter dated 1047[254]. m LAMBERT [II] Comte de Louvain, son of LAMBERT [I] "le Barbu" Comte de Louvain & his wife Gerberge of Lower Lotharingia [Carolingian] (-after 21 Sep 1062, bur Nivelles).

f) REGELINDIS ([1010/15]-after 1067). The Fundatio ecclesiæ Sancti Albani Namurcensis refers to the wife of "comes Albertus secundus" as "Gothelonis ducis filia" but does not name her[255]. The Chronicon Hanoniense names "Gosseclone ducis Lotharingie…[filia] Raelendem" as wife of "Alberto comiti"[256]. The Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi names "Godefridum ducem, Odam et Regelindam" as children of "Gozelo, frater Arnulphi et Godefridi"[257]. Her birth date range is estimated from her eldest son being born before 1035. She was given Durbuy as her dowry by her father. m ALBERT [II] Comte de Namur, son of ALBERT [I] Comte de Namur & his wife Ermengardis of Lower Lotharingia [Carolingian] (-[1063/64]).

Removing Barbe:
Reference on her profile says: -,_Duke_of_Lorraine - The name of Gothelo's wife is not known, the name Barbe de Lebarten (and in fact her entire ancestry), being a spurious concoction of later genealogists.[1][2] ... ... ...


Ludwig Conrady in 'Die Geschichte des Hauses Nassau: Von den ältesten Zeiten bis zu den ersten Trägern des Namens Nassau', _Annalen des Vereins für nassauische Altertumskunde und Geschichtsforschung_ 26 (1894) 1-130 & table 132-133. (as cited by Leo van de Pas, 8 May 2009 in soc.genealogy.medieval
Also see: Theodor Schliephake in _Geschichte von Nassau, von den ältesten Zeiten bis auf die Gegenwart, auf der Grundlage urkundlicher Quellenforschung_, vol 1 (Wiesbaden, 1866)

Removing Adelaide, pending primary sources. The link on her profile goes to a page that lists her as NN anyway.

Gozelon I Duke Of Lower Lotharingia ([968/73] -19 Apr 1044, Bur Münsterbilsen)
Par: Godefroi Comte De Verdun & Mechtild Of Saxony
x NN
* Godefroi
* Mathilde
* Gozelon
* Frederic / Pope Stephen IX
* Uda
* Regelindis
Bro: Godefroi I

Locking his relationships. If someone wants to double check his siblings and let me know if changes need to be made, that would be most welcome.

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