John Perrot The Quaker Pope Converter His writings from Bedlam Prison

Started by Dale C. Rice on Tuesday, October 22, 2019
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There are ship's records of three "Pews" (Pughs), all to Virginia, all in the year 1635:

Elizabeth Pew, age 20, "Speedwell"
Jo[hn?] Pew, age 16, "Primrose"
Richard Pew, 23, "Thomas & John".

George Cabell Greer cites some more:

Pew George 1652 Henry Smith Jr ???
Pew Richard 1637 William Reynolds Charles River
Pue William 1654 John Drayton Westmoreland

Further deponent sayeth not.

Looks like the Pugh tree we actually have on Geni is messed up - or there were a lot more Pughs than we've got.

Well in this case the record is pretty clear that Thomas Pugh was of (at least mostly) European stock, and his son William was *not* the Tuscarora chief.

We've also got questions about the ancestry of the Francis Pugh who married Pheribee Savage - was he really a Francis II, or was his father the infamous slave trader Daniel Pugh?

Erica, no wonder most of the Tuscaroras finally bugged out to upper New York State and became the Sixth Nation.

Something like only 600 left in a very short time after European contact. Shipped to Barbados as slaves. Shameful.

I can’t find anything yet on family of the Chief, but surely he’s later than the Pugh children tagged Tuscarora?

Col. Francis Pugh, Pheribee Savage, & Thomas Barker

3rd generation

1692 – This Francis Pugh was born in 1692 in Nansemond Co VA the son of Ann and Francis Pugh ca 1667 VA, who was the son of another Francis Pugh [ca 1630 Wales – VA], the emigrant.

The prime source of the information on Phillip's chart is an extensive genealogical chart entitled "The House of Pugh, Virginia-North Carolina- Virginia, 1666-1960." This chart was certified August 24, 1959, by Charles R. Holloman, Sr., Genealogist to the North Carolina Society of the Cincinnati, at Raleigh, NC. "

"In 1666 three brothers, Francis, Daniel and Thomas Pugh, came to Jamestown, Virginia from Caernarvon, in Wales, reportedly bringing their families with them. Francis and Daniel settled in Nansemond County, Virginia, moving onto a plantation called 'Jerico.'


By the middle of the 18th century, Tuscarora leadership adopted the Pugh surname, if indeed Daniel or Francis didn’t actually father children ...

(There’s a footnote citation).


So are we really looking at the Nansemond family? Or that Daniel brother had a son Francis?

25 Mar 1700 Daniel Pugh Sr. (will dated 25 March 1700) is listed as a headright "twice imported" of Nicholas Stallings in a patent of 25 April 1701 (Va Pat. Book 9 , p303). Daniel Pugh Sr patented land in Nansemond Co. in 1695, 1698, 1699 and 1700. By his wife Ann, Daniel Pugh had issue: Ann Pugh who married John Duke, as well as other children John Pugh, Francis Pugh, Theophilus Pugh, and Daniel Pugh. Daniel Pugh Jr. died intestate leaving 450 acs of land (part of a patent for 750 acs granted Col. Thomas Dew 10 Oct 1670, on which today lies the city of Suffolk) inherited from his father Daniel Pugh , to his son Daniel Pugh III who in turn left the land to his mother and three sisters. (Daniel Pugh died 1745, was a vestryman in 1743) (Va Gen. Mag. II p102)
25 Mar 1700 Daniel Pugh willed 250 acs. adj. Cross Swamp to his grandson , John Duke "being the son & heir of his daughter Ann (Pugh) (Nansemond Co. Norfleet)


(I wish they used more than 3 first names ...)

By his wife Ann, Daniel Pugh Sr. had a daughter, Ann, who married John Duke, as well as sons John, Francis, Theophilus, and Daniel Pugh Jr. The latter is likely the “Col. Daniel” who was the father of Pheleshia (Pugh) Jones.


A “WH Cabinetmaker” Connection

As noted earlier, Francis Pugh, son of Daniel Sr., married Pheribe Savage of Virginia. His will listedsons, John and Thomas, but there was also another child “in esse.” Research indicates that this posthumous child was another son, Francis Pugh, who married Mary Whitmell. ...


(So that’s disagreeing with Sally’s Place)

Classic "three brothers" legend, isn't it? And how often have they been founded in fact?

I have to ask, was "Francis Pugh I" a family invention to distance themselves from Daniel the slave trader? Is there any independent evidence for him?

Pugh Lineage IIa2.1
Francis Pugh, b. 1692 VA; d. 1736 BertieCo.,NC Wales R-M269

I had the same thought of distancing ...

But keep working from down > up. It very much looks like Francis b 1692 was the son of Daniel & Ann.

I notice the vast majority of them are R1b - as should be expected from Wales. That includes Francis Pugh - and Rees/Rice Hughes.

So much for them being any kind of male-line connection to our I1 friend Dale....

Cutter (unreliable) has Francis b 1692 as son of Francis the immigrant.

