Capt. Myles Standish, "Mayflower" Passenger - Origins

Started by Erica Howton on Sunday, November 10, 2019
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For what it might be worth for searching:

In 1914 Thomas Cruddas Porteus published "Some Recent Investigations Concerning the Ancestry of Capt. Myles Standish" [NEHGR
68:339-69]. He transcribed many estate documents, and came to the tentative conclusion that Miles Standish descended from a certain Huan Standish of the Isle of Man

From Mary Ann Crawford-Martin-Beattie

That's a wonderful resource, Erica, thank you!

Googling his name brings up a few books he wrote on the subject, and some are freely available to read online. He is described as "an outstanding local historian the author of a number of invaluable local history books that made a significant historical assessment and evaluation of the localities of Standish –Duxbury – Chorley –Wigan in Lancashire England including the Gentry of those locations. Myles Standish by the Reverend Porteus is a book filled with factual documentation and a relevant appraisal of elements of that documentation, which argues well in favour of his proposition that Myles Standish was descended from the Ormskirk – Lancashire - England branch of the Standish Family who at the time of the birth of Myles (1584) resided on the Island of Man within the Irish Sea."

Thomas Cruddas Porteus

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