Adam of Eden - Adam is my 110th GGF

Started by Private User on Sunday, September 22, 2019
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That being "This tree has been isolated from other trees on Geni: Tree is fictional"

You folks who make this Platform Great, "Should enjoy the holidays off". Go outside and enjoy the Snow and Freezing Temps. 2 Days ago, it was 81 Degrees here. These are the holidays, and you guys "WORK REALLY HARD" for us, for the Platform. "THANK YOU, for all YOU DO". I have been rescued many a time by your "Saviors of Geni". From my Mistakes. Thank you for your hard work around the World. I mean this.

Last week, Adam was my 111th great grandfather. This week when I open up the path I earlier found on Geni, I get the message: No blood relationship found." I know things change on Geni, but since the old path I had before has been erased I cannot compare the old path to the new path and see what has changed. This is very frustrating! How do i find the old path that I emailed to my self earlier. And noi, its not in my deleted emails. I found the email, but the path is no longer valid.

Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן on January 17, 2007 is he still with you, and do you think the Bible part will return

Private User, sorry for missing this. What is your question?

Shmuel,it is a long while back, but it was to do with the Bible, that Geni has withdrawn the trees, and do you think they will return them, it doesnt look like it, thanks Bill

I'm not sure what you mean by "withdrawn". The tree is very much still there. Yes, it has been isolated. This means that you are no longer directly SHOWN to be related. But really, you weren't related before either. Because every single line going back to the Bible is bogus. They ALL jump around and are missing between TWENTY and forty generations.

A HUGE benefit of this isolation is that because people can no longer connect to the tree, they are not mucking it up with their incorrect GEDCOM files. This means that I can spend my time making the Biblical Tree better, rather than endlessly fixing needless messes.

Adam of Eden
Patriarch Abraham / אברהם אבינו
Moses the Law Giver
King David of Israel

I believe that soon everyone will know the truth and the lion of Judah ;)

Ronnie yes the truth will come out. We can all connect the Adam and Eve who were melinated people per Bible ie 1611 version a black Stewart King James authorized. Thank God for black Russian Icons now released and the Ben Franklin essay of 1751 at paragraph 24 clearly stating the planet was nearly entirely black in the 1700s when global pop was 600 million [up from 200m from time of black Christ and starting over with 8 people circa BC 2,400 time of the Great Flood]. Bible is truly coming alive and meshes with true science and unredacted history.

My main interest was Jesse which was positive earlier
Adaaaaaaam was not the first man from a Muslim point of view, were his children incestious . I believe he was the first prophet.
My familiy escaped from Cordoba about 1500 and becaame Conversos. I am the first to claim my Jewish identity, My forefathers were Anglican Priests. I believe many SpanishReading. My grandfather became a Chrisytadelphian a church for the Lost TRibes. They were highly monotheist. and prefectly positioned to check the Royalist capital in Oxford.Protestants had no knowledge of the Tannach.

Same old problem over and over again - missing links, undocumented relationships, and Matters Of Faith.

Does this mean that all relationships before 1600 will be isolated since we don't have "paperwork" for them? If genealogy is just a matter of logging and recording paper documents and all else doesn't exist, it makes you wonder what is the point?

I also find it interesting that some people that are now so dismissive of trees going back to Noah and Adam vigorously defended them in the past when they were busy cleansing the Savoie tree.

Joseph Bolton the trees are intended to give an accurate representation of the sources. Sources come in multiple forms; hieroglyphics are perfectly valid sources.

But so far, none of the sources have formed a solid basis for connecting the biblical tree to the Big Tree where all the living people are connected.

I am not necessarily taking a position on whether or not the biblical trees should be or not. However, I would point out that those trees were connected to the world tree for a long time and people built their own connections using them. Additionally the biblical connections were defended by the same curators who are now cheering on their isolation. Yet, we still have other trees going back deep into the past to a time before 1600. Let's just note, there is a significant evolution in the positions of the curators, to say the least.

I agree that personal trees (if correct) should not be isolated. ~

I agree that personal trees (if correct) should not be isolated. ~

Geni does not support personal trees, that’s for other platforms. Geni is a world tree, collaborative, and as evidence based as we can do.

Always a work in progress.

Hi Joseph Bolton good to see you again.

As I was the main curator “cleaning the Savoie tree,” I think you’d be hard pressed to find a curating statement from me on the Biblical tree, so …

Of course we - by which I mean Geni members - contribute many sources throughout history. But I defer to historians, doesn’t everyone? And, we are told that at this time, we cannot prove people from the Bible (and other historic genealogies) into more modern populations. So, we preserve the history, but try not to mislead into the unproven, and likely unproveable.

Everyone is welcome to their personal trees on other platforms.

Note that the curators are different people - there isn't a single curator opinion about things!

There was quite a discussion about the proper usage of the "isolation" feature after that came out (it's not so long ago!) - the current consensus seems to be that when we have a group of sources that are quite far from "contemporary" (such as the Viking sagas or the Old Testament), and where no path between genealogy described in those sources and the current World Tree can be documented, isolating those trees is better than allowing spurious connections to be made to them.

Having the trees on Geni allows us to refer to them to see what the sources say; having them isolated allows us to avoid spurious connections based on bad sources.

If a well documented path, accepted by historians, can be found and argued for, the isolation of each individual tree can be discussed (and probably will be, at length).

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