Dale C. Rice Maternal links to English Power Familieshttps://www.geni.com/path/Dale-C-Rice+is+related+to+Ralph-Neville-1st-Earl-of-Westmorland?from=6000000013463839522&path_type=blood&to=6000000001069437500

Started by Dale C. Rice on Tuesday, October 8, 2019
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I did not intend to put the Private Wilson file up there... I was transferring another file as I was leaving the computer. Anne of Cleaves is the direct link to my Chalfant relatives of Windsor Castle and at various times Amalia has shown up as great grandmother, great Aunt now a cousin. All of these people are in the center of the Tudors and My family is linked to them.

The Laundry:—Thos. Noryce; five others. No other mention of laundry or launderers/laundresses on the linked page.

Mention of a [lady] Rice among the Queen's attendants (knights' wives), no specific details. No reference to laundresses.

Sir "Rice" ap Thomas present, check. Sir Griffith ap Rice present, mentioned twice. No "5,000 horses" - there were not that many in the entire English delegation.

The page does not say what you claim it says.


As to Henry Carey, your link is once again malformed. However, he and his sister are *well* known to have been possible children of Henry VIII and were *certainly* children of his former mistress Mary Boleyn (sister of Anne). Old news.

As to Anne of Cleves, she was married to Henry VIII at one time, but it is widely believed that the marriage was never consummated (if I recall, she had to agree to that in order to get the marriage annulled). So big whoop.

Anne of Cleves never remarried, and her sister Amalia died an old maid. So another big whoop.

https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp231-24... Here’s a William FitzJeffrey of Bedford and we just saw the FitzJeffrey family affiliated with William Rice MP of Mendenham. I think we can safely say that Rice family was not Welsh.

Bedford:—Sir John St. John, Wm. Gascoyn, Robt. Spenser, Lenthorp, Wm. Fitzjeffrey, Geo. Harvy.

Or if there *was* a Welsh connection, it was many generations ago. Welshmen had been filtering over into England for a *very* long time.

The Tudor King Hal involved with Mary Berkley Pughe, 4th cousin x 14 removed Anne Pollard mother of Captain Thomas Stuckley and Ageness Bluett mother of Dr. Richard Edwardes also my cousins. There is more fire here than you care to recognize?

No matter how you try to deminish my Tudor family it will remain for all time MBH and you will go down as the most OBTUSE curator on GENI for not recognizing the story I have tried to discuss to your utter derision. You have painted yourself with your brush . Foolish, bitter, sniping and unhelpful to the public is my total view of you...so why are you following me if you don't want to discuss John Perrot the Quaker great grandson of Henry Tudor King?

If you won't search for the Beatrice and Laundress at Field of Cloth of Gold....I suppose I can find it again....but I did read it on the site I provided many years ago. Let's move on shall we?

Anne of Cleaves had twin daughters and left money for them at the time of her death. The family Chalfant of Windsor and cousins to the Blounts adopted the girls and sum was enough for the family to buy 400+ acres in Penn. from William Penn. Their names are Lucy and Elizabeth Sept 10, 1541. The kind admitted to Noctural Emissions and they took and were born and put far away from Anne. The Girls married names are Elizabeth Hinckley and Lucy Widmer Chalfant. My mother bares a striking resemblence to Anne's Sister: in the sketch by Holbine /Artist. There is plenty to investigate but alas you won'tDCR

Anne Pollard is my 3rd cousins' 5th great grandmother: Harry Storm Rice but what does it matter? Right? I have no connection to the Tudors Right RBH?

Re: Anne of Cleaves had twin daughters and left money for them at the time of her death.


Please provide a reference for this claim.


“When I began this research I thought it was quite possible that Anne of Cleves gave birth to at least one of Henry’s children. After concluding my research and presenting the evidence it seems more clear to me now that she most likely did not.”

Considering that Anne of Cleves thought Henry VIII a rude and inconsiderate boor for the way he intruded upon her at their first meeting, and that Henry found her, well, not exactly as depicted, it is probable that the marriage *was* never consummated.