Private This the shortest blood relttionship to me and my son from Thomas Price of Liether son of Perrot ap Rice which the Algorythem makes despite your not showing him as the father of my 6th great grandfather. He shows up anyway as a materna cousin because you have him blocked. It may be an old family story ladies but your fear of putting Perrot ap Rice in his proper place is now fully avail. for the WORLD to see that you have intentionally blocked him because you don't his activity in Puritan England. This is about the Truth kindly remember that not your Prejudices. If you look at the second one down it's blood related and the top relationship path is Thomas of Liether. Take your pickl DCR

The Pughe line" is a many splendard thing." R1b does not undo the relationship path as there are female cousins who followed along with Necketie and Thomas ap Rice ca 1630 while he was in Virginia 1652-1656. His father did become the Quaker Pope converter and that will show up also...but you have to stop blocking the blood relationships I have now amply proved are my maternal linkage. What are you afraid of? Perrot ap Rice is father of John Rice 1624 and the entire panoply of relatives will fall into place as I have said since 2010. DCR

Remember you are blocking the Algorythem from showing my father's side...the Geni bot is showing only mother's side. fyi Price Thomas is my 3rd great grandfather maternal.

John ap Huw

Perrot ap Rice

Geni can only show paths that *HAVE* been established - not ones that exist only in your imagination.

You are making an unholy lot of ASS-umptions, starting with the ASS-umption that ALL Prices everywhere and everywhen *must* be kin to each other and to you.

This is not necessarily true, and it *is* where a lot of raw amateurs (including Emma Siggins White) go cuckoo for coconuts.

Your second bad ASS-umption is that there is *any* connection between John Rice of Dedham and *ANY* Welsh Rice, Price, Ap Rice, Aprice, or whatever.

He is probably not Welsh, but East Anglian, and you have gone barking up one wrong tree after another for years trying to find a connection that just isn't there. (To be blunt, you may *never know* who his parents were, and you will have to be satisfied with not knowing.)

The *very worst* of your bad ASS-umptions is that two men born twenty years apart, on opposite sides of the Irish Sea, *could possibly somehow* have been "the same man". No. Nohow. No way. Drop it. Forget it. You will *never* get *any* serious genealogist to accept such nonsense. If you publish that, you will be a laughingstock.

There is no "fear of putting Perrot ap Rice in his proper place". He *has* his proper place, and it's back in Wales. As for alleged "disapproval" of his "activities" in Puritan England - get real. *Most of us* have Puritan ancestors, and a lot of them went from England to New England so they could persecute each other (and everyone who disagreed with them) in relative peace. (Some of them went to Virginia and then hiked up to Maryland - I've got a few of those, and a lot of Quakers, so there. I've also got the chief Quaker-persecutor in Virginia history. So I don't know what that goes to show - probably, you can pick your nose but you can't pick your ancestors.)

What really rankles you, I bet, is that I've got a better claim on Perrot ap Rice than you do. I can actually show - and prove - a valid, if indirect, relationship: he married the sister of my 8th great-aunt's grandfather.

Teresa: We connect at Teresa Collins Hix as 6th cousins nice to see another real cousin not blocked by Geni's nonsense. My father has been proved correct at every element of his story but they don't like the NPE at Rice, Thomasine so it's not True. the Geni machine finds all the other cousins in the world mind you 10 generatins downline on the otherside but they refuse to look at the primary male line. such a shame as it will confirm his story of John Peratt father of Perrot ap Rice 1598 father of my proved 6th ggf. DCR

We are 11th cousins according to Geni Hi! DCR

Dale C. Rice

We’ve been looking at the claim for 8 years. Shouting it again and again doesn’t make it any more true.

To say “no, this claim is unsupported” is not bullying.

Cheley: We connect at Nathaniel Foote the Settler. Just remember, the machine only knows what is allowed to be added. Even a provisional file not yet proved status would yield mountains of new connections based upon the verifications put in thus far. We would not be connected if the story were not true. and Our Robert Dudley connection shows how powerful the algrythem is to see past the artifical block done by former Curator's because they didn't like the NPE of my 6th gfather and a Puritan woman. There is another Tamzine Rice connection other than Edmund but I have enough to deal with as it is. The Truth will eventually overpower the intentional blocking of the truth solely for purpose of not seeking truth over the feelings of down descendants. I would rather know the scoundrel redemption story and let the NPE's fall where they may. Robert Dudley is my First Cousin by his Mother Jane. Her father is my maternal 13th ggfather, so you know what they say about kissing cousins? an NPE is not far behind. LOL DCR

down-line descendants above...sorry must have slipped a cog.

I would never not play nice unless bullyed into a corner by ill mannered observers, then stand by as I take no prisoners in a mean spirited debate. LOL. They don't have to believe me: It's their right to remain staunch in their beliefts....but just like the God particle was eventually proved by Science so too will DNA prevail in this story. The information grows on my side every day. DCR Peace.

Ms. Erica: Smoke is smoke and fire is fire. We have proved enough of this story by the surrounding directly connecting family files to know for certain that the Cousins did intermary. My Cousins are Robert Dudley who is known to have had children everywhere he could with Howards and Knolleys. The provisional finding "May be a possible unknon connection" is reason enough to go get a warrant and search the file for other relationships. I will eventually be proved perfectly justified in seeing this through by the Preponderance of the Eveidence of every cousin that keeps surfacing. The totality of confirmed related persons is the totality of the question at hand. Did Robert Dudley seek to Mary into the Tudors? Yes he did. Did he have other NPE's ? Yes he did. Douglas Howards' son married my first cousin Alice Leigh. The story is vetted by all the surrounding relationps being in place. That is all there. As simple means of investigation I have proved my family in the times and places as stated and all that is needed to look is simple temporary look-see Warrant...but you won't so it will be no one's loss but history's and some very embarassed Curators when that day comes with 101 Y confirmation at Phillips and Sir John Perrot's daughter. DCR Cheers.

The Daily Mail is not a good source. For anything.

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