Who Are Her Actual Parents?

Started by Debbie Gambrell on Wednesday, October 23, 2019
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10/23/2019 at 7:14 PM

@Margery Wyndham, Lady Hastings

Just noticing that the sources provided conflict about who Margery's parents were. BP and Richardson give different genealogies:



The second link seems the better sourced account of her parentage. What do we do when the sources generally relied upon are in conflict?

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10/23/2019 at 8:08 PM

Unfortunately she's on the lower fringes, at best, of the area covered by Medieval Lands https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CONTENTS.htm

Anne Le Despencer (and marriage to Hugh de Hastings) confirmed via https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ENGLISH%20NOBILITY%20MEDIEVAL2.htm...

Nothing relevant under Hastings.

No Cliftons (they were not "official" barons, apparently, bar summons to Parliament, which lapsed).

No Windhams or Wyndhams.

10/24/2019 at 12:06 AM

Disconnected from parents Sir John Clifton & Joan Thorpe

It’s a Margaret mixup.


Margaret Clifton was the daughter of Sir John Clifton and Joan Thorpe.1 She married Sir Andrew Ogard.1 She died before 1447, without issue.1 She was buried at Wymondham, Norfolk, England.

I’ll enter a new Margaret & I started old Margaret’s Robert & Alice parents.

10/24/2019 at 12:17 AM

Thanks so much for your time and effort, Erica. And now that I look at it all again, I notice that the "Margaret" in my WIndham line is always referred to as Margery Clifton, not Margaret. I realize Margery is often a nickname for women named Margaret, but the other one who is a daughter of John Clifton and Joan Thorpe isn't called Margery. And I think that being buried at Wymondham was easily confused with being connected to the Wyndham family. These kinds of mix-ups seem to be fairly common with the old lines. Just so glad we have you and the other curators to help us make sure we keep them all straight!

10/24/2019 at 12:34 AM

Robert or Roger Clifton was “of” Buckenham Castle in Norfolk.

Two whiffs of the joint & family:



But it’s just hints.

10/24/2019 at 12:41 AM

Sir Robert Clifton - if anyone can contribute references, please do.

There’s a great Bockenham Castle story here:


Contained in the Patent Rolls of King Edward IV’s reign is a story detailing the defence of Bokenham Castle by Alice Knyvet. In 1461, Edward IV claimed Bokenham Castle by virtue of legal inquisition. The castle was, at the time, owned and occupied by John and Alice Knyvet, who did not easily relinquish their estate. The king sent nine commissioners and an escheator to take the castle, possibly knowing that John was away and the castle would be easily handed over.

However, as they approach the outer ward, Alice appeared in the gatehouse tower with the drawbridge raised who kept the castle ‘with slings, parveises, fagots, timber, and other armaments of war’ (CPR, 1461-7, p. 67). We are told that Alice along with William Toby of Old Bokenham, gentleman, and fifty other persons were ‘armed with swords, glaives, bows and arrows’.


This would have been after Clifton’s time.

10/24/2019 at 1:06 AM

That IS a great story! And I have all those other surnames in my tree: Knyvet, Caily , Mortimer, etc. I still have a lot of tracing lines to do!

10/24/2019 at 1:14 AM

Erica, http://knight-france.com/geneal/names/1730.htm - this lists the lineage of Robert who was married to Alice

Source <An essay towards a topographical history of the county of Norfolk ...> Par Francis Blomefield:

"... when Adam," son of Sir Roger de Clifton, by Margaret, only sister to Sir Tho. de Caily, became his heir; he married Eleanor, daughter of Sir Robert Mortimer of Attleburgh, Knt., who died in 1366, and had two sons; Constantine, his eldest, died before him, but left issue by Katherine, daughter of Wm. De-la-pole, his wife; Sir John Clifton, nt. Sir Adam de Clifton, Knt. his second son, who had Denvere, and Prebridge hundred, &c, to him and his heirs male, died anno 1411, leaving Sir Robert Clifton, Knt. his son and heir, who was sheriff of Norfolk in 1412, and died in 1442, and was buried in Bukenham priory, as was Alice, his widow, in 1455

10/24/2019 at 1:32 AM

So it's Roger Clifton and wife Margery Cailly were parents of Adam Clifton I who married Eleanor Mortimer and they were the parents of Adam Clifton II whose wife's name I didn't see, who were the parents of Robert Clifton who married Alice (maiden name unknown), who were the parents of Margery Clifton Wyndham. Right?

10/24/2019 at 1:35 AM

Sorry, Erica, laughing at myself. I was still researching and piecing it together and then noticed you've already gotten them all connected! Yay! Again, thank you so much!

10/24/2019 at 1:44 AM

It’s very good to keep looking and chasing the references. I found Margery’s title: in Sir Robert’s Will she is called “Lady Hastings.” So she never was a baroness.

10/24/2019 at 1:46 AM


?From: Hal Bradley ?Subject: [CLIFTON-L] Margery Clifton, m. 1439, John Wyndham ?Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001

Wyndham Hugh Archibald, A Family History, 1410-1688: The Wyndhams of Norfolk and Somerset (London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1939.), p. 3, states:

About 1439, John Wyndham "married Margery, daughter of Sir Robert Clifton of Buckenham Castle, and widow of Sir Edward Hastings, who, long before his death, had wasted all his substance in vain efforts to prove his right to the Barony of Hastings, and so to carry the spurs at the coronation of Henry V. The alliance was in every way propitious for John, for through it he became related to the de la Poles, the Howards, the de Veres, and the Scales; Margery being a cousin of William de la Pole, 1st Duke of Suffolk, of John, 1st Howard Duke of Norfolk, of John, 12th Earl of Oxford, and of Thomas, 7th Baron Scales."

Margery Clifton is elsewhere in the book stated to be the 2nd cousin of Elizabeth Clifton, daughter of Constantine Clifton, and wife of Sir John Knyvet.


And the file for her father shows how the property got to the Knyvet’s, not that I could parse out Bloomfield’s writing style so easily.

10/24/2019 at 1:48 AM

And looks like Sir Edward Hastings was never a baron ...

10/24/2019 at 12:42 PM

Old Buckenham property traced (all the Clifton’s)


10/24/2019 at 1:46 PM

Here’s Alice Knyvett - profile & family needed a little cleanup.

10/25/2019 at 9:27 AM

That's so interesting to know about the conflict over the barony. You found definitive information on the whole matter of their titles, or lack thereof. I appreciate the work you put into sorting this family out.

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