Introducing the Geni Consistency Checker

Started by Mike Stangel on Friday, November 8, 2019
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A burial event before death should definitly be flagged. :-)

Private User and Stacy Lynn Wood Burial more than a year after death is what's triggering that inconsistency. We're going to adjust the wording in those cases.

Private User you won't get a Missing Birth Surname inconsistency if there are no parents. If there are parents, then the typical presumption would be that this person had their last name as their birth surname. If that's not the case, just mark it correct.

Torbjørn Igelkjøn funerals, burials and cremations will not trigger the Event After Death inconsistency if they are within a year of death. If you have an inconsistency on a burial 5 years after death please post it or send it to me privately so we can investigate. Engagements / wedding dates are allowed up to 2 years in the future before triggering the inconsistency. You raise a good point about funerals, we'll put a grace period on those as well. What do you suggest? 3 months? [The issue of who Geni defaults to private is completely unrelated and intended to protect the privacy of our users and their families.] Thanks for the bug report on the Missing Birth Surname autofix capitalization -- we'll get that fixed.

Randel Vuks the Title in Name inconsistency will not trigger on single-word names, so King should be fine. Torbjørn Igelkjøn same goes for Jarl -- are you seeing that inconsistency on profiles that have only that word / name in the first name field?

Private User in the case of inactive managers perhaps we should auto-hide the inconsistency after you send a message to the managers? That way if they don't respond, at least the inconsistency has been taken out of your view. (We actually do this already on Siblings with Same First Name, if you request a merge)

I am ok with it triggering the burial after death taking place a year or more after death. And definitely if it is before death.

However it flagged for the same day or "after" the same date as death. I ignored it.

Mike Stangel As I wrote, the burial 5 years after death was an error. (I had entered a funeral/burial year of 2016 instead of 2011, and the inconsistency checker drew my attention to that so that I could correct it). A time limit of one year after death before triggering a burial-after-death inconsistency is in my opinion more than sufficient.

In Norway, a funeral is usually held about a week after the death notice is published. A time limit of tree months before triggering the "event in future" inconsistency should be sufficient.

Stacy Lynn Wood If you find it flagged for the same day or "after" the same date as death, I think you should let Mike Stangel have a look at it instead of just ignoring it.

Mike Stangel It is correct that the "Title in name"/"Suffix in name" inconstencies that I see only trigger where there is more than one name in the first name field (or in the birth name/maiden name field). (Many Norwegian names consist of more than one first name).

I hope that there will also be implemented consistency checks that trigger when adding new profiles (and maybe also when moving profiles to wrong places in the tree). I tried to add a profile with death date before birth date, and got an error message - Good! But when I set the birth date older than the birth dates of the parents, the test profile was created without any error message.

Overall, I really appreciate this feature. It helped me catch some wrong-century typos and a couple of misplaced people.

I concur with Torbjørn in hoping that some of these consistency checks can be implemented at the profile adding stage.

A few possible bugs:

1. A child ( Jakob Levi ) was born after his father's first wife ( Jette Levi ) died, to the father and his second wife. He is not listed as a child (either biological or adoptive) of that first wife. Both the father and the second wife were alive at the time of the child's birth. Yet this was flagged as a child born after the death of his parent, making reference to his father's first wife (not his actual mother).

2. When a range of dates is given for a person's birth (e.g. due to uncertainty / conflicting records), and a person is tagged in a record with the earlier date, it is flagged as being an event before their birth. Maybe make the ranges inclusive of the end dates so that these won't be flagged. Similarly, when a birth or death date is given as "before" or "after" a certain date, these appear to sometimes be treated as though the event were in that exact year instead of being treated as an upper or lower bound.

3. Mysteriously,üftschitz/6000000070316490965 (b. 1882) was flagged as having been born after the death of her fatherüftschitz/6000000066682834168 (d. 1916). I can't explain it.

4. As others have noted, you don't have to tag someone as present at an event for them to be linked to the event. If I upload an obituary and associate it with a person's death event, and then I tag their late siblings who are mentioned in the obituary (which may be the only way I have of demonstrating the relationship), then those deceased siblings are automatically associated with the person's death event, even if I didn't explicitly tag them in the event. This throws up "present at event after death" flags.

Mike Stangel A positive effect I’m noticing already is acquiring or reminding us of all the rich features on Geni; it’s a good self teaching tool.

That said, having to fix / ignore every suffix with a toponym will take ... a very long time. I enter them as “of [a place]” and usually have a citation to verify the usage. Would that be a possible way to not trigger that inconsistency? I “do” want to see it for a name inappropriately added to suffix. Of course I’m only talking about English.

I really like this feature, except for the marriage age- it's very annoying for the 1700s - every one of my ancestor's married very young, so click click, Do you think they could Consider changing the marriage age?

Mike Stangel, thanks to your team for all the hard work on the consistency checker, I have found errors that were invisible to me before.

Yes, me too, a big thanks I'm finding quite a bit of sibling misplaced with the wrong parents that would have been overlooked. It's really helping to clean up so many mistakes that weren't visible, I can live with the too marriage deal it's only in the early 1800s 1700s1600s, I'm getting quick with those. That outweighs the positive results. It's amazing you guys were able to come up with this software. Now no more excuses, for my silly mistakes. it's stupid proof.

Mike Stangel,

Can you make an adjustment on the check for title in the name for last names when there is a name part before it which starts with a lowercase letter (like van, de, het), so it won't trigger on last names like de Koning

Could you look at the cremation event for Marius Adrianus Brandts Buijs, Jr. and see why it triggers the inconsistency for event after death

Great feature! Thank you for introducing it. There are some minor weird things (like the cremation event after death being flagged, or siblings to close to each other, when sibling 1 is a foster-child, and sibling 2 is a biological child. But it's called a checker, and it's always good to check those things. I find more inconsistencies (that are rightfully flagged) than weird things that shouldn't be there. Thanks!