As for taking up with him again at any later time for any reason, why would she? As "the King's good Sister", she had all the advantages of marriage without having to *be* married. And You Don't Sleep With Your Sister. Not even if you're Henry VIII.

the MT DNA of Anne of Cleaves is J2a. My mother her sisters and mother and all my sisters have J2a from cenral Spain...as Anne is the niece of the Holy roman Empoeror Ferdinand II. The Chalfants who adopted the twin girls Elizabeth and Lucy are 8 deep to my mother's Collins, Thomas, Cookston line. So when the family Finder results come back we should have something definative to share. Henry Tudor's Mother is my 2nd cousin x 14 times removed...did you see that above? If not it's on my page at Elizabeth York wife of 2nd cousin Henry VII. The results we be verified off site by DNA experts before I share it here and you can tell them how wrong I've been all these years. DCR

Dale, per Geni you're only Henry the Seventh's second cousin (16 times removed) by marriage. That would make you Henry the Eighth's *third* cousin 15 times removed (one step down, one step away).

That's more than enough for most people.

And whatever gave you the notion that I was, or would want to be, a curator? Erica is a curator - I am a Pro (paying) member. And from the lack of any sigil by your posts, you're a non-paying member.

I can't *believe* you're so willing to parade your total ignorance in public. The Blount family *cannot possibly* have used the money from adopting *anyone's* children born in 1541 to buy land from William Penn in Pennsylvania - which *did not exist* as such until 1681, 140 years later! Nobody, but *nobody*, is *that* tight with their money. You could have figured that out yourself just by checking a couple of Wikipedia pages - the lazy researcher's first resort.

Big fat hairy deal about J2a mtDNA - it's quite common, actually. And since mtDNA mutates hardly at all, it isn't a bit helpful in determining how many generations ago someone was your ancestor. (It's good for exclusion of non-J2a lines and that's about it.)

Ms. Erica: The history of Anne of Cleaves being second in esteem only the kings wife is all over the History of Anne. Referred to as the Kings Sister. She was beloved by the King because she did not stand in his way. The Chalfant's are cousins of the Blounts as in Bessie Blount and the Kings only son whom he claimed are my maternal 3rd cousins. So will have to wait for the insider information to link up to DNA....at FAMILY Tree. The opportunity that all the Curators have missed is proving that Perrot ap Rice became the Quaker John Perrot and had the education and training to Write like a scholar some say MAD for his age I say he was simply way advanced for his time and beat Origin of the Speices by 2 00 years. I have been looking to close this circle for 8 years...I looked here for help and found taunting and derision. So be it. It's recorded for all time on GENI. DCR

Excuse me, Chalfant family, wasn't it? That's one of the hazards of Gish-Galloping people - they can't follow you and can't keep track of who you're talking about. But the same comment applies: NOBODY is so tight with their money that they still have the same cash 140 years later.

Dale: Perrot ap Rice becoming John Perrot the Quaker is YOUR theory. YOU prove it. No one else has to. AND, you have to prove it with hard, primary, contemporary documentation, not some story that's been handed down mouth to ear for over 350 years.

The Chalfants still own the 400 acres at Chester Penn. Which is what they bought from Wm. Penn. Wouldn't that be nice if all of life's mysteries came with a type written easy to read document. Life would certainly be special for you. I have the jobe of verifying the pieces of history from here and there and seeing what can be verified and instead of help I get derision. So now I am going back to the discussion I left on John Perrot the Quaker and his writings to see if anyone wants to look up one his pamphlets. Clearly you don't so see ya!

So the Chalfants purchased 400 acres near Chester, PA *sometime after 1681*. BUT - that has *NOTHING* to do with any children they did or did not adopt 140+ years previously.

You don't "verify", you make wild guesses, unsupported speculations, and arbitrary statements, and call it good. That's not research. (I seem to recall that more than once you let it slip that you threw out these ideas/statements *to get other people to do your research FOR you*.)

Erica already tracked down and linked to one of John Perrot the Quaker's actual pamphlets, thank you very much. And yes, I read it. And yes, I think he was nuts.

So I said I would be back when my Family Finder gets down to Business and it has done so verifying my father's story of Perrot ap Rice 1598 = John Perrot the Quaker after 1654. I will put a series of linkages which show my DNA profile as presently linked on Family Tree to Pughe, Elizabeth my great grandmother x 20 to Pughe/Adkins which shows Alan Adkins as my 3rd -5th cousin. To Perrots 6 of them zero distance at 37 markers - 67 markers to Hughes of Virginia exactly as my father told me in 1978. Kindly just take in the data with comment in you think you understand how Adkins/Pughe/ Price link to gether with the arrival of Thomas Price of Liether on the Swann March 2, 1652 and his fther met him using the name John Rice-Hughes...who's son's Jessie/ Robert and downline Gary K Hughes William Eugen Hughes Jack Martin hughes Nathan Thomas Hughes and Billy Bob Hughes each are zero distance to me or 1 marker on the 67 marker test. You by
these family Finder results..





