Introducing the Geni Consistency Checker

Started by Mike Stangel on Friday, November 8, 2019
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sorry the link wasn't what I thought ... try this -

According to the first post in this Discussion "The Consistency Checker constantly monitors changes to profiles in the family tree to detect common errors or inconsistencies and bring them to your attention so that you can make the necessary changes to improve the quality and accuracy of the family tree."

But I see people are complaining about choices others are making solely because those choices trigger an Inconsistency Message / Report.
Is it really appropriate to insist others make their choices about data entry based solely on that?

Apparently this repeated complaining is not about items marked as errors, but just about Orange Warnings --

"Warnings are marked with an orange circular exclamation mark icon. These inconsistencies alert you to unusual data that could possibly be correct. "

My understanding, users should not be forced to change how they operate simply because it triggers warnings.
And yes, this is personal for me, as anyone can see from my comments in

The current attempts to force people to change what they are doing because the current way causes a Warning are not based on that but rather apparently the Suffix Field -- for those wondering what I am referring to, see comments in

A note re ignoring inconsistencies.

If you investigate an inconsistency and found that the data is correct, you can select ignore for all.

However - when the profile is merged, the inconsistency will be reinstated.

So every time the profile is merged you have to re do the ignore all.

Leanne M (Volunteer Curator - Australia) - on walkabout🇦🇺 as I understand the info in that link, you can click “Mark this correct for all users.”
- but you or anyone else can later click "show all" for that profile, and all those will be shown in green.
So not actually removed.

Did not see in the info from that link that they all come back after a merge. Thanks for that additional info.

Re: However - when the profile is merged, the inconsistency will be reinstated. So every time the profile is merged you have to re do the ignore all.

For me, who works with popular profiles, this is a frustrating result; I’m doing the same work, time and time again. So I remove the reason for a name inconsistency altogether. Letting the warning stand is not an option when I curate a profile, as I may be the only person who can resolve the report.

This is likely of less relevance for profiles within the geni defined family group.

Showing 361-366 of 366 posts

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