These new "Inconsistent Checkers for Children with different last names" will be a DISASTER! I thought Geni was supposed to be a WORLD three. Then we cannot have a system, inviting all users to push all names throughout the world, to all times, into conform, American name tradition (!)

OK, these ”stickers” is for information only, and it’s possible to disable them in your own three view, but to disable them for all, one must do so for each profile, for most of us counting hundreds.

Regardless this: With these checkers, users here and there and everywhere, who do not like these signs, slowly but surely will change names in the tree, so one ends up with a mess, similar to the MyHeritage soup, with frozen surname after patriarchal norm, with maiden names and sir names, far down into middle ages…

This is not serious genealogy! ☹

Two examples of "birth after death" events:

Hans Mikael Ingebrigtsen Orheim had a birth date after his parent's (Oline Olsdotter Orheim) death date.
Tip: Correct the birth date of Hans Mikael Ingebrigtsen Orheim (born 07. Februar 1893) or check the death date of Oline Olsdotter Rygg (died 1893). Ignore

<Private> had a birth date after his parent's (Gustav Magnusson) death date.
Tip: Correct the birth date of <Private> (born 1953) or check the death date of Gustav Magnusson (died 1952). Ignore

In both cases, I think tre reason of triggering inconsistency events is that the birth- and/or death dates contain only the year with date and month missing. Consider having these inconsistencies triggered only if the difference is more than a year for mothers and more than two years for fathers.

It is a great tool to draw attention to common problems. And it is good to know that "There is a data conflict associated with this profile that may correct this inconsistency."

Well in this particular case the data conflict and the inconsistency didnot match and thats ok. But at least one of these data conflicts showd to be from a merge where location "Norway/Norge" was adressed. This shuld not be a data conflict.

Mike Stangel - re: Missing Birth Surname inconsistency -- not sure how it should handle it if Mother has a Birth Surname, no Last Name - but Definitely if there is neither a Birth Surname nor a Last Name for any parent shown, then No Birth Surname for the Child should not trigger the Missing Birth Surname inconsistency - it is now.

Lois, if you post a link to the profile we can look at it for you.

Hanna Moldsvor
The inconsistency on Jørgen Britanus Ivarsen Løvlid is “Has children with different last names”
Seperate to that the profile has a data conflict.
Data conflicts occur when the data from 2 profiles have different data in the 2 fields. One of the profiles referred to the country as Norway and the other as Norge - whilst these are physically the same location they are different words and the system is asking for someone to select which one should be on the profile. To resolve it, you need to select which location should be on the profile - Norway or Norge.

If it is a problem with Norway/Norge there will be thousands of dataconflicts. Many profils have different ways to set the locations, esp merged profils.
This must be fixed .

Norge vs Norway in a data conflict will not show up in the consistency check.
The profile is showing up due to the children not having the same surname as the parents - And the system is letting you know that there is a data conflict on the profile just in case resolving the data conflict will fix the inconsistency. In this case the data conflict is not relevant to the inconsistency.

Emma Leila Handisides

This Emma was not married to Frederick Rundell Chappell.

Could someone unmerge this husband for Emma Leila Handisides please.

Thank you

Private User - the merge looks correct. (Ie reversing the merge won’t fix the problem)

Could you please start a discussion on the profile and we can use that to determine where Frederick should be moved to.


Arne Åsbjørn Drangeid, if you post a link to the profile, we can look at the issue.

Leanne M (Volunteer Curator - Australia) - on walkabout🇦🇺 - I am confused. I specifically tagged Mike to say something to him. And you respond, saying "if you post a link to the profile, we can look at the issue." - who is this "we" you are referring to?

And does that "we" have any hand in the programming or what is it this "we" is supposedly going to be doing?

Private User, there are a group of curators working with Mike on consistency checker. Even if you are just talking to Mike, adding a link to the profile that you are referring to makes it significantly easier for Mike or the others assisting Mike to look at the issue and understand what you are talking about.

Sitat: In Norway, a funeral is usually held about a week after the death notice is published. A time limit of tree months before triggering the "event in future" inconsistency should be sufficient."

In old days when people died during the winter , they were not burried before the snow was gone. (and it could take some months...) So three months are not enough in all cases.

Leanne M (Volunteer Curator - Australia) - on walkabout🇦🇺 - If there is a special group of curators working on this, think you should be more explicit about that, rather than just saying "we" which could mean anything - and even if there is such a special group, if you do not explicitly reference them (yes, each time), there is no way to be sure each time you say "we" that that is what you mean.

Why did Mike make no official mention of any such special group of curators in this Discussion?
Is that "group of curators working with Mike on consistency checker" mainly working on chasing and fixing inconsistencies, or on making sure the programming is fine-tuned, or?

Moreover -
Mike had explicitly stated "you won't get a Missing Birth Surname inconsistency if there are no parents. If there are parents, then the typical presumption would be that this person had their last name as their birth surname. "

You can see in Mike's statement that, according to what he stated, they are clearly only looking for existence of parent, not that the parent has a last name.
I do not see why it should take a link for him to understand what I am saying - but
If Mike needs a link to understand what I am saying, he can ask, and I will either post it or PM it to him.


From what Mike stated you should not conclude "they are clearly only looking for existence of parent, not that the parent has a last name."
You could test it and come to that conclusion, but that is something else.
You should not even conclude from what Mike said that the last name of the parent is used and not the surname at birth (or that it may depend on which of those has a value). You cannot even conclude from it which parents name will be used (or on which conditions this may be dependent).

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