You have to put in the name Hughes click family finder and all DNA markers DCR

Familytreedna link = useless without a membership.

Geni path = bad link (I knew it wouldn't last)

Familytreedna link = useless without a membership.

Effectively, you have *not* provided any new information.

The Chalfants came to my father's home town in Nebraska and told him and his father about the daughters of Esther Collins Cookston. Descended from the Chalfants. The Story came from them. I got wind of it in 1978 and held onto it...The Kings Wife who is Anne of Cleaves had children by him aparantly and they are named as Lucy and Elizabeth and Richard Chalfant listed as born in 1541 after Sept 10 when the Kings Attorneys paid a visit to Anne of Cleaves. Don't ask me to prove they are the kings children because no one can unless you assume the Kings DNA is known...It's not. It can only be inferred. You continue to fault me for not having all the answers....I bring them here to discuss without you blaming me. Ms. Helms. the fact that she lived a great life after answering the kings shows how pleased he was that she had not had his son....is evidenced by the Attorney's bestowing 30 properties upon her By January 10th same year. So Richard, Lucy and Elizabeth Chalfant lived and died in England and the money the family got from the Queen's estate (needs to be found in a bequest) Was used by the family to buy land at Chester Penn. They do still own it. If you think 8 members of my family got the faces of Henry VII and VIII Louis VIIII Valois King of france and Queen Elizabeth I and Richard III without the direct help of DNA passed from the Chalfant line.....then you don't understand the statistical improbability of that happening to a family. It's Billions of times Once you get a grip on the concept of joining families on the female line with one on the Male line also from the same Tudor male you will understand what Breeding Back means for human beings.

Did you type in the name Hughes?

use my pass code 303391

The King's Council found that the rumors that Anne of Cleves had had any child at all, let alone any by Henry VIII, to have been nothing but rumors. Anne herself said that she had not had any child whatsoever. There is no evidence that she had any children. It is inconceivable that, had children by Henry VIII it would not be known. That was exactly the sort of information Henry, and a great many government officials, were interested in.

Henry did indeed bestow property and favor on Anne -- but that is not in any way proof that she had a child. That is proof that they got along, after the divorce.

Lots of people look like lots of other people. That is also not proof.

If you don't have a membership all I can do is list the findings and mail you the entire page of HUGHES Downline at zero and 1 distance which I have printed. I did not include the dozen or so Hughes of 12 markers Just the 37 and 67 marker and one 111 marker which I have not taken yet . This is way the DNA got to my father's chidlren: Through him and his line all the way back to John RICE of Dedham not the son of Edmund Rice: it goest to Perrot ap Rice 1598 to Margaret Mercer, daughter of Sir John Perrot by Johanna Lovelace Mercer to back through Mary Berkley Perrot -Pughe the great grand daughter of the Kings Treasurere De Berkley. Then the Marsh side of my father's line connects to his 2nd great grandmother Whitehall Marsh downline of Hester Harrington daughter Anne Steubbs-Codrington married at St. Clair Danes Church London....I have the other names Anne Codrington Marsh (see Ralph Marsh of London) down to Whitehall but I don't recall them at the moment. Those are two female lines of descent. My mother's side Begins with 13th and 12th great grandmtothers Mary Boleyn and Catherine Carey, to Knolleys, to West to Captain Spencer's daughter Norville to Thomas to Collins to Cookston. There are connections to the Thomas Howard family at Elizabeth Howard mother of Anne and Mary Boleyne and their cousin shows up as 3rd cousin Madge Shelton to my mother's line, Then the main line of descent are the Chalfant children raised by William Chalfant and MArgaret Artbroke Chalfant of Chepping Wycombe villiage next to the Castle at Windsor. Bessie Blount father is 3rd or 4th cousin to William Chalfant...and we all know that Bessie Blount had Henry Fitzroy his only acknowledge bastard son. Thats what I know...and it's all been found on line over these past 8 years. And I know I didn't have the answers you wanted me to give you but you have eyes in your heads use them All of the Blue ancestors are listed on my page D. Charles Rice if you simply scroll down through the pages you can click on each one back to Rhys ap Tudor and Nesta Tudor and Gerald De Windsor. It's all there. I am simply reporting back what I have found over the years that you have belittled and now I have DNA to prove the Hughes Virginia connections to PHILLIPS, Pughe, Price and Adkins... Not to worry: Im not going anywhere so please don't yell at me. DCR 1948

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