Introducing the Geni Consistency Checker

Started by Mike Stangel on Friday, November 8, 2019
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I also support Leanne’s point on suffixes & have seen it: “some incorrectly contained birth surnames, mothers maiden name, alternative spellings ...”.

That’s why I thought of using “of.”

Also, we’re already getting angry mails about (correct) use of the suffix reporting an inconsistency.

Mike:"Children With differente names" is mayby not a disaster, but it gives us a lot of (unnessesary) work

Children with different last names (533)

(94 ignored - vis alle)

Elen Birgitte Eliasdatter has children with different last names.

Tip: Go to the following profiles to verify and update the last name.
Ingeborg Anna Petrika Jonsdatter, Eleonora Jonsdatter, Elias Jonsen

The children have differente last names because their fathers name was Jon. This is old Nordic name traditions.

Mike Stangel, about Marius Adrianus Brandts Buijs, Jr., I choose to ignore the cremation after death event for every user. Therefor it's gone now. But the problem still stands in other profiles.
It was a cremation-date imported by Gedcom. You can see it in the timeline, but not in the profile itself, also when you edit the profile it's not visible. Same with baptism-events coming from Gedcom-imports.
Sorry I chose to quickly to ignore this fact.

I pressed unignore on the profile of his wife (my great-grandmother), so that you can check it:
Henriëtte Mathilda Versteegh
She has the same problem

Mike Thanks for looking at the title.

Could you also look and see if it is possible to remember which consistencies are expanded and which are not when auto refreshing the page when a inconsistency is solved.
If possible it would be great if you could also remember the position on the page and go there

Hmm, it seems the inconsistency is also gone here
Elsemarianne Agnes Ancy Ferguson
Another profile with the same problem, here it is still mentioned as inconsistency

From the suffix consistency I have not see a good example only examples like Bert ten Dam and Hendrik Josephus de Koning if normal family names like Dam and Koning are on the forbidden list then more then 5000 profiles for that last name are wrong. At the moment there are 10.0000 unic persons living in the Netherlands with the last name Koning and with Dam only 3.000 but on Geni there are more then 5.000 profiles with that last name. I agree that if Koning could also be a title and so it could be a suffix.

For the suffix the same adjustment of the check can be done as for title (check if there is a preposition (like de, het, van) in lower case is before it. That will help because this inconsistency should only trigger when there are multiple name parts.

OK, this is weird. Every time I post of the profiles here, the inconsistency mark disappears.
Perhaps if I try it this way, the wife of ir. Emile Ruempol


A lot of code changes were made due to the testing by the curators. Sometimes you can see the result of an older version. When you access the profile many of the inconsistencies are rechecked. So the inconsistency can disappear (or a new one can appear, but most changes where for false positives)

I have a whole group of ancestors with the last name (or some form) of Denbo. Other possible spellings - Dinbo, Denbow, D'Enbeau, Densmore, Dinsmore, etc. The consistency checker does find each and every different parent to child name version change - I am fine telling the checker to ignore these and making notes in the profile of the alternate names.

I wanted some input on how to best/easiest document the multiple names this family seemed to use. Is there a preferred way to document these?
TIA for any help

If anyone cares - here's some backstory -

my ancestor that links me to the Denbo family is my great grandmother -Margaret A Denbo

Hi Stacy Lynn Wood, one way is to record the first official spelling for that person in the birth surname field, the last official spelling for that person in the last name field, and all of the rest in the aka field

eg if a person has
* birth registered as Dinbo
* marriage registered as Denbo
* newspaper article during life as Densmore
* death registered as Dinsmore
would be
* Birth Surname - Dinbo
* Last Name - Dinsmore
* Also known as - Denbo, Densmore

The also known as can be used if a person is known by different names.
Put each name or name part in it and put comma's between each part.
That may not help in this case though, if different family members used names that their parents did not use.

Cross posted with Leanne

Yours tied in nicely with my response Job, I forgot to say the comma in between for the aka.

Leanne M (Volunteer Curator - Australia) - on walkabout🇦🇺
and Job Waterreus

excellent idea. I suppose i can use the aka field for family members even if I didn't find any record of them using the name/spelling personally but a family member did.

Catherine Ryche has no birth surname.
Tip: Go to the profile of Catherine Ryche and enter her birth surname.
Use the Cutherey surname

makes sense but profile is locked so if someone like to look at it

Re: “For the suffix the same adjustment of the check can be done as for title (check if there is a preposition (like de, het, van) in lower case is before it.”

include “of” and I’m on board.

Also note that in grammatical English, titles often follow the name, and we have always entered that way. On request we no longer use the display name field for it.

Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the USA

Private User patronymic names are excluded from the Children With Different Last Names check. The example you posted, Ingeborg Anna Petrika Jonsdatter and her siblings, happened to not appear as patronymics because the father's name is entered as "Joen" rather than Jon. We're happy to refine the patronymic-detection code.. if Joen -> Jonsdatter / Jonsen is a common case, we'll code for it (either explicitly or if there's a rule that can be generally applied to dropping vowels, all the better).

Maarten Alexander Brandts Buijs there are a *lot* of profiles to check and re-check every time we make an adjustment. I suspect the ones you're seeing are being rechecked. This will all settle down once we stop making changes.

Stacy Lynn Wood, for profiles that are locked like Catherine Ryche, you can either
1) message the curator
or 2) start a discussion on the profile

Mike Stangel, thanks for fixing my "died 1893"-example. I still think that something should be done with my "died 1952, born 1953"-example, since this is no error (the father does not need to be alive when the child is born).

Had "Large spouse age difference (2)" -- looked into the first one, had info on marriage, birth of each spouse, determined it was correct, clicked "ignore" and "Mark correct for all" -- so then it showed 1 as ignored, and one inconsistency to explore - and that was the difference in ages on the other spouse - for the exact same marriage!
Mike Stangel - for ""Large spouse age difference" is there a way you can have your system count it as one inconsistency even tho both spouses are obviously involved - or at least have both inconsistencies marked "ignore" if one is?

All, I appreciate what you are doing to get this straightened out. I think it is going to be a good feature, but it will likely have to have an accompanying manual for checking names from various cultures as some of us are so far removed from those that we often need help and do not know what to ask, even. Maybe we need a project for that "Nomenclature Standards for Various Cultures" - a sort of depository for those groups that do not follow the patriarchal notion of passing names.

I do like that some of you are trying to funnel issues to this thread when they show up on others. It helps keep us straight and the information all together for reference.

I guess, what I am saying is that I am going to just keep checking in and follow this thread for instructions. I hate that anyone is getting angry emails as Erica Howton noted is happening. You all deserve better.

Private User, the code for the inconsistency may have been altered since the consistency check was calculated on the profiles OR the date of birth on one of the profiles may have been altered since the consistency check was calculated.

When the consistency check is recalculated for the profile it will disappear, alternatively if you refresh the inconsistency (from the profiles inconsistency page) it will be removed.

In my opinion, the consistency checker is useful when it comes to encountering typos in birth, death, marriage years and so on, but at the moment there are too many problems with large spouse age difference, too old parents (both normal in Norway in the 18th century, the limit is set too low) and everything that goes on names, titles or suffixes that there is no point having a lot of work to ignore all these instances for every single profile. I think the best way to use it is to correct the real errors, and then forget about it until it is tested and all the issues are taken care of.

Is it possible for a user to ignore a complete group of inconsistencies, like "title in name"? How do I do this?

I have seen several instances from the 18th and 19th centuries where the age difference at marriage is 40-50 years or fathers who had children when they reached the age of 80. The sources show that the information is correct. Could a solution to this problem be to allow every user to set his own age limits, so that he can choose to only see inconsistencies when the age difference is e.g. at least 50 or fathers at least 80 years old? This would avoid that real errors drown in a long list of false inconsistency warnings.

Torbjørn Igelkjøn, Mike will have to answer the questions you have raised.

But I have a couple of questions / observations that might assist when working the Consistency Checker list

We tried to get the sort order within the errors to show the more likely errors first and I am wondering if you are seeing them in that order too?

Alive too old
Should list the oldest people at the top. So for me I stop looking at the inconsistencies once they are born 1904 and after. (I don't press ignore, I just don't look at them) Are you seeing it the same - the older profiles at the top and the younger profiles after that?

Married too young
Should list the youngest marriage age first - so someone who married at 1 should appear before someone married at 15. At this stage, I stop investigating once a person is 15 years old

Sibling too close
Should list the closest in age - so siblings born 30 days apart should appear before siblings born 180 days apart

Too Young Parent
Should list the youngest first - so someone who became a parent at 2 should appear before someone who became a parent at 15

Died too old
The oldest person should appear at the top - so someone dying age 150 will appear before somone dying age 130

Large spouse age difference
The largest spouse difference should appear at the top - so someone whose spouse is 85 years different in age will appear before someone 65 different in age

Too old parent
The oldest should appear at the top - so someone having a child at 85 will appear before someone having a child at 60

What I do for these is to investigate the first ones in each category - and then when I get to an age / a difference where it is more likely to be correct I stop investigating and leave them there for another day when I want to clean up.

Not sure if that helps or not.

Leanne M (Volunteer Curator - Australia) - on walkabout🇦🇺, this is a good point that I have to admit that I didn't notice. It seems to appear by and large lik you say, except that profiles where the age information is not exact appear lower on the list, taking into account that the age may vary from the center year.

It is also possible with the v ^ at the right of an inconsistency header to show / not show the inconsistencies for that heading.
I hope Mike can make the page remember those when refreshing the page.

Could the Dutch titles mentioned be added (if they are not already present)
Most common ones are prof., dr., drs, ds., mr., ir. and ing.
(mr. is blocked at the moment)


Could a fix for the missing surname at birth be added, by using the last name for it?
In most cases that will work better for the part of the tree that I'm working on than any of the other quick fixes.

I would like you to reconsider the order of inconsist chategories. Now it seems to be alphabetic order. I want the more serios problems to be at top. Like "event before birth" or "event after death". Becuse that more likely is an error than for example "child whith different lastname".